"Hypnos, what should I do? The situation doesn't seem to be good." In the realm of Hades, the Pure Land of Paradise, a man wearing silver divine clothing came to another man wearing golden divine clothing.

The two men looked very similar, and the clothes they wore were also very similar. The biggest difference was the color of the clothes, one gold and one silver.

And the fact that the two of them can appear in this place has obviously revealed their identities. Because this is the Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss, a realm of gods that even the underworld warriors cannot enter. As for the people who appeared here, apart from Hades, the King of Hades, the only two people who appeared here were Hades' right-hand men, Hypnos, the God of Sleep, and Thanatos, the God of Death.

As gods, the two of them would obviously not be shaken by any situation under normal circumstances. Even if all 108 Hades Warriors are destroyed, in their view, it is just part of the plan and is not worth shaking at all.

However, the situation was different now. Thanatos, the God of Death, had to admit that he was indeed a little panicked. The reason was naturally because of Linton's appearance.

Although they were in the Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss, both Hypnos and Thanatos were fully aware of what was happening outside. Not only do they know everything about the outside world, but they can even use divine power to broadcast it globally. This is one of the abilities that Linton has taken a fancy to, that is, the ability to broadcast live at any time without being unreasonable.

Of course, what Linton said was unreasonable and meant that everything was explained by the word "magic". This was the case with Hypnos and Thanatos' ability to broadcast live broadcasts.

For example, although Linton in the Genshin Impact world has done live broadcasts before, and this live broadcast is somewhat related to magic, it can at least be explained a little bit. After all, it also borrows the void system from Xumi to transmit data and so on. When doing live broadcasts, you also need to consider details such as the position of the screen and the camera position for shooting.

But here, you can start live broadcasts and broadcast whatever you want. The screen and the like can be opened randomly, and the position of the camera does not need to be considered at all. The screen angle, shooting angle, etc. are all ignored. Just two words, it works.

If you ask about the principle, I'm sorry, there is no principle that can explain it. Asking is magic, asking is divine power.

Linton said that he liked this kind of unreasonable ability. Except that he could not exchange gifts, Linton said that this ability was really perfect. So before coming here, the first thing Linton wanted to get was this ability.

Of course, it's not just that. It's a pity that you can't buy gifts. Linton was actually thinking that the ability to live broadcast was already so incredible, so it shouldn't be that difficult to create an ability to get gifts based on this.

However, Linton is quite self-aware, and there is absolutely no way he can change it, so what he is thinking about is whether he can let these two people modify it a little before acquiring this ability, and first improve the live broadcast ability. After modifying it, Linton bought it from the store so that he can receive gifts through live broadcast in the future.

Linton really didn't think about this casually. Before coming, Linton had already been planning this when these Saints rushed into the enemy's home.

Of course, at this time, Hypnos, the God of Sleep, and Thanatos, the God of Death, obviously didn't know that Linton on the opposite side had already started planning how to start a live broadcast. But because of Linton's previous words, they were also shaken in their hearts.

Even Hades here was said to be off guard by Linton, and naturally the same was true for these two. Just ten minutes ago, they began to master the gods of the universe, and now ten minutes later, they have turned into fictional drama characters? Such a huge change was really unacceptable to them, especially Thanatos, the God of Death. He couldn't accept this at all, and just like Hades, he broke through the defense on the spot.

On the other hand, Hypnos, the God of Sleep, has always been very calm. Although he also heard what Linton said before, so far, Hypnos just sat there without saying a word or showing any emotions of joy, anger, sorrow, or joy. He just closed his eyes quietly as if entering. Like meditation.

This made Thanatos next to him anxious. He had really been breached. Now he really needed someone to tell him that what Linton said before was false. In fact, he came to see Hypnos too. In order to make the other party say this. Because he can no longer convince himself.

"Hypnos! You don't really believe what that guy said." Thanatos looked at Hypnos who still didn't respond and shouted anxiously.

In fact, saying these words has already proved that Thanatos was shaken, saying that Hypnos would not believe those things, but he was obviously the one who believed those things.

Thanatos's wavering was so obvious, it was obviously not just the unexplained doubts Linton said, but also other evidence. For example...his ability cannot affect Linton at all.

Yes, Thanatos is the God of Death. As the God of Death, he obviously also has some divine authority. In this world, no matter how far away you are, no matter where you are in the universe, as long as you are targeted by him, your life will be taken away. This is the power of his death.

Of course, this ability definitely cannot have an effect on gods. After all, gods cannot simply be described as living beings. Even for some people who are blessed by gods, Thanatos, the god of death, cannot take their lives immediately, such as the saints under Athena. Of course, you can't seize it immediately. If you are targeted by him, you will still die. After all, the person being protected is not a god, so it is only a matter of time.

But there are only two surprises about this ability. These two people, without the blessing of any gods, were completely unaffected by his abilities. Yes, they were Linton and the woman next to Linton.

Although these two people were standing next to Athena, Thanatos knew very clearly that Athena did not give them any protection at all.

Is Linton a god? Obviously not, Hypnos and Thanatos don't know each other, how could there be gods they don't know. The only explanation left is that Linton and the woman next to him are not creatures of their world at all, and are not within the authority of the God of Death in this world.

This is what makes Thanatos truly believe. This cannot deny his own ability. After understanding this, can Thanatos not panic?

However, facing the panicked Thanatos, Hypnos still had no answer. Just when Thanatos was about to speak again, Hypnos suddenly opened his eyes: "Here he comes."

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