The next moment, everyone's eyes turned to Hera here.

Obviously the successor Linton was talking about was the one who would inherit the position of King of the Gods. This is the first time that Zeus has clearly determined the successor. Obviously, there may be a big danger this time, so Linton spoke like this.

The position of this successor is obviously very important. If Linton does not come, it is obvious that the successor will be the new King of the Gods. And even if he comes back, once the successor has been decided, nothing will happen. It won't change either.

The only condition is to kill the "rebel" Hera. At least in the eyes of most of the gods, this is not a difficult task.

"You are looking for death!" Hera here reacted immediately. No matter what the situation was now, and whether she could survive the fight or not, the moment she spoke, Hera raised her hand directly, with a strong pink light. He attacked directly in Linton's direction.

However, before this light hit Linton, a golden light flashed next to him, directly blocking this attack.

Because everything happened so suddenly, most of the gods had not yet recovered what had happened. Soon they looked at the person who stopped the attack, it was Apollo here. It was he who stood up and blocked Hera's attack.

"Apollo! What are you doing? Are you crazy?" Hera here was so angry that she almost lost her mind. He just called her the ugliest bitch in the universe. This directly made all the gods think about her. To kill her, of course Hera couldn't sit still and wait for death.

"..." Apollo, who blocked the attack here, did not answer, but looked at Hera as if looking at prey.

Yes, Apollo's thoughts at this time were completely different from just now. Didn't I say before that Apollo began to doubt Linton? I wonder if Linton was trying to seize the position of King of the Gods from the beginning.

But after Linton said this second order, his doubts disappeared instantly.

Because Linton made it clear here that he would leave in eight days and leave the rest to his successor.

Obviously, the statement is exactly the same as what Linton promised before. These eight days are the time to build up his reputation. Isn't this just to pave the way for him?

As for whether Linton will break his promise after eight days, you won't leave. Apollo obviously couldn't believe it.

Linton's current status is the King of the Gods, haven't you heard the golden words? Linton said that there is something that threatens the safety of the entire universe, and he must leave in eight days. If he doesn't leave now, will he still be able to stay in the position of the King of Gods in the future?

Obviously, Linton left no way for him to explain, and was 100% sure that he was leaving, so Apollo naturally believed what he said. So now Apollo completely believed Linton's words, and even apologized for doubting him before. It seemed that he had completely misunderstood.

As for the actual situation, Linton did think so too, so he said this.

In eight days, that will be the end of the invasion war, okay? Now that the invasion war is over, of course Linton has to leave. This is not something he wants to stay at all. He only has eight days left in total to deal with the remaining problems.

As for what will happen here after he leaves, who will be the successor, etc., Linton doesn't care at all, okay? You, Apollo, can do what you like, others can recognize you if they want, and rebel if you want, it is none of his business anymore.

All he needs to do is ensure that his rule lasts for the last eight days.

As for Hera, it's not that Linton really has much hatred against her. Although the woman's screams were really harsh and gave Linton a headache, the main reason why Linton was causing trouble for him was... wasn't it because he wanted to designate his subordinates to do one thing?

Now that he has confirmed his position as the King of the Gods, that means that everyone present has actually been taken under Linton's command. However, according to the requirements of the system, they must be designated to do something. Then the thing is coming now. Everyone is going to do Hera. Isn't this the thing?

Therefore, no matter how others interpret Linton's order, his actual meaning is to complete the task. From the looks of it now, the deception went quite smoothly.

Of course, not only Apollo, but Linton's behavior also made him more credible in the eyes of other gods. This is also the reason why Linton set a limit for himself to leave in eight days.

Just think about it, if you win the throne and then say that I will be the emperor for eight days, how much power will you have at this time. In these eight days, no one will question you. If you want to question you, it will be eight days later, right?

So the eyes of everyone present turned to Hera at the same time. They didn't know what Hera had done to make Linton angry. It should be more than just disobeying Linton's orders as they saw on the surface. Well, there must be some deeper reasons.

Yes, didn’t Linton say before that he was facing a crisis on the level of universe destruction? So where did this crisis start? For example, the previous rebellion of Typhon started from Typhon. In this crisis, Hera must have played some role in it, otherwise it would be impossible for Linton to target you alone.

Even this involves the issue of heirs, which is definitely not a simple matter.

At this time, the gods present once again realized a problem. Linton's order seemed to be more than just dealing with Hera.

Yes, although Hera is one person, there is actually a faction behind her. Putting aside the other gods who previously supported Hera, the first thing you have to consider is her descendants, right?

Yes, Hera was the queen of heaven, and she gave birth to several children with Zeus. And now there are several people sitting there.

As mentioned before, Ares, the God of War, was the first to recognize Linton as his father. There is also Hephaestus, the god of fire, Hebe, the goddess of youth, Eletia, the goddess of midwifery, and Enio, the goddess of city destruction. These are all sitting at the scene now.

When Linton was elected King of the Gods before, these people all voted for Linton. As a result, the first thing Linton did when he took office was to kill their own mother. You think these people are confused now.

The gods also unconsciously turned their eyes to them at this time, wanting to see their reactions. And Ares and others are indeed confused now.

What they are thinking about is obviously not just whether they can help their mother, but whether they are still qualified to take the position of successor?

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