I really can't control myself

Chapter 2574 Breaking Defense

At this moment, Sora suddenly understood the current situation and suddenly understood.

Yes, the execution ceremony was a little strange from the beginning. As Diluc said before, the two people who prepared the alliance at the beginning, General Thunder and Zhongli, felt somewhat at odds with their tempers. .

Although this whole thing seems to make perfect sense logically, the two countries discovered the hidden conspiracy and the Abyss Cult was causing trouble, causing the two countries to unite and execute the captured spies. It is a very smooth logic, right? , but people who know the tempers of the two people can feel that there is a problem here.

Of course Kong also noticed it, but at first he thought that the person pushing this matter was probably the god above, the keeper of heavenly principles.

As for Linton, he didn't even pay attention to him at first. After all, the previous report didn't mention Linton's name at all. Linton was the leader of the resistance for only a day and a half, and then he was recruited directly. This matter It didn't get out at all.

Although Linton had talked eloquently on the execution platform before, most people's first reaction when they saw Linton was that he was a host and just helped to talk. Ordinary people felt that he was speaking on behalf of the Seven Gods, but Kong felt that the other party was speaking on behalf of the heavenly principles behind the scenes.

However, now that he heard Linton's words, Kong suddenly realized that the guy in front of him was not the person in front of the stage, but the person behind the scenes. This person is the mastermind behind the current situation, and the scary thing is that the seven rulers of the world seem to be acting according to Linton's script.

"Is it you?" Although Sora had figured it out, he still confirmed it.

"It's me." Linton said with a smile, "Although I don't know what you are talking about, there is no doubt that it was all done by me. Except that I did not destroy the Kingdom of Camria, which is really beyond compare. Everything you can think of these days, it’s all my doing.”

Although Linton's words seemed a bit like taking the blame, but... that's really what happened. Even the volcanic eruption in Nata was done by Linton. Linton himself didn't know that he was not unjust at all.

"Why do you do that?" Kong couldn't help but ask after confirming that the other party was the mastermind behind this incident.

"Why? That's a good question." Linton said, "I know you want to know why. After all, according to ordinary people's logic, there must be some reason for planning such a big thing. Think about this If it is a script, if the bad guy does something like this, most screenwriters will explain clearly what caused it, such as childhood, and what darkness they experienced. If you don't write it, someone will immediately jump out and express it. It's inexplicable and makes no sense. But... there are always people in this world who do things for no reason at all. Maybe they just want to watch the world burn, right?"

"You..." Kong here was speechless again.

"I know what you want to say. After all, as the protagonist, you are asking for a reason. If I don't explain the ins and outs, it would be too unvillainy, right?" Linton said, "Let me think about it...for example, my purpose is to attract you to show up. From you I can get something called a control point, so that I can complete my mission, what do you think of this explanation?"

Although what Linton told the truth this time, it was so confusing that Sora here did not believe Linton's truth at all.

"Looking at the disbelief on your face, what else can you believe?" Linton said with a smile, "Don't become extreme just because you have been betrayed by the world. To be honest, what can you understand with your IQ? Ah, you think you are doing something great, right? Resisting the gods sounds really great, but how do you know that what you are doing is always right?"

Yes, Linton suddenly changed the topic back to the opponent's target, and it was obvious that he was going to start killing people again.

"No matter what you say, you can't shake me." Kong probably felt that Linton was speaking for heaven, so he said directly. He probably now feels that Linton belongs to the Tianli school.

"What if I told you that everything Tianli has been doing is to guard against me." Linton said suddenly.

"What?" These words immediately stunned Sora here.

"What you saw was that the law of heaven destroyed Kanria, but do you really understand why she did that? It's easy to jump out of a box, but who of the people inside the box knows what kind of dangers are outside the box? What Tianli is doing now is just to put back people who keep trying to pop out of the box. She is very loyal to her duties. After Kanrea made a dangerous move, the people of the Seven Kingdoms and Kanrea were involved in the tram problem. At this time, she chose the former."

"You don't understand. You hate her just because you stand from the perspective of a victim. From a natural perspective, she did what a god should do. Is there anything wrong with that?" Linton said, "But It is a pity that my presence here means that all her efforts have been in vain and the world will fall into my hands."

"Tianli may be an executioner in your eyes, but she has really protected the people of the Seven Kingdoms. Relatively speaking, if this world comes into my hands, then... it will be very beautiful if it burns. Linton spread his hands and said, "So now, do you think what you are doing is correct?"

"..." Kong fell directly into confusion. He was obviously not a bad person in nature. Hearing Linton's words, he instantly became suspicious of his own behavior. What I did... was it really wrong?

"Hehehe... look at you..." Linton suddenly laughed out loud, "Sorry, sorry, everything I said above is nonsense. I just made it up casually because I was so sure of what you said just now. A paragraph. In the final analysis, is that all you have in your determination? Why don’t you waver and act like you’re firm? That’s all?”


"I don't even know what you are struggling with. If I were to kill Tianli's stupid thing when this happened, why would I hesitate? Why? I don't care what your reasons are." Linton said with a smile, "What can you do if you want to take revenge on the world but can't make up your mind? Otherwise, you will destroy the world anyway. Why don't you work for me? I have excellent welfare here..."

"Die!" Before he could finish his words, Kong directly slashed at him. This was said to have broken his defense.

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