"Who are you?" The first person who spoke on the other side was Radamandis. He spoke now because he didn't know Linton.

You must know that he was the person in charge of Athena's assassination plan before, and was responsible for monitoring Shion and the others. The Hades who killed the Taurus Gold Saints in the sanctuary were sent by Radamandis. It was obvious that he was responsible for the entire assassination plan, and he actually didn't even know who the person in front of him was, which made him very angry.

Linton turned his head and looked at Radamandis. Although he didn't recognize him, but looking at him and the two people standing next to him, Linton could probably guess the identity of the other person. After all, he had already guessed what the current scene was like, and it also appeared in the original work.

"You three miscellaneous fish are also here. They have all been killed by them, but in the end, none of them were killed. These tools are not easy to use," Linton said.

"You guy..." Radamandis didn't hear anything else clearly. He heard Linton directly calling them Sanzayu, and he was ready to take action directly.

But at this moment, Pandora here said: "Your Excellency, are you the supporter of the Sanctuary? Lady Athena dares to come here in person, maybe because of you."

"I don't have time to talk nonsense with you. Get out of the way and let me scold your boss to death first." Linton waved his hand and said.

"Arrogant person!" These words made Pandora a little angry, and she directly picked up the halberd in her hand and pointed it at Linton in front of her.

"Hey, look at how scary this girl is." Linton smiled and said to Athena next to him, "Let me practice my mouth first. Do you think I can curse her to death in a few minutes?" ?”

"..." Athena looked at Linton and said nothing.

"Dare to insult His Highness, you deserve to die! Suffer death!" Pandora here was really angry and stabbed Linton directly.

"Should I deserve to die? A scumbag like you can survive, so why should I deserve to die?" Linton made no evasive or defensive moves at all, looking at Pandora with a smile on his face, "What have I done to be more harmful than you?" The whole family’s trash deserves to die, why don’t you tell me?”

The Absorbing Halberd stopped an inch in front of Linton. Pandora on the other side froze in place, and her body began to tremble continuously.

"Did I say something wrong? Miss Pandora of Heinstein City." Linton continued to say with a smile, "I guess you don't know this guy's glorious deeds. I'm here to tell you about it, and everyone can judge. I deserve to die. This guy deserves to die. For this guy, his biological father Qian Dingzhu Wan told him not to touch the seal, but this guy insisted on touching it. As a result, he immediately opened the seal and released the God of Death and the God of Sleep."

"Well, now, as soon as these two people are released, Heinstein City directly turns into a dead city, which is the Hades Castle that everyone sees now. Their whole family is killed, and then you guess What did this guy do? This guy turned into a dog licker and started kneeling down to lick and kill his family's enemies, treating them like dogs... Oh, no, saying that is insulting dogs. Dogs are not as shameless as you. What did you call Hades just now? Your Highness? You call the person who killed your whole family His Highness?" Linton continued.

"Shut up! Shut up!" Pandora here suddenly had a nervous breakdown, the halberd in her hand fell to the ground, and she held her head and shouted.

"Have your parents ever felt sorry for you? Can what you have done now be worthy of them? I really don't know if you will have the face to face your parents in the future. Why do you still think they will? I praise you, right? Mom and Dad, I worked for the person who killed you, and I was very happy when I sold it. I, Pandora, have been a dog all my life, and I have been a dog for the person who killed the whole family. I am very proud, right? You are so unfaithful and unfilial. You trash thing, you said I deserved to die? What shame do you have to say this? There is no one in this world who deserves to die more than you."

"I'm not! I'm not!" Pandora roared here.

"No? Did I say anything wrong? You can refute, and I accept any refutation." Linton said, "I have never seen such a shameless person like you in my whole life. How do you still have the honor to be alive?" ? If I were you, I would commit suicide a long time ago."

"I...I..." Pandora was in a daze after being scolded directly. At this moment, she suddenly saw the Soul Capturing Halberd in front of her. A thought suddenly appeared in her mind, and her hand suddenly and unconsciously held the halberd. The blade was pointed at Linton, but this time it was pointed at him tremblingly.

"How many minutes?" Linton looked at Wanda beside him and asked.

"Uh... uh..." Wanda here was immediately stunned by Linton's amazing operation, which was obviously not timed at all.

