I really can't control myself

Chapter 2671 Patience

"Why isn't it over yet? Are these two guys already in love?"

At this time, it was two days later. Linton had just returned from a few rounds. As soon as he entered the door, he saw Apollo still chasing Ares.

Yes, these two guys really fought for two days and two nights. This was indeed the first time that Linton saw a fight that lasted for so long. The last time he saw a fight lasting for several days and nights was in One Piece. Linton also wanted to ask, would you ever get tired of fighting like this?

However, to these gods, two days and two nights of fighting is really nothing. After all, the ages of most of the gods here are even unknown, and these two days are just a blink of an eye to them.

Two days have passed, and there is not a single god present, and they have basically maintained the state that Linton left before, as if nothing has changed at all.

Linton was just wandering around. Although the war between gods is still going on here, the outside world is still a normal modern society, and it seems that it has not been affected too much here at all. Linton also wanted to enjoy the benefits of modern society a little bit. Anyway, the entire consumption was paid for by Master Julian Thoreau, the reincarnation of Poseidon.

Of course, Linton also went to see Wanda. She had been studying how to use the Reality Stone. Linton also discovered that this guy is really not suitable for complaining, even more so than Athena. Athena just doesn't match up in terms of temperament, but Wanda's problem is obviously that her rhythm doesn't match up at all.

So Linton missed Asuna again. Now it seems that Asuna is the best able to keep up with his rhythm. Whoever developed this complaint program must be a genius.

In any case, the invasion mission will be over in a few days. As of now, everything is going well.

Yes, after Linton's commotion in Olympus, the control points here have reached 100%. There is no bottleneck this time. It should be that the relationship between the protagonist and the Bronze Five has been conquered by the realization.

As a result, the three worlds currently in hand have all reached 100% control points. The only thing left to wait now is time. I believe that as long as he maintains it, until the time of the invasion war is over, he will naturally win.

Linton currently doesn't know the situation in the other two worlds, but so far the control points have not been lost. Linton didn't know if it would happen. After all, no one on the other side participated in the battle, but it didn't matter. As long as it was under control, he wouldn't deliberately do any experiments.

"How long will this fight last?" Linton asked directly to Hades next to him.

"It is estimated that the winner will be determined soon." Hades said.

"When you say soon, how long do you mean?" Linton asked again, because these gods really have no concept of time. Linton thought that soon was seconds, but these gods obviously didn't think that way.

Linton would go shopping again if it took too long to ask, but this time Hades gave a fairly certain answer: "Probably... within a few moves..."

"Oh?" Linton looked at the fighting situation between Apollo and Ares on the opposite side. The situation on both sides now looks very bad. The two's divine clothes have obviously been beaten to pieces. Linton is worried that they will turn into naked bodies if they continue to fight.

But after a quick look, even he could see that Apollo still had the advantage, because Ares was clearly unable to hold on anymore.

After taking a look, Linton quickly retracted his gaze. After all...at present, he didn't really care about the outcome of this battle. It didn't matter who won, and it wouldn't affect his rule anyway.

Yes, regardless of whether Apollo or Ares wins, Linton has said that he will be the king of the gods for a few more days. In these few days, no one can overthrow him by being idle and bored.

As soon as he looked back, Linton found someone staring at him. Linton turned around and saw that it was Artemis.

The previous operation really made Artemis speechless. Now, at least on the surface, she no longer dared to confront Linton. When she saw Linton looking at her, she immediately averted his eyes, but she kept her hands tightly clenched.

The hatred in her heart made her really want to cut Linton into pieces if she could take action.

She has probably found out what is going on now. Now all the gods think Linton is the reincarnation of Zeus? Artemis was 100% sure that it was bullshit, because what he and his brother Apollo said were completely different things.

Artemis wanted to tell the gods clearly about Linton's deceitful behavior, but the problem was that she really couldn't explain the current situation. She also knew that she had no evidence at all, and she couldn't win over Linton at all.

That damn person who didn't know whose head had already made her mother a bad woman. No matter what she said now, it seemed like she was deliberately slandering Linton, and it had no effect at all.

But they are not completely helpless now. There is also his brother Apollo. Artemis felt that she should bring her brother into confrontation with Linton, because after analysis by her and her mother, her brother was 100% deceived. After all... according to Linton, Apollo was not the biological child of Zeus. Son, but don’t you know if he is his mother?

Then you now say that the head is the father of Apollo, and the next moment you say that it is an adulterer, this is obviously wrong. Although these two people can be the same person, the question is...can the child of an adulterer become the king of the gods? Doesn't this deprive Apollo of his position as successor?

Artemis was sure that Apollo must not know this now, otherwise he would definitely ask Linton why he told the gods that he was the child of an adulterer.

In fact, after figuring this out, Artemis wanted to talk to Apollo right away, but Apollo and Ares were so inseparable that he had no time to talk to her now.

And Artemis actually wanted to see what Linton was going to do if her brother really won. After all, all the gods know now is that Apollo is not your biological son. Can you really let him succeed to the throne? If he is not allowed to succeed, your previous deception of your brother Apollo will of course be revealed immediately.

Therefore, Artemis is waiting for the result of the battle, because of course she can see that the winner of the battle is about to be decided, and the winner is her brother Apollo, so even if she hates her now, she can only I can endure it for the time being.

However, Linton obviously had no intention of letting her simply endure it.

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