Linton could actually feel the threat of this blow, but he could also notice that his body's first reaction was not to avoid it at all.

Because he didn't need to concentrate on the battle, Linton still had the energy to think about why his intuition reacted like this. But the actual results soon told him the answer.

As the black thunder swept across Linton's body, blood spattered the next moment, and Linton felt that his left arm was directly swept away by the lightning.

Yes, Linton couldn't even remember how long it had been since someone had broken his arm. Moreover, even when he was in the strongest state of using the Ultimate Intention Skill, Zeus's blow was able to penetrate it. Your own body? It's probably a bit too strong.

Of course, at the same time, Linton also understood why his body did not move, because his intuition had predicted in advance that the opponent's attack did not target his vital points. Zeus's attack was also a bit hasty, and the blow itself was misaligned, which meant that his body's reaction was to deliberately take the hit.

So why did you eat it on purpose? The next moment, Linton's white arm suddenly stretched out from his back and directly held the white ball of light in his hand.

It was obvious now that Zeus suddenly felt something was wrong with the turtle Qigong wave that Linton was accumulating. He hurriedly took action to block Linton's energy accumulation. Linton's body reaction has automatically seen through the opponent's choice, so his choice is not to give up this attack opportunity, and while taking the blow, he takes a forceful shot.

Although his left hand was suddenly missing, the arm temporarily condensed in the six-path state was still able to complete the preparation for charging. At this time, the Zeus man was still in mid-air, and it was obviously impossible for him to make other moves in time even if he forced the attack, and Linton had already completed the charge of killing.


This is the rare maximum output of Linton's full state and full charge. A huge silver beam of light is emitted from Linton's hand.

The moment he took action, a huge cracking sound sounded. Yes, this space felt like it could not withstand such huge energy, and it was already screaming. This time it was not the temple that was broken, but the entire space where the temple was located was shaking.

Of course, Zeus, who was still in the air, also saw the silver beam of light heading towards him. At this time, he seemed to have sensed what level of attack it was. He subconsciously raised his hand again, and the black lightning gathered again, but he was engulfed by the silver shock wave in an instant.

Then came the entire body of Zeus. The next second, the entire space at the location of the hit was split into two halves like a flat painting. The blow seemed to have penetrated the barrier of space and disappeared halfway.

This is not like the qigong sent by Linton before that directly penetrated the sky, but it seemed like it went directly to another dimension.

Linton once thought that Zeus here used a spell like a portal to transfer his attack to another space.

He himself didn't know that such a terrifying attack could not be blocked by any portal. The portal also has its limits. After all, it only connects two spaces. Under this terrifying power, the fragile space connection cannot achieve the transfer effect at all, and it will be directly penetrated in minutes.

Linton's blow obviously really penetrated the space, to the point where the space it was in could not bear it at all, and even the mirror was broken.

The light quickly dissipated, and now there was nothing left in front of Linton.

Yes, the Zeus people had no idea where they were going. What appeared in front of Linton was a big hole in the void. This thing seems to have opened a hole out of thin air. Looking inside, there is something like a colorful light band, but I don't know what it is. It is an indescribable area.

And this area is still expanding, and it seems to be gradually engulfing everything around it.

"Um...what's going on?" Linton didn't know what was going on with Zeus now. What happened to this man when he disappeared? After all, he didn't turn on the automatic battle and didn't receive the end-of-battle prompt, so he unconsciously looked at Poseidon next to him. After all, Poseidon had started the commentary by himself before, and he had obviously entered the role of the commentator.

"This should be... the realm of chaos when the universe was created." Poseidon looked at it and said, "The world we are in now is a world created by the Earth Mother Goddess Gaia. Of course, it is also located in the realm of chaos. It is only a small part of the world, and your attack just now penetrated the boundary of this world, and this place will soon be swallowed up by chaos, and everything will return to nothingness."

"Then the world is going to end?" Linton asked.

"Olympus will cease to exist, but other realms should not be affected." Poseidon thought for a while and said.

"So I really destroyed Olympus for the second time?" Linton nodded with satisfaction, "What about Zeus?"

"The barrier of the world has been broken down, and he has been banished to the realm of chaos by you, but... Zeus should not die." Poseidon thought for a while and said, "He who is immortal will one day be alive again. get back."

"Then I have won?" Linton looked at the expanding hole in front of him, but Zeus was not seen inside. In fact, although he could see some things, Linton felt that it was just a... I don't know how to describe it. This is not like the general space of the universe, but just like his name, a mass of chaos.

This Zeus is not like falling into a swimming pool and climbing out immediately after entering, but the moment he enters, it seems to be stirred into a molecular state and dispersed directly. This is the existence of this chaotic world, where everything is unified and regardless of distinction. Each other, otherwise why can the Earth Mother Goddess Gaia separate a world from this mass of things?

Although Zeus is immortal, it will take some time to get himself out of the world of chaos.

Linton took a look and found that he should have defeated Zeus, and the opponent's skills had already appeared in the store.

At the same time, Linton also used points to repair his body. Although the self-healing factor can regenerate broken limbs, Linton's left hand has begun to regenerate. But Linton disliked the slow speed and just spent money to get it done in one second.

"Well... Anyway, let's get out of here first." Linton looked at the temple space that was gradually being eroded by the Chaos Realm, and said to a few people next to him.

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