"If it were Asuna, she would probably be able to accurately report the seconds. On the 11th hour of Asuna's absence, I will continue to miss her," Linton said.

Just when Pandora was about to commit suicide on the spot after being scolded by Linton, a voice sounded again from behind the throne above: "Stop, Pandora."

Pandora here was indeed in a daze after being scolded by Linton before. It can be said that Linton's words were too direct and made her lose her mind instantly. When she heard Hades's voice, she suddenly became more awake.

"Okay, now it's your turn." Linton didn't care about Pandora's life or death, and it was impossible for the other party to stop him for a while. So he also took a step forward directly, "Hades, since you are not here now, you think I can't kill you with one punch, so there is nothing you can do about it, right? If I say I will scold you to death, I will scold you to death. Do you believe it?"

"I won't talk too fast with you." Hades said here.

"Okay, then I won't scold you. After all, you are indeed a retard." Linton said.

"Huh?" Hades' voice here was a little deeper.

"Bold!" Radamandis next to him couldn't hold it in anymore. The other two of the three giants in the underworld couldn't help but want to take action directly. The king would be humiliated and the minister would die. At this time, Linton was also insulting them.

However, just as the three of them were about to rush forward, a voice stopped them again. The one who could make them obey was naturally Hades.

"Stop." Hades's voice calmed down again, "I don't like to use violence to solve problems, but you..."

"What I said is the truth." Linton said with a smile, "How about you tell everyone about your retarded plan to destroy the world and let everyone hear how ridiculous it is. People who can make such a plan are not What is mental retardation?”

"You know? My plan." Hades asked.

"Of course I have to know before I can laugh at you." Linton said with a smile.

"It doesn't matter, even if you want to trick me into telling me the plan, it doesn't matter." Hades said, "You can no longer stop my plan. Even if you know it, you can't do anything."

After a pause, Hades here said: "Soon, the nine planets in the solar system will be connected in a line and will never move again. And the earth will be completely engulfed by darkness and become a planet of eternal darkness. planet. At this point, the power of our underworld will rule the entire world, and no one can stop this from happening."

"What?" Hearing what Hades said, everyone in the entire temple couldn't help but be shocked. Even Radamandis and the others knew for the first time about Lord Hades's plan. It was such a grand plan. , which simply shocked them. Seiya and the others did not expect that the matter would be so serious. At first, they thought Hades was just targeting Athena, but they did not expect that there was such a plan hidden behind it.

Obviously, the other party now has no scruples in telling them such a plan. It is estimated that the plan has already begun to be implemented and is basically unstoppable. This makes Seiya and the others immediately anxious.

But the people who were surprised at this time obviously did not include Linton and Athena. Linton also looked at Athena. Obviously she should have known about this for a long time. I don't know if she told her through her own divine power or directly from the investigators. Of course, these are not important. As soon as Hades finished speaking, Linton laughed out loud.

"Did you hear that? What a stupid plan." Linton said with a smile.

"You guy! You're finished, didn't you hear? What's so funny about you!" Radamandis shouted here.

"The first sentence makes people laugh out loud. The nine planets in the solar system are connected in a line. That's what you said." Linton said.

"Yes." Hades' voice came, "Do you think I can't do it?"

"I don't care whether you can do it or not, but the problem is... there are only eight planets in the solar system. Where did the nine planets come from?" Linton said with a smile.

"Huh?" Linton's words made everyone present stunned. Radamandis here suddenly laughed, "You idiot, you even got this wrong? Why don't you go and get it first?" Learn to avoid saying such ridiculous things again."

"Are you sure?" Linton said, "Yes, before 2006, Pluto was indeed mistakenly considered a planet. However, the actual situation is that it is not."

"Before 2006? Don't you remember what year it is now?" Radamandis here continued to laugh.

"Time is not the point. The point is that it is indeed not a planet." Linton said, "Such things happen often in human history. For example, a long time ago, humans thought that the earth was flat, and they also thought that the earth was flat. It is the center of the universe. With the development of science and observing more things, it is not surprising that humans have gradually corrected their previous wrong perceptions."

"You..." Hades' voice suddenly changed at this time.

"It seems that you are aware of it. My question now is... Why did you Hades, as a god, admit your mistake? Or on such an important plan, aren't you... making me laugh?" Linton said.

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