I really can't control myself

Chapter 2596 The show begins

"Oh? Now the problem is solved. It should be because we don't know the road and someone came here to guide us." Linton said looking at the two men in black robes. Although we still don't know who these two people are at this time, most people will not come here in this situation, and the other party directly called Athena's name. Obviously, there is a high probability that they are the Saints who came to check the situation. Isn't this just right.

"They should be here to find her." Wanda also judged that the other party should be a subordinate of Saori Kido and said.

"What... is going on? Who are you?" Dismasker and Abrodi looked confused, obviously a little confused about the current situation.

Athena fell there, looking injured? After all, there is no microcosm in him now. And who are Linton and Wanda? They are definitely not Saints. After all, they are the real Saints. They obviously do not know Linton and the two. Could it be the Hades assassin sent by Hades? Got here before them and attacked Athena? But the question is...how to do it?

If Hades is really that good, why would Hades resurrect their Golden Saints to assassinate Athena? It makes sense to let them attract attention, and then Hades can take action, but the problem is that they haven't done it yet.

And even though there was a bit of distance, they could still feel that Athena was still breathing. If they were Hades, they would have killed Athena first and brought the head back without hesitation. Hades obviously didn't need anyone captured alive, and the order given to them was to bring back the body.

So no matter how you think about it, it's strange that Linton and Wanda are here. Of course, Athena is also very strange here at this time. Why did she meet Athena here? Shouldn't she be in the sanctuary? Did Linton bring her out after he captured her?

In short, after thinking for a long time, Dismask here reluctantly came up with an explanation, that is, Linton and the others entered the sanctuary and kidnapped Athena, and then were discovered by the Saints, who chased them here and a big battle broke out. Judging from the current situation, Linton and the others should have won. He didn't see the Aiolia people at all.

"What are those guys doing?" Dismask here couldn't help but said. He didn't expect that after he died, those guys would be so useless, and they could actually put people in to kidnap Athena.

Although he understood the situation, Dismask was a little unsure of what to do at this time. According to the apparent mission, they were here to help Hades assassinate Athena, so since they met here, they could just take her head and take it back.

But the problem is that they are not really here to do this. As a Golden Saint, even if he dies, he cannot betray Athena.

They did come to take Athena's life, but their real purpose was to unseal Athena's holy cloak.

Only the life blood of Athena can activate the Holy Cloth. And Athena's Holy Cloth is in the Temple of Athena in the Holy Land. The statue of Athena there is actually the holy garment of Athena, but blood is needed to awaken the holy garment.

This secret was only known to Shion, who was the former pope, so after he was resurrected, he heard Hades's plan and made their plan accordingly. On the surface, they accepted the mission of Hades, but in fact, it was for Athena's Holy Cloth. They never betrayed their goddess, but instead made great sacrifices.

But now there is a problem. This Athena was taken out of the Holy Domain. How can I unblock the Holy Cloth if I kill her now? For a time, the entire plan was in chaos and could not be completed at all.

It can be said that Dismask is really in a state of chaos now. He just barely figured out the current situation, but now he doesn't know what to do. Shion obviously doesn't know the situation here yet, and he is still trying to break into the Golden Twelve Palaces, but the problem is that Athena is here now, this...

No, there is something even more troublesome than this, and that is...the group of people following behind him. Yes, although they agreed to assassinate Athena, Hades never believed them. When they set off, a group of Hades fighters followed them, obviously monitoring them, and they were not informed of the actions of the Hades fighters at all. Now maybe some of the Hades fighters have sneaked into the sanctuary.

Although they had separated from Shion before, Dismask still felt that someone was following him behind him. Apparently the person responsible for monitoring them also monitored both sides of them separately. As for the situation here, these Hades warriors may have also Saw it.

Although they saw Athena, they were not in a hurry to take action, probably because they were watching their movements. So this news may no longer be hidden, and this is the most troublesome issue at the moment.

Although Dismasco was already chaotic enough at this time, Linton didn't expect that he didn't think he was chaotic enough. The first words he spoke made him stunned.

"That guy over there is this guy's younger brother, right? He's just in time, come over and lead the way." Linton waved.

"Lead the way?" Dismask was stunned and asked subconsciously, "Where to go?"

