I really can't control myself

Chapter 2687 Second Stage

"System prompt: The first phase of the invasion battle is over, and the final battle results are being tallied..."

"System prompt: After the statistics of the battle results are completed, the defender's final average control points are 0%. In the second stage of the defensive battle, the player's resurrection time will be extended by 300%."

"System prompt: All combatants on the attacking side are resurrected and can enter the second phase of the battlefield."

"There is still a second stage." Vegeta here frowned and said, "Such a boring battle should end as soon as possible."

As he spoke, he also looked at Linton here: "Have you encountered anyone who can be your opponent in the third world?"

"It's true." Linton nodded, "Fortunately you didn't go, otherwise you might have been shot in the head."

"Really?" Vegeta got excited when he heard this, because he really hadn't encountered any particularly strong opponents in the first two worlds, and he was unhappy.

"Really, but he was exiled by me." Of course Linton was talking about Zeus, because the other party really made Linton use all his strength to break him into pieces.

"There is actually such a guy... Damn it, I told you that I wanted to follow him." Vegeta here yelled unhappily. He had indeed told Linton before that he had not met a decent opponent and wanted to follow Linton. Linton went to the third world to look for something, but Linton insisted on letting him stabilize the situation.

The situation was really stable, mainly because Vegeta didn't encounter any troublemakers after that. Now that he heard that he missed an opponent, he would be very unhappy.

"It's okay, it's okay. After that, the world will be mine anyway. I can find a few people over there who can compete with you." Linton said.

"It's best like this, hum." Vegeta here turned his head and said.

"Asuna-chan..." Linton ignored his arrogant nephew and directly hugged Asuna next to him. Of course, there is no feeling of softness and fragrance in the embrace. After all, the other person is just a robot. His body is very cold and has no smell. "This hug is too cold!"

"My artificial skin layer can simulate the body temperature of the human body, but it is only useful when infiltrating in disguise. It has no meaning at ordinary times." Asuna replied.

"Yeah, yeah, it still smells familiar. It's Asuna as expected." Linton nodded, "Remind me to fire this Wanda when I get back to the higher level."

"Yes, it has been recorded." Asuna nodded, and then got down to business, "You should quickly ask about the rules of the second stage."

Because the prompts given by the system here are very simple every time. For example, Linton took the initiative to ask the system Ji about the rules for the first stage. If you don't ask, it won't even bother to tell you the rules.

Now the second phase has begun, but they don’t even know the basic rules now. They only know that the new thing that appears next to it with green light and looks like a portal should be the portal to the battle venue in the second phase. , this is easy to guess, but the first priority now is to know the rules quickly.

In fact, Linton already knew about the second stage here. When he asked about the invasion battle, System Ji had already told him that breaking through the three guardian worlds at the beginning was only the first level. After passing the first level, the third stage The second stage of the battle is a real territorial offensive and defensive battle.

After all, an invasion battle involves directly occupying everything in the opponent's guild. The second stage should of course be to directly seize the opponent's guild headquarters. However, I really didn’t know the specific competition system, victory or defeat, etc. before, and Linton really needs to confirm it.

Fortunately, Asuna here is relatively reliable, and she has already started asking about this immediately, so she said that there must be a few reliable guys in this team.

Linton, of course, also asked System Ji about it. Although System Ji's answer was still very simple, simplicity has its own benefits, which made Linton quickly understand the purpose of the second stage of the battle.

First of all, the second phase of the battle is actually very short, it is not like the first legion that has to fight for 30 cycles. The second phase of the battle lasts for up to three cycles, which is three days. And the battle may end in an instant, because there is a way to win.

The only way to win the second phase of the battle is to capture the opponent's guild core, and the way the defenders win is to protect their guild core within three cycles.

During these three days, the team members on both sides will continue to be resurrected and join the battlefield. Obviously, this means that you will have a good fight. The current situation is that the defender's resurrection time has been extended three times. This should be due to the fact that their control points have been maxed out in the first stage.

Yes, I said before that the control points of these three defense worlds do not actually need to be 100% to win, because the system stipulates that the minimum control points of each world only need more than 50% to pass the first stage.

Linton insists on getting 100%. On the one hand, it is his first time to participate in the invasion war and he dare not be careless. On the other hand, there is no one from the opposite side who came to participate. It is not 100%. Isn't it too embarrassing? .

Linton also doubted whether maintaining 100% control points in these three worlds would trigger any special effects. This trigger was indeed triggered, but the problem was that it was not the effect Linton wanted because it extended the opponent's resurrection time. The effect is really crucial in PVP team battles, but the problem now is that no one comes from the opposite side.

No one is here, and of course there are no casualties. What is the use of extending the resurrection effect?

Of course, it was the first time after all. I didn’t know it before, but later I realized it was unnecessary.

So Linton didn't pay much attention to the second phase of the battle. It was estimated that no one on the other side came to participate. Although he didn't know what the guild core was yet, he probably just walked over and grabbed it and it was done.

"In short...it's not difficult, just a formality." After Linton asked, he repeated it to Asuna, and then said.

"Hmm... But if the investigators don't show up, those people who exist in other worlds should be able to participate." Asuna said.

"NPC? They should indeed be able to participate in the battle." After all, Linton also brought a lot of NPCs here, and the NPCs on the opposite side should also be able to participate in the battle. "But in the first stage of the previous defensive battle, they No one will participate. If they want to participate, they should be able to participate. Now, will the second phase really come?"

"Hmm..." Asuna couldn't say. After all, she didn't know what was going on on the defensive side.

"What about the dog?" At this moment, Linton suddenly looked next to him. Yes, the big black dog squatting next to him just now was gone again. Linton looked around, but there was no one around. The only possibility seemed to be the portal that had just appeared next to the battlefield in the second stage.

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