"So... you mean... I... am actually a god described by humans...?" Hades's voice came slowly.

"Yes, that's what I mean." Linton nodded, "Only in this way can all the weirdness be explained. Now it is obvious that the person who described you should have been kicked out of Pluto in 2006 after the discovery of Pluto in 1930. You were created by the nine planets during this period. Otherwise, your cognition would not have made such a mistake, would it?"

"..." Hades here seemed to still be thinking about Linton's words, and the three giants of the underworld next to him also had a look of astonishment on their faces, seemingly stunned by Linton's words.

"That's why this thing seems so ridiculous." Linton said, "I have really endured it for a long time. You can imagine that you are listening to an opera there, and suddenly a villain in the opera character shouts, ' Everyone who listens to the opera, listen up. I am going to destroy the world in my opera. There is nothing you can do to stop it. Panic and tremble. You tell me how I can react. I’m so scared. I’m scared. You have to die, you know?”

Linton couldn't help laughing at this, and looked at the throne in front of him with a joking expression.

"That's nonsense, you mean you're not even from this world?" Radamandis shouted next to him.

However, I didn't expect Linton to say calmly: "Yes, why don't you know? Didn't your master know about this a long time ago?"

"Huh?" Radamandis looked confused and subconsciously looked in the direction of Hades.

"Speaking of which, our goddess Athena told you herself." Linton said, "I don't understand why you didn't choose to join forces with her to fight against my invasion, and you didn't even tell your subordinates this. Something, this is very strange, I think this guy will also choose to join forces with Athena to fight against me when he hears this news."

"How is this possible? How could I choose to unite with the Sanctuary?" Radamandis here said immediately.

"Oh? Really? I can't figure it out again. Why?" Linton asked strangely.

"Of course it is..."

"Don't worry, let me analyze it first." Linton said, "There are two reasons I can think of. First, you don't believe what Athena said, thinking that Athena made up the idea that people from the outside world would invade. matter, so I don’t choose to cooperate.”

"Of course it's because of this, how can we believe..."

"Hey, hey, you have to think carefully before speaking, otherwise you will appear to be mentally retarded, you know?" Linton said, "You Radamandis may have a brain, but the problem is that it is your master Hades who makes the decision. Okay? Let me ask you Hades, even if you are eternal enemies, Hades, please tell me from your heart, do you believe that our goddess Athena will lie?"

As soon as these words came out, Radamandis immediately became silent. To be honest, he didn't believe that Athena would lie, and Athena would never lie if it affected the safety of the entire world.

"Then this reason is eliminated." Linton saw that several people did not refute, and continued: "The second reason is that you think there is something wrong with Athena's judgment, and you mistakenly thought that someone would invade from the outside. In fact, there was no This kind of thing or you think that the intruders cannot cause such a big crisis as Athena said, that's why you didn't choose to join forces."

"Yes, that's it!" Radamandis here also immediately followed Linton's words and said, "She is so stupid..."

"Alas, I'll let you think about it before you speak." Linton interrupted Radamandis again, "I would like to remind you that the Holy Realm and the Underworld have been fighting for thousands of years, and most of the endings are The Sanctuary side won. Even if you don't admit this actual record, I say that the leaders on both sides, Athena and Hades, are on the same level, so there is no problem. From what you just said, you think it is very embarrassing to belittle your opponent. It’s fun, right? Then what do you think of you who have fought with them for thousands of years and won less and lost more?”

"I..." Radamandis was speechless for a moment.

"This one is called the goddess of wisdom. Her judgment ability is not much different from your master Hades." Linton said, "So why do you think her judgment is wrong? , even Hades himself can question it. As Hades’s dogs, isn’t questioning this the same as questioning your master? Don’t you yourself find it strange?”

"I...I..." Radamandis was speechless at this direct rebuke.

Linton ignored him and looked directly at Hades: "What about you, what did you think when you received the news? Do you think Athena's judgment ability is worse than yours? She is just like that Are you easily deceived and come up with unfounded things to tease you?"

