I really can't control myself

Chapter 2564 Messenger

"I don't care, please find a way for me quickly." Linton said unhappily.

At this time, Linton was at the castle tower of Inazuma Castle, and the person he "don't care about" was Asuna in front of him. Yes, he is starting to cause problems for Asuna.

"Aren't you Tinkerbell? You can't handle such a simple thing? It was promised to be broadcast live across the entire continent. This must be broadcast live. I don't care. Find a way for me quickly. This live broadcast platform must be set up for me within three days. , people all over the continent must see it." Linton said.

"It's easy to build a platform, but we don't have the materials right now, and three days isn't enough." Asuna said.

Yes, isn't Linton going to engage in a top-level war? Naturally, it will be replicated one to one. He got a very good news before, that is, Ying here really has a hidden identity, and his identity is really similar to Ace's "Son of the Devil".

Linton said that this is simply God helping me. If we don't do it quickly, it will be so comfortable to reveal the other party's hidden identity in front of everyone. Then he encountered the first difficulty, which was...it was very troublesome to achieve simultaneous live broadcast across the continent.

One Piece uses a very black technology to solve this problem, the image phone bug. This kind of thing is a real BUG, ​​it's too high-tech. And Linton can't be reproduced yet, because although this thing looks like a prop, it's actually a living thing.

Although there is a props page in Linton's shop, the items in it are only props, not creatures. Rewards like Matou, which look like biological rewards, only appear randomly once when the investigation is completed, and Linton doesn't know whether a ball of chakra like a tailed beast is considered a biological type.

So don't think about the phone bug, and the control level is not even half yet. It is impossible for him and Asuna to go out to get things. Now they can only think of other ways.

But there are not many solutions that can be thought of, and they are all very troublesome. Although Asuna was able to develop a microwave transmitting radar before, it is still a bit troublesome to create a live broadcast that can be watched by the entire continent. Although she has a full set of live streaming, networking, and viewing terminal technologies, the current level of technology in the Teyvat continent cannot be achieved within at least three days.

Of course, even though Asuna said she couldn't figure it out, Linton can be a rogue, so just leave it to me to figure it out, and I don't care.

"If scientific methods don't work, you can use magic." Linton said.

"Methods such as genjutsu directly interfere with visual signals." Asuna here asked, "Naruto's genjutsu... Eye of the Moon's Infinite Tsukuyomi and the like should be able to do it."

"Oh? This...can't do it." Linton said, "Although I can read the infinite moