I really can't control myself

Chapter 2580 Integration

I can only say that Linton's speech sounded strange. He had just wiped out a country's people, and now he said that his long-cherished wish was world peace. He was not just lying to a fool.

"I asked, why did you stop suddenly?" At this time, Linton suddenly looked at the audience. Before, the people of the Abyss Religion were still fighting to the death with the people of the Shogunate Army, but now everyone has stopped. After seeing such a scene, even the people of the Abyss Cult were frightened and felt that they had lost the meaning of continuing to fight.

"Although I said that I want everyone to join me and become a family, the problem is that we haven't reached an agreement yet. You are still in a hostile relationship. You are welcome. You can continue to fight. Just listen to me while fighting. ." Linton waved his hand and said.

Both the Shogunate Army and the Abyss Religion looked blankly at Linton, and then at the "enemy" opposite.

"Hit me! I just want to see a river of blood. Don't you Abyss Cult like to cause trouble? Don't you like to bully honest people? Why can't you hang up if you meet someone who likes to make trouble more than you? Really? Just because of the laws of nature, if you can’t defeat her, then you’ll take it out on the common people, right? How dark and petty a person would think that attacking a few adventurers is revenge for his own kingdom?”

"One soldier and a den of generals. Who made this petty plan? Do you really think you can succeed in revenge following this kind of thing?" Linton pointed to the sky on the ground, "This is the one you chose to avenge you. People? I, Linton, just don’t like it. I am telling the whole continent now that I will directly press her face to the ground and rub it. If I don’t say much else, you will just compare what momentum is called. Continue to follow. If he does some sneaky things, you should decide for yourself whether he should just follow me and take a picture of that god-like dog’s face head-on.”

I have to say that Linton was really impressive, and everyone in the Abyss Order was hesitant due to what Linton said. On the one hand, many people in the Abyss Religion really have doubts about the current plan. After all, Sora's plan is not as straightforward as Linton.

Sora's plan is gradually disintegrating. Because of the power of will, God obviously has this purpose in raising the humans on the continent. Sora's side started to disintegrate from the lowest level, targeting the people of the seven countries, and gradually disintegrating the foundation of God, which can be regarded as a very effective plan.

But Linton said that he would directly take this group of people to slap God on the face, okay? Is there anything more direct than this? Moreover, Linton has just shown his strength here. If the law of heaven has destroyed a country, he has also destroyed it. Since the facts are right in front of us, it is obvious that everyone does think that Linton has such strength.

"So I now invite you, the Abyss Cult, to join my camp. Let's go against the laws of nature together. What do you think?" Linton continued.

"..." The people from the Abyss Cult here looked at each other, and they didn't know how to respond to the sudden invitation. Of course, the opinions of ordinary soldiers are not that important, but a few abyss messengers do still have certain decision-making power. But of course they don’t know what to do now.

They had listened to Kong's arrangements before, but the problem was that Kong was now unresponsive on the ground. Although they were a little moved, but now they were asked to immediately turn around and follow Linton, something felt wrong.

"First of all, let me tell you, I don't have a very good temper. I'm giving you face by inviting you here, so don't be shameless. I'm here specially to keep you alive, just to let you have a good time. Please understand the consequences of not giving me face. If you have any questions, look at the envoy of the Winter Kingdom on the ground." Linton pointed directly at the lady on the ground.

The Abyss Apostles were really a little panicked now. It was true that things were happening in the Winter Kingdom right before their eyes, and it was hard for Linton to talk about it. I don’t know how the Winter Kingdom provoked Linton. Now that the whole country is gone, it is obvious that Linton means to destroy their whole family if they don’t agree.

"You can't find a representative to speak to, can you?" Linton suddenly said, "It's okay, isn't this guy on the ground your leader? Of course he's unresponsive now, but it's okay, isn't there his sister? ? Now this guy is speaking on your behalf, do you admit it?"

"Me?" Ying here heard Linton's words and pointed to herself in surprise.

"Yes, it's just you." Linton pointed at Ying, and then said to the people below, "She is the one who speaks on your behalf. Do you recognize her?"

"We admit it!" An abyssal apostle stepped forward and said directly to Linton and Ying on the stage. Yes, they couldn't make any decision under the current situation. After thinking about it, since she is the sister of His Highness the Prince, their Princess, let her decide their fate.