"Sanctuary, you don't want this thing anymore?" Linton said, pointing to Athena on the ground.

"Uh...you are going to the Sanctuary?" Dismask looked confused, and Linton overturned all his speculations with his first sentence. The co-author is not the one who kidnapped Athena, but the one who wants to send her back? So someone else kidnapped Athena and was rescued by Linton and the others who were passing by?

In this case... maybe it's a good thing. Although Linton's identity is even more confusing, since the other party wants to send Athena back, it's not a good idea. He is also thinking of a reasonable way to send Athena back. In the current situation, as long as they lose to Linton, it won't stop the opponent from sending people back. Then the Hades Warriors will naturally not be aware of their plan, and they can also send Athena back.

Although he had no idea who Linton was, he could only believe him now. After all...he couldn't think of any other way.

Thinking of this, Dismasco here has already started acting. Because the acting skills of Pisces Abrodi next to him are really touching, such a thing can only be done by him.

"Want to send her back? Jie Jie...then you have found the wrong person." Dismask here said with a sly smile, "I'm very sorry, I'm here to kill her."

"Huh?" Linton looked at Dismasco here, and he was a little surprised. Didn't he expect that he was here to kill Athena? Of course, there seem to be quite a few such people, and Athena is easily killed and assassinated.

"Jie Jie Jie... Although I don't know what's going on, he is really lucky to meet him here. Give her to me and I can spare your lives." Dismask was also testing these two at this time. Would someone he didn't know give Athena to him? After all, he would have to entrust them to send people back to the sanctuary. If he wanted to... he would die in the hands of these two people.

"Uh... no, do bad guys have to smile like 'Jie Jie Jie'? Don't you think your smile looks silly?" Linton couldn't help but say.

"..." I have to say that Linton's words made Dismask a little confused about what to do. Brother, you are following the routine. What are you saying to make a show in this atmosphere? He has to be tense. I can’t stand it any longer.

After thinking about it, Dismask here decided to release some of his own small universe to put pressure on the other party and prevent the other party from being so uncooperative. Give him a little pressure, and the other party will probably become serious.

"Are you kidding me? You don't know what kind of existence you have encountered, right?" Dismask here said and began to improve his own small universe, with a faint purple light emitting from his body.

Of course, this is acting after all, and the plot that Dismask arranged for himself here is to lose to Linton, and it doesn't matter if he dies, so naturally he did not explode the entire small universe. Because we don’t know Linton’s strength, if the explosion is too big, the opponent will not be very powerful for a while. Wouldn’t it be too fake to lose to him?

Of course, this was obviously not enough in front of Linton: "Wow, for such a small universe, you are indeed the legendary... miscellaneous fish, right?"

"You..." Dismasco, who obviously wanted to act, was almost overturned by Linton. At this moment, he really wanted to burst out all his little universe to open the opponent's eyes, but of course he held it back in the end because the overall situation was the most important thing.

Although the other party looked down on his own explosive little universe, Dismask didn't know whether the other party was really powerful or just pretending to be powerful. He didn't dare to use all his strength. After thinking about it, he decided to reveal his identity first.

"Hmph, you should first find out who I am." Dismasco said, tugging on his cloak and saying, "Take a good look and see who I am."

Seeing the purple-black holy clothes the other party was wearing, Linton immediately understood the situation. He was the Underworld Warrior, right? Yes, although I just found out what world it is, I still don’t know the specific time. After all, this is a world that is under investigation. Linton has just understood the specific stage of the plot.

The underworld warriors attack the sanctuary, which is obviously the beginning of the underworld chapter. I didn't expect that the time of my arrival was quite coincidental, so...let's also deal with Hades, the king of Hades, by the way. After all, all the forces are going to be under his command, so they just happen to be dealt with at the same time.

"Who are you?" Linton looked at Dismasco here, but still didn't recognize who he was, and could only judge that it was a Hades warrior.

"You..." Dismask didn't know whether the other party really didn't know him or pretended not to know him, but he immediately said, "I am... the former Golden Saint, Cancer, Dismask."

"Uh...is it you?" Linton finally recognized him, "Look, I'm right. You're really just a bastard."

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