"Ah..." Linton yawned slightly. When he opened his eyes, he was startled by the scene in front of him.

The vast sea of ​​flowers before had completely disappeared, and what appeared in front of him now was a piece of land that was breaking and splitting.

At this time, the ground was completely shattered, and it split into several pieces of floor that seemed to be floating in the void. The sky has also completely changed. The previously pure and translucent sky has now broken into individual fragments. While Linton was observing, everything around him was still collapsing. It seemed that the entire space was about to be completely destroyed. of collapsed.

"Hmm..." Linton looked around and soon saw Athena supporting herself not far away. At this time, Athena was holding up the defensive barrier. Only the circular ground in the barrier was left under her feet. The other surrounding ground had completely disappeared. It felt like a group of people were floating in the void. .

"Where is that person?" Linton also asked directly to Athena.

"What?" Xingya here was a little confused. Although he saw that Linton seemed to be shouting to them, he didn't realize what he was talking about.

Yes, the scene before was really shocking. Whoever caused all this situation is of course Linton here.

The blow that Linton just swung not only directly shattered the enemy, but the Paradise Pure Land space that was already crumbling before finally couldn't bear it anymore after this blow. The whole thing began to shatter and turned into This is what I see now. If Athena hadn't directly deployed the barrier, obviously they might all have fallen into the void.

"What about that person?" At this time, Linton's voice came again, and Seiya here obviously still didn't understand what Linton meant by his question.

However, he didn't react, but Wanda here had already reacted and said directly to Linton: "In front of you!"

"Huh?" Linton turned around and looked, but there was nothing in front of him. Just when he was confused, Wanda's voice came again: "Look down."

Linton lowered his head following the sound, and then saw... two feet on the ground in front of him. Yes, there were two feet on the ground in front of him...two feet to be precise. After squinting his eyes slightly, he could barely identify from the metal fragments remaining on the two feet that these should be the feet of Hypnos, the God of Sleep.

"These are the only two feet left?" Linton asked, pointing to the two feet on the ground.

"Yes." Wanda here replied again. Fortunately, she still knew a little bit about Linton's situation and could give Linton an answer immediately.

Linton nodded slightly and then snapped his fingers. Soon some dust-like things around him began to move closer, gradually condensing into a whole, and then combined with the two feet in front to form a human shape, which was naturally Hypnos, the god of sleep.

"Uh... I'm sorry, I probably fell asleep while slapping accidentally, and then accidentally triggered the automatic... No, it must be the Self-Free Ultimate Intention Kung Fu?" Linton subconsciously thought that he accidentally fell asleep. After that, the battle girl who was triggered automatically counterattacked, but when I thought about it, it seemed that the automatic battle would not be triggered during the team battle. Then I immediately thought that it might be caused by the freedom of the ultimate will power.

After thinking about it, Zi Zi Ji Gong may actually have this function, and it is somewhat similar to Battle Ji. For example, when Sun Wukong realized the Ultimate Intention Kung Fu, he himself was basically in a coma and relied entirely on his fighting instinct to fight the enemy. He was probably in a similar situation and accidentally fell asleep. Then the body's subconscious counterattack casually killed the person.

"I...I...you..." At this time, Hypnos, who had just been resurrected, was still a little confused. It was obvious that Linton's blow just left only fear in his mind. Yes, he really felt fear at this moment. Linton's blow made him understand what it meant to be unable to resist. He watched his body being shattered and scattered. This was something that he, a god, had never experienced before. Experienced feeling.

So what was going on now? Hypnos understood it immediately, because he had seen it once before. It was obvious that the person who resurrected him was Linton in front of him, so he told him Like that, the other party didn't want to kill him at all, but wanted to humiliate him endlessly, so he resurrected him.

"But you can't blame me for this. It's not mainly because your attack was too weak, which caused me to fall asleep accidentally. Usually I just pretend to be cool and say something stupid. The attack just made me sleepy and stuff like that, I didn't expect that I could actually fall asleep." Linton continued.

"You..." Hypnos here only thought that the other party was humiliating him. This other party had fallen into his eternal sleep, but Linton said that he just "accidentally fell asleep". This was of course Chi Guoguo. The humiliation.

"Is there anything else you can do quickly? If not, come to my side." Linton said and took a step forward. Seeing Linton move forward, Hypnos subconsciously went directly to Taking a step back, Hypnos was stunned again by this natural physical reaction.

"Oh?" Linton naturally noticed it too. Is this person panicking just after he died once? Unexpectedly...I'm a little afraid of death. Although Linton didn't think much of Hypnos, he was considered one of the gods in this world after all. He thought it would take him half a day before he would give in. Of course, Linton also spent a lot of time with him. It's time-consuming. At worst, if you don't succeed when the time is up, you'll get killed. If you get less points, you'll get less points.

However, looking at the current situation, Hypnos is not as determined as he said.

In fact, if you think about it, although his name is God, he is also a subordinate of Hades, the king of Hades, and he is someone's little brother, but he is just using the name of God. Because of this, Linton originally felt that there wouldn't be much of a problem in conquering the two of them. The main problem now is that the other party can't lose face, and Linton helps them lose face.

"You guy!" Hypnos, who realized what he had done, was obviously a little angry. He actually took a step back. How could this be possible? He was a god. After regaining consciousness, he subconsciously wanted to attack again, but at this moment, a voice came from the side.

"Wait, Hypnos."

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