"Well..." With a muffled sound, a person was pushed into the main hall of the Temple of Athena.

Linton also received the notice in advance. As soon as he arrived at the hall, he saw Radamandis throwing a woman directly into the hall. This action was quite rough.

Yes, the woman who was thrown into the hall was naturally Siluda, the earthly representative of Odin, the Nordic god of Asgard, whom Radamandis captured from Northern Europe. Although Linton ordered Hades to handle this matter, Hades was too lazy to take action. To deal with an agent, there was no need for him as a god to take action.

Radamandis easily solved the problem alone. After all, none of the divine warriors guarding the Nordic agents were dead or missing. Of course, under normal circumstances, a new generation of divine warriors who will inherit their power and spirit will soon appear. However, in the Saint Seiya animation, this kind of thing is basically calculated based on years, and it has not yet appeared.

In fact, the same is true here in the Sanctuary. After several battles, the Saints have died and been injured. There are only three Golden Saints left in the Twelve Palaces now, but after a few years, there will be new Golden Saints. They appear one after another, taking over the will and mission of their predecessors, but now, the Sanctuary also feels like it is not taking over.

As for the captured Siluda, it can only be said that her ability is really not very strong. Although she definitely has a small universe as a proxy, her strength is really average. If Linton hadn't said before that he would be captured alive, Rhadamandis would have been killed casually.

Linton also had to lament that Northern Europe was really weak in this world. In the previous world of God of War, although the Greek gods were considered powerful, the Nordic Asgard could be considered a rival to the Greeks. Both Odin and Zeus were called the kings of the gods.

However, here, not to mention being compared with Olympus, Northern Europe has even become a vassal of Poseidon, the King of the Sea. It can only be said that it is unexpectedly inferior.

Hilda, who was lying on the ground at this time, was obviously confused. Obviously she still can't figure out what happened.

You said that the Hades suddenly attacked their Nordic temple. She could barely understand that it might be Hades, the king of Hades, preparing to implement some plan to control their Nordic territory. But the question is...why did Pluto's men kidnap her to the sanctuary?

As Odin's agent, Siluda naturally knows some things. The Holy Realm and the Underworld are mortal enemies, and the Holy War has been going on for thousands of years. However, Radamandis had just led her all the way up from below in a swaggering way, passing by the Golden Twelve Palaces without any obstruction at all, so...Has Hades already occupied the sanctuary?

But...even if he occupied the sanctuary, why did Hades bring him here? It's probably better to take him to the underworld, after all, that's Hades' headquarters. Or does he want to show her the results of his victory, let him understand that the sanctuary has fallen, and make him give up resistance?

Yes, Siluda has basically guessed that the other party may want to make her and the Nordic countries she represents surrender, otherwise why would they capture her alive. Radamandis could have killed her before, but he didn't do it. He had already explained everything, but she really couldn't understand the current situation.

However, when she raised her head, she saw a situation that was even more confusing to her. There were three people sitting above her, one of whom she obviously knew. Naturally, she was the Athena of this generation. There had been a war between the two sides before. However, she didn't expect to see Athena. She had previously speculated whether the sanctuary was occupied by Pluto's army, but at first glance, Athena looked fine.

Hiluda had never seen the two people next to her. Among them, Hiluda was able to guess the identity of Hades who was wearing black divine clothing instantly. Because the small universe released by the other party allowed her to clearly feel the aura of the gods. As a witch serving the gods, Siluda could immediately judge that the other party should... be a god, and it was most likely Hades.

So now Hades and Athena are sitting together nicely? Why? Isn’t it said that the Holy Realm and the Underworld are mortal enemies? Have you made peace now? How did you negotiate peace?

Thinking about it, she turned her eyes to the middle position, where Linton was sitting slightly higher. This is the person who surprises Siluda the most, because she can't feel the other person's small universe at all, and now she feels like the other person is an ordinary human being.

Although Linton has purchased the small universe, as long as he does not actively release it, others will not be able to feel it at all. Because the energy he possesses is only "magic value". Although it can be converted into other energies, others will obviously not be able to detect it if it does not change.

Siluda could obviously see the order of the seats, and she immediately realized one thing, that is, the strange peace talks between the Holy Realm and the Underworld were probably related to the man sitting in the middle. And now that she was brought here, it was obvious that she would be in trouble.

"Athena...why did you bring me here?" Hilda here looked at the three people above and chose to start with Athena. The reason is naturally that a good person is bullied by others, and a good horse is ridden by others.

Of the three people above, it is obvious that the best person to talk to is Athena, so of course she should talk to you. Although Hiluda has never met the other two, she can tell by looking at Hades's cold eyes that he is not easy to talk to. And Linton... gave her a vaguely worse feeling.

Athena looked at Hilda here, but did not answer. After all, her words were of no use. Even though she was sitting in this position, she seemed to be able to speak. In fact, Linton would not listen to her at all. Athena knew this better than anyone else.

Seeing Athena's unresponsiveness, Siluda here quickly continued: "You should know that I can't leave Asgat. I must pray every day. If I don't pray, the glaciers of Asgat will be destroyed." Melt, once the glacier melts..."

"Then nothing will happen." Before Hiluda could finish speaking, Linton directly spoke.

"Huh?" Hiluda was stunned by this sudden answer. Even if Linton suddenly interrupted with a sentence, why did he say something so strange? Nothing would happen.

"What do you mean by that surprised expression on your face? You don't really think anything will happen, do you?" Linton said with a frown.

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