"I...that's..." Hades was obviously a little dazed by Linton's words at this time.

"Do you know why Athena made such a judgment? She clearly told you that there would be an invasion by foreign enemies, instead of using uncertain judgment words such as 'maybe', 'probably', and 'maybe'. Linton said.

"Why...what?" Hades asked.

"Because she has been outside before." Linton said with a smile, "That's why she knows so clearly. Do you understand?"

"What?" Several people nearby looked at Athena quickly.

"Yes, I have been to other worlds." Athena here told the truth. She had told Linton before that she had participated in guild wars.

"Well... then, do you believe it?" Linton said with a smile.

"I..." Hades's voice was full of hesitation, and it was obvious that he was shaken. Linton said before that Athena would never lie, and he really felt that was true. It was because of the thousand years of fighting that he understood Athena so well, especially on such matters, there was no way she would lie.

"I know why you would just ignore something that clearly needs to be considered carefully, but would you just ignore it?" Linton suddenly said again.

"What do you mean?" Hades asked again.

"Due to interference for some reason, your subconscious mind will automatically ignore this matter. You feel that this matter is just a trivial matter that is not worth thinking about, so you ignore it. Do you understand?" Linton said with a smile.

"How... is this possible?" Hades's voice even sounded a bit out of control.

"Can't you understand this? Your pathetic body is all acting according to the established plot. In this small world, you will not realize this at all, or your thinking will strongly reject it. This matter. So even though it is so important, you will automatically ignore it..."

"This is impossible!" Before Linton could finish speaking, Hades shouted.

"Really? For example, you will attach your soul to Shun's body after a while and prepare to reincarnate in his body." Linton said.

"Huh?" Shun next to him pointed at himself in confusion. He was always there and didn't even dare to speak. Why did this matter involve him?

"Don't be afraid, that's how the script is written." Linton said with a smile, "For another example, you will ask Pandora to drag Shun's brother Ikki here in order to cut off the bond between the two and possibly damage Shun's soul. Resist.”

"Brother?" Shun was stunned again.

"For example, in a while you will retreat to the pure land of bliss behind the wall of despair, and then seduce Athena to find a jar called a vampire jar, pickle her like a pickle, and drain her blood." Linton spread his hands and continued. Said, "How do you think I know? This is how the script is written. Is what I said wrong? Hades."

"You...how...possible..." Hades's voice was completely confused.

"After listening to your answer, I still don't believe it?" Linton asked.

"You... just want to mess with my mind... I will never believe it..." Hades said.

"Well, do you not believe it at all or have some doubts? Or do you already believe it but don't want to admit it because of face? Or do you believe it but can only pretend not to believe it or else deny your own existence?" Linton said, " I want to hear your true thoughts, because as I said before, people in the world will try their best to exclude this idea. I would like to know whether this rejection comes from your own will or from the blockade of the world's laws."

"I...I...don't...don't know..." Hades said in confusion.

"So, how do you feel now as a great god who was created by humans and follows the established script?" Linton continued, "To tell you the truth, your existence is basically to make my gaming process more efficient. Have some fun, I can say that you are part of my gaming experience. Are you satisfied with such a great positioning?"


"Don't be angry, I'm not belittling you. I think you are pretty good and amazing for being my entertainment. Look at these people next to you. They are not even qualified to be my entertainment. You at least Made me laugh so hard, didn't you? The great His Highness Hades." Linton continued.

"Shut up! I... don't admit it!" Hades yelled directly.

"I'm so anxious after saying a few words. He is indeed a great god." Linton spread his hands and said, "You must have been thinking just now, no matter what I say, you think I am farting, right? You will curse me to death if you listen to me. You, do you still have all kinds of disdain flashing through your heart? The more ignorant people are, the more they feel that they understand everything, because the world they know is only so big. Now I say you are a retard, do you think ?"

"I...I...ah...ahhhh..." Suddenly a shrill scream came from the seat.

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