Although the flame only appeared for a moment and disappeared immediately afterwards, it was obvious that something was wrong.

Ares, who was closest, felt it the most clearly. Although there was nothing strange about Linton at this time, and there were no obvious changes except that there was an extra knife in Linton's hand, but... …There’s just something wrong.

Not only was his intuition telling him that something was wrong, but the temperature around him was still rising. Ares felt that this was not caused by the flames he released, because... even he seemed to feel dry mouth at this time. Feeling of dry tongue.

This is no longer a case of rock dissolution. It feels like the moisture in the surrounding air is being squeezed out bit by bit. Of course, not only that, Ares even felt as if his body was boiling.

"Can't you see it? Silly boy..." At this time, Linton's voice came slowly from the front, "Well, as a father, I will let you see clearly what it looks like."

With a "boom", terrifying flames suddenly surged out of Linton's body, completely wrapping him up, just like a long coat wrapped around Linton's body.

Ares here looked at Linton in surprise. Although he also had the authority of the Flame of Ares, he had never seen such a flame. On the other hand, Apollo next to him looked really familiar with the situation, because Linton's situation at this time was like... as dazzling as the sun.

"What kind of ability is this? Can it directly summon a sun?" Hades here also looked at Linton who was glowing. He knew that this should be some kind of ability from other worlds. I have to say that Linton's Bian has so many weird abilities.

"What's wrong, my son, don't stand still. If you continue to delay, I'm afraid that the entire Olympus will burn to ashes." Linton said.

"You old guy!" Hearing Linton's provocation, Ares obviously couldn't bear it any longer. The attack that had just paused started again and attacked Linton again.

Linton didn't move on his side, he just looked at Ares's fist that was about to fall.

And just when Ares' fist was about to land on the residual prison clothes, Ares here suddenly stopped the car.

What made him stop was not for other reasons, but still his keen intuition. At this time, regardless of his sixth sense, seventh sense or eighth sense, he was frantically calling the police, as if he had already foreseen the result of his punch. Obviously it was not possible that Linton fell, but that the right hand he waved would suddenly disappear.

Yes, he suddenly had an hallucination like a moth rushing to the flame, and he was obviously the moth rushing towards the fire. The closer he got, the more he could detect the terrifying difference between the two sides.

At this time, the flames on his fists seemed to confirm his guess. At this time, they were directly swallowed up by Linton's prison clothes, without causing any waves.

While Ares was still surprised, Linton slowly raised his right foot and took a step forward. Linton's movements were not fast, so when he saw Linton taking this step forward, Ares subconsciously took a step back.

But after taking this step back, Ares suddenly reacted. You...actually retreated? The other party didn't attack, but just took a step forward, and he was scared back? Of course, if I had to say it, it was the flames on the opponent's body that forced him back. He just wanted to avoid contact with the flames.

But he is Ares, the god of war. How could Ares accept that he was simply forced to take a step back by the other party?

"You...are really afraid of me, son." Linton looked at Ares with some surprise as he took a step back. He didn't expect that the other person's wavering was so obvious. Naturally, he continued to provoke, "Don't panic, although it is indeed too much to do something to your father, but if you call daddy, daddy will forgive you."

"I won't forgive you! You old guy!" However, Ares was obviously even more furious. He raised his hand, took out a long sword that appeared at an unknown time, and raised it in the air, "Disappear. !The divine star dances!”

"Huh?" This is the opponent's move. I have said before that Saint Seiya always calls out the name of his moves when he performs them. Linton is very satisfied with this kind of self-consciousness. It's just that Linton has never seen the move of dancing divine stars. After all, he hasn't read the Heavenly Realm chapter.

Just as he was wondering what the move was, Linton suddenly saw a flash of light in the sky behind him, and then suddenly saw something flying towards him.

Seeing this somewhat familiar scene, Linton immediately understood the situation of this move. Good guy didn't expect that his favorite thing of hitting people with meteorites would happen to him. Ares's skill also summons meteorites?

At this moment, Linton really doubted whether the other party was his biological son. It was an unexpected coincidence. It was such a lie that even I started to believe it.

In a daze, the opponent's meteorite was about to hit him. Linton originally wanted to use the Sky-Resisting Earthquake to hit each other, but because he was distracted and it was too late to summon him, he didn't think much about it and just waved his hand with a knife.

"Remnant Fire Tai Sword. North - the world is completely ashes."

When the sword was swung out, the whole world seemed to tremble. Yes, the seemingly simple knife not only directly cut through the meteorites falling from the sky, but the sky that was previously filled with thunderclouds was also directly torn apart by this knife. The torn gap even let through a ray of sunlight, which seemed to shine out a ray of divine light in the surrounding chaotic environment.

And Linton stood under this beam of divine light, sheathing his sword gracefully, with elegance and solemnity. For a moment, several people next to him were stunned.

That's not to mention Ares ahead. Not only was the dance of the divine stars released by himself destroyed by the other party with a simple strike, but the sky was also cut in half by this simple sword. Ares couldn't imagine what would happen if this sword struck him.

But why didn't Linton attack himself? What's even more weird is that even if he released such an ability casually, Linton still didn't release any small universe. If anything, it was a sense of pressure that seemed to oppress his soul.

Ares didn't know what kind of pressure this was, because he really couldn't understand it.

The more powerful Linton showed, the more panic Aris felt. Because even gods like them think it is a miracle, then who do you think this person is? Obviously there is only one above them, the King of Gods.

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