I really can't control myself

Chapter 2571 In the Name of God

Ying believed Linton's words again, and yes, Linton even woke her up and made her understand why her brother did what he did before. It was obvious that the two had agreed to meet at the end of the journey. After seeing the entire situation of the world, her brother should formally invite her to join the team against the Seven Gods. This was also her destiny as a remnant of Kanria. .

All the explanations were so reasonable and reasonable. Ying himself believed that this matter was the fact, which obviously could not refute anything at all.

For a while, Ying's mind here was in confusion, mainly because she received too much information at once, and fragments of her own memories began to continuously impact her brain, causing her to be unresponsive for a while and did not answer Lin at all. Dayton's question.

She didn't react at all, but Paimon next to her was anxious. After all, Linton said before that this was the last question, and Ying now looked like he was about to acquiesce. Then wouldn't the next step be direct execution?

Anxious Paimon also said quickly: "But now Ying has done nothing at all. She has not instigated conflicts between the two countries at all. Even if what you said is true, you cannot judge a person who has not committed a crime." .”

"Oh? Why not?" Linton raised his head and said, "She didn't commit a crime? I'm sorry, her bloodline is her crime. Even if she did nothing, she is still guilty. As for why? I don't know, because The one who issues the guilty verdict is not me, but the Seven Gods."

"Everyone." After saying this, Linton looked up directly in the direction of the screen. "The Kingdom of Kanria was destroyed. No man, woman, or child was spared. You said that all of them have done things that are worthy of the death penalty." Is it a serious crime? Anyway, I don't think so. But they were all executed anyway. I don't know the reason, but God said that they were guilty. We can only understand that the blood of the Kingdom of Canria was guilty, and that's no problem, right? Or do you think there is something wrong with the will of your gods?"

"This..." Many people watching the live broadcast were actually a little confused by what Linton said. Linton specifically named the execution of all men, women, and children. Judging from common sense, he knew that many of them must be innocent. But the question is that this is indeed God's judgment. Do you object? Aren’t you against the God you believe in?

"In this case, do you think this person is guilty? I don't care what she has done, she is from Kanria, her blood is inherently sinful, and whatever she does is wrong. I know some of you may not agree with this in your heart. point of view, but it is useless, because everyone is the people of God, right. And the people of Kanria are all enemies of God and demons. The person in front of you called Ying is the son of the devil, As the people of God, we have no problem executing this son of the devil." Linton spread his hands and said.

Hearing Linton's words, Zhongli and Wendy on the stage frowned again. It was obvious that they strongly disagreed with Linton's point of view, not to mention that it seemed that they were still responsible for the blame. At this time, they really wanted to go up and explain that this was not their intention, but it was inappropriate from all aspects. It can only be said that they had to bear this responsibility, which was uncomfortable in every sense.

"Is it a sin just to be born? Even if God's command is wrong, do we still have to accept such a thing?" Ying suddenly said at this time.

"That's right." Linton smiled and approached Ying, lowered his voice slightly and said, "Because this is such a world. To the gods, the humans living in this world are just their domestic animals. That’s it, even if they jump up and down in the cage, they can ignore it, but once they want to jump out of the cage, it will be a death penalty.”

"Kanria, this godless country, does not believe in any gods. But even so, if they do not respect gods, the gods will not pay attention to their intentions at first, because they can't do it. But once they want to jump out of the cage, they will destroy This is their ending, do you understand?" Linton said.

"Is this...what my brother saw, the truth of the world at the end of the journey?" Ying here suddenly seemed to understand why his brother wanted to subvert the Seven Kingdoms. What he really wants to subvert is not the Seven Kingdoms, but the current order of the continent, an order in which gods raise humans like livestock. This was very consistent with her understanding of her brother. She knew from the beginning that what her brother was doing was definitely not evil, and everything happened for a reason.

Now that she understood what she had experienced, she naturally began to lean towards her brother, because it was obvious that there was something wrong with this "order". How could a person be born guilty, but this was exactly the case now, and it was not her fault.

Of course, the private conversation between Linton and Ying was not broadcast live. Although people watching the live broadcast also had some thoughts, what they saw now was still speechless.

"Actually, you don't have to worry so much." At this time, Linton stood up again and said, "Don't worry about this person being innocent. As far as her situation is concerned, she will definitely join the road to overthrow the Seven Kingdoms. When the time comes, what about you, the Abyss Cult is now But they are still attacking people from the Seven Kingdoms. You are so kind-hearted at this time and want to let this person go. When she joins the Abyss Cult and leads them to massacre you, your family and friends, they will be kind-hearted. Will you let your family go?"

"The current matter is no longer a question of kindness or not. We, who are bathed in the light of the Seven Gods, have a natural hostile relationship with their Abyss Religion. This is a battle of political system, belief, and even race. Today we The murderer was not for our conscience, but for the continuation of our race and our future." Linton said, "This is primitive and wild competition! It has nothing to do with human nature!"

"Glory to the gods, in the name of God, I declare the execution!" Linton finally raised his hands and shouted.

There was silence for a while, and then suddenly there was a cry from under the execution platform.

"Death penalty! Death penalty! Death penalty!"

Not only the soldiers in the audience, but also the people at various live broadcast points basically had the same reaction. They were stunned for a moment, and then started shouting in the same way. Even though they couldn't be heard over there, people kept shouting at this time, like It's like swearing their loyalty to the gods they admire.

"The name of God is really useful." Linton smiled, then looked at the sea in the distance, "Why haven't you come yet? Isn't it that the relationship between brother and sister is very good?"

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