A "pop" sound was heard, and the next moment the golden arrow had already shot into Ares's chest.

Yes, although Ares had already sensed Artemis' attack with his intuition, he still failed to dodge the attack. After all, two days and two nights of fighting had taken too much of a toll on him. Now it was already very hard just to deal with Apollo's attack. He really couldn't dodge Artemis' sneak attack.

However, Ares was not completely free of struggle. Just before the golden arrow was about to hit, he turned slightly in one direction. In this way, he at least avoided the vital point, but that was all. The golden arrow that penetrated into his chest seriously injured him, and it was indeed fatal at this critical moment.

Of course, he also knew that his battle with Apollo had entered the final stage. Although he felt that he still had a chance of winning, the chance of winning was obviously smaller than that of his opponent. At this time, Artemis's blow was really fatal, and all the chances of winning that he still insisted on were wiped out.

It was obvious that Ares already knew the outcome of the battle between him and Apollo. At this time, as long as Apollo came up to pursue him, he should have to give an account.

However, what he didn't expect was that Apollo suddenly stopped his movements at this time. Instead, he looked at the position behind him in surprise, as if he didn't understand why Artemis suddenly intervened.

From Apollo's perspective, Artemis' behavior is indeed quite strange. You said help, this battle lasted for two days and two nights, you were the only one who watched the show for two days, and then the winner was about to be decided here and you suddenly intervened, what do you mean?

Apollo even suspected that the other party was here to snatch the fruits of victory. After all, in his eyes, although Artemis and he were born from the same mother, they had different fathers. After all, Zeus's bloodline and his are not of the same mind.

However, his doubts did not last too long. Although he was suspicious in his heart, in his eyes, a useless sister like Artemis would not dare to disobey his orders. Yes, these two brothers and sisters are With such blind self-confidence, one is more serious than the other.

However, it was just a moment of hesitation on his side, and Ares on the opposite side was not idle either. Of course he didn't want to be defeated at this time, but the problem was that he was already seriously injured and was about to be doomed, so he couldn't care too much.

The only way he could think of at this time was to look directly at the "auditorium" next to him. Yes, Apollo suddenly asked for help. The first thing he thought of was to ask for help.

However, the problem is that the arrogant and domineering Ares actually has no helpers at all. His popularity in Olympus has begun to get very bad. Besides, the general situation between these gods is that they look down on each other. After looking around Ares didn't even know who to call, but he was somewhat self-aware and felt that no one would help him at this time.

But with the knife on his neck, he couldn't care less. He covered the wound on his chest and shouted directly in the direction of the gods: "Damn it, who will help me? Wait until I become the king of the gods. King, you will definitely remember your help today!"

Although he said this, even Ares himself believed that he could call someone to help. After all, he also knew that his words had little credibility at all, and he even felt ashamed of himself.

Put yourself in his shoes, if you were down there watching a show, of course he wouldn't go up to help, so why should he help? You have to compete for the position of the king of the gods. Just wait until you fight it out, and maybe you can still be behind.

However, the actual situation was indeed far beyond Ares' imagination, because after he shouted casually, more than a dozen of the gods present suddenly stood up and shouted to Ares: "I'm here to help you." !”

This wasn't over yet. Before the dozen or so of them could take action, several more people quickly stood up and shouted to Ares: "I'm here to help you too!"

This sudden situation not only stunned Apollo and Artemis on the other side, but even Ares himself who was shouting was confused. Why didn't he know that he was so capable that he could call out twenty gods to help him in one sentence? When did I become so awesome?

However, the nearly twenty gods who got up were really not just talk, because these gods rushed up as soon as the words were spoken.

Artemis, who had shot the arrow over there, had already taken action at this time, leaning directly in the direction of Apollo, wanting to join Apollo and stand on the same front. Seeing the twenty or so gods who suddenly stood up to help, Artemis was stunned.

So why did these twenty gods that Ares didn't even know about suddenly come to help him? The reason naturally has something to do with Linton.

Of course, Linton didn't directly ask them to do this, and Linton didn't even talk to them. All of this was purely conscious.

As for what they wanted to do, of course... to express their loyalty to their new king of the gods.

Ares didn't know why this group of people suddenly responded. It was because he only knew that his authority over Zeus was stolen from him. However, in the eyes of other gods, his authority was deliberately given to him by Linton.

Since this authority has been given to him, it means that Linton is optimistic about Ares. As for fair competition and the like, some people believe it and others don’t believe it at all.

The twenty or so gods who suddenly appeared were obviously from the unbelieving side. They didn't believe that Linton wanted to choose his successor fairly. Ares's "little stove" further illustrates this point.

In their opinion, they have no chance of becoming the king of the gods. Don’t they know what their level is? So since they can't do it on their own, why not show it at this time? To whom should I show it? One is Linton, and the other is naturally Ares.

When they came to help at this time, they were naturally telling Linton, look how loyal we are, we will support whoever you choose. On the other hand, since the next King of the Gods has already been decided to be Ares, why don't we gain some favorability points?

So you see how good this opportunity is now. It just so happens that Ares is in danger. How long will it take if we don't take action now? So as soon as Ares shouted, a dozen people stood up immediately. Although the next few are a beat slower, the purpose is the same.

Suddenly a large number of gods rushed towards Apollo and Artemis.

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