"Huh?" The person here was also stunned. Do these people really leave this decision to themselves? But before that, her impression of the Abyss Order was just that of ordinary wild monsters, okay? She was completely unprepared for things to turn out this way.

Although she now knows her identity, she has no sense of belonging to the people of the Abyss Cult. Identity is identity. I don’t have much memory, so I can’t identify with it at all.

But having said that, it obviously wouldn't work to let her answer casually. On the one hand, she couldn't do such a thing, and on the other hand, these "people" should be important to her brother, otherwise he wouldn't agree to help them.

"Okay, let's wait for your answer now." Linton nodded and looked at Ying here, "So what is your answer?"

"What will happen to my brother if they join your army?" Ying asked here.

"Then you should persuade your brother to work for me," Linton said. "Otherwise, what else does this guy want? When he wakes up, all his subordinates are working for me. How can he come to me as a bare commander? Are you desperate? Just tell your brother whether he wants to live or not."

"Okay, I agree." Ying here said suddenly at this moment. The main thing she asked about Kong was to determine what Linton wanted to do with Kong. If Linton wanted to deal with his brother, the former leader, after conquering the Abyss Cult people, Ying would of course refuse to agree. But it sounds like Linton is planning to let his brother join, so regardless of whether Sora is willing or not, if he agrees first, he can at least survive, right? Otherwise, his brother would probably never wake up again.

"Yeah, yeah, it's really a wise choice." Linton nodded, "Okay, you Abyss Cult will follow me from now on, and I will take you to rub this Tianli's face together, no problem."

"Yes..." Although it was somewhat sudden, but bowing to Linton at this time, the people of the Abyss Religion completely agreed that this thing was too terrifying.

"Then everyone has seen that now the Abyss Cult has joined my command. Do you think my world peace plan has achieved results? Now, as long as the Seven Kingdoms also join my command, everyone will be on their own He's gone." Linton thought for a while, and then said, "Sorry, it's the Six Kingdoms, it doesn't matter if it becomes the Five Kingdoms and the Four Kingdoms."

"Of course, my plan here certainly didn't come up suddenly. I have said that world peace is my long-cherished wish. I have started to implement this plan before. For this reason, I have sent many subordinates to various countries. Lobbying and convincing them to join my camp, for example, my nephew Vegeta, as you all saw just now, went to the Solstice Kingdom to lobby, but it just didn't go well."

"Since the work has been handed over, it will naturally be left to them. I am personally responsible for Inazuma's side," Linton said.

"The person in charge..." The audience who were still watching the live broadcast suddenly remembered what Linton said about the person in charge of Inazuma before when he introduced himself. It was only now that they seemed to understand what the person in charge meant.

"Now that we have reached this point, I will also complete my task here." Linton said and pointed directly in a direction to the side.

The direction Linton pointed this time was naturally the three positions where General Thunder and others were sitting next to him. It was obvious that Linton was ready to talk directly to General Thunder at this time.

"General Raiden of Inazuma, you have already heard what I am going to do now. I will give you two choices here, betray Tianli and join my side in the rebellion, or continue to work for Tianli, choose one. Linton said.

"What is Tianli? According to him, is there a god called Tianli above the seven gods?" At this time, some viewers watching the live broadcast probably understood what Linton meant. They really didn't know what the heavenly principles Linton mentioned several times before, but now that they see it, they can almost understand the meaning according to the context.

At this time, it can be said that the eyes of the entire continent have turned to General Thunder. Although Linton also said that he would take all seven countries under his command, the first one at the beginning is obviously the most important. Whether General Raiden, who represents Inazuma, chooses to take the lead in joining, or directly takes the lead in disobedience, it is estimated that it will largely represent the choices of the following countries.

General Thunder and Lightning here looked at Linton, but she did not answer. Quickly, the lightning flashed around her body. Yes, this was a direct transformation of personality. The thunder movie had already come out at this time. Of course, most of the audience didn't know what was going on, and they didn't realize that General Thunder and Lightning had changed.

The thunder movie here was also silent for a moment, and then suddenly said: "I once heard a saying, only the laws of nature cannot be violated..."

Lei Qianqian's answer surprised everyone. This obviously meant that the conversation was about to break up?

"Oh, then look at me, can I disobey it?" Linton was not in a hurry and asked with a smile.

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