It's not surprising at all that Athena would do something like this for free. In the original book, something happened to this guy. Anyway, his first thought was to take the lead in the charge, and then quickly wait for rescue in vain.

When the Pope came to her, she sent him to Greece, and when Pluto came to see her, she sent him to the underworld. So after knowing about the invasion war, it was particularly appropriate for him to come up and give it to her for free, right?

In short, Athena in this animation is more like the setting of Buddha. Every time I don't go to hell, who will go to hell? All the suffering and so on come to me alone, don't affect other people, it's not like The God of War still has some ideas of his own.

Having so many weaknesses is obviously a good thing, and it should be relatively simple to brush control points. This guy would also do things like Poseidon asking her to drown him, and the choices the other party would make for similar things were obviously similar.

"Shut up!" Aiolia shouted directly at Linton, "What do you know about Athena?"

"Oh, then you understand? You only think that Athena, who is willing to sacrifice everything for others, is great, right? But longing is the furthest distance from understanding. Longing for her, you, and the people she saved , that is the person who understands her the least. The levels are not the same at all, okay? If you have to say it, I really know a little better than you guys." Linton said.

"Shut up! That's nonsense!" Aiolia said, clenching her fists.

"Oh oh oh, you're in a hurry, you're in a hurry..." Linton pointed at Aiolia and said, "If you're in a hurry, that means you know there's nothing wrong with what I said, right?"


"Aioria, calm down. As a golden saint of the goddess, don't you think it's embarrassing to be led around by others like this?" Milo said next to him.

"You are a man and woman, you have no right to interrupt what adults are saying." Linton pointed directly at Milo and said.

"What did you say?" Milo here broke through the defense and looked at Linton.

"Oh, I'm sorry, I remembered the wrong person. That's the one with the zodiac sign Pisces. His name is...what the hell...No, I really can't remember the names of you bunch of soldier-level Golden Saints. There's also a guy with the zodiac sign Cancer. Yes, if you can't do anything, talk harshly to the champion. The Golden Saints are also divided into levels. You are just a piece of shit, do you deserve to speak?" Linton said.

"Very good, these will be the last words you leave in this world." Milo here didn't waste any words and directly raised a finger. It was obvious that he wanted to launch his own kill, the Scarlet Poison Needle. Hand posture.

"Look, let me tell you, are you the winner of harsh words?" Linton said, "Hurry up and come here."

"Take down this guy first," Aiolia said instead.

"Wait..." Mu next to him wanted to dissuade him. Although he didn't know Linton's strength, even Athena treated him with caution. He really felt that Aiolia and Milo were too Overestimating the enemy.

However, Aiolia could no longer stop him at this time. Just as Mu was speaking, Aiolia had already thrown out a punch.

"Lightspeed punch!"

With a "bang", there was an explosion in the restaurant, and the shock wave directly collapsed the wall and fence on the side. In the smoke and dust, it can be seen that Aiolia here has punched Linton's chest. Although Linton here still maintained his original posture, Aiolia's punch also caused him to move back about a meter.

"It's surprisingly powerful." Linton suddenly said in surprise, "Although you don't look like much, your fist is surprisingly strong."

"You guy!" Although Linton's words were to praise Aiolia, it was a bit harsh to his ears. Yes, after punching Linton here, there was no reaction at all. Aiolia here was still surprised. He didn't expect to hear Linton's words like this. Reminiscent of the previous yin and yang, he obviously felt that the other party was mocking him.

But Linton was really praising people when he said this. Aiolia was surprisingly strong, at least much stronger than he thought.

Although Aiolia felt that there was no reaction to this punch, it was already very strong to be able to knock him back this distance, right? At least the Nordic gods of war and Greek gods of war in the world of God of War haven’t done that, right? And this Aiolia is not only not at the level of a god, but he is not even wearing the holy clothes yet. A punch in an ordinary form has such a reaction, which is definitely a bit beyond Linton's expectations.

After thinking about it, Linton suddenly realized that the power system in this world might be quite high. Didn't you hear what the other person shouted just now? Light speed fist, this is a fist that reaches the speed of light.

Of course it actually reaches the speed of light? Linton felt that there should be no, although it was indeed very fast, but in terms of the speed of light, it should be no, unless the speed of light in this world was not the speed of light that he understood.

If you think about it carefully, the ability of light to reach the speed of light and the ability of a fist to reach the speed of light are completely different concepts. Moreover, this is not the concept of reaching the speed of light. It is about accelerating an object of such volume and mass to the speed of light in an instant, rather than maintaining the speed. It's about acceleration. The conceptual gap here is not that big.

Let’s not talk about how much energy it takes to accelerate to the speed of light in this moment. Can the earth withstand such an explosion of energy? If it could really hit the speed of light at such an acceleration distance at the moment of punching, then the burst of energy should be able to directly destroy the entire earth in an instant.

Anyway, there must be some world restriction here, but no matter what, the speed and power of the opponent's punch are indeed a bit stronger than I expected.

"Oh oh oh, you are really good at this." Linton nodded. This might allow him to stretch his muscles, but Aiolia here felt that the other party was still mocking.

"Ahhhhh..." At this time, Aiolia here did not continue to attack immediately, but his whole body suddenly began to emit golden light.

At the same time, the trunk of the car parked in front of the hotel suddenly opened, and a golden light rushed out of it. Then a golden box flew out of it and floated directly in the air.

Soon the golden light on Aiolia and the golden light emitted by the flying box began to echo. The next moment, the golden box here opened, and a shining golden metal lion appeared in the box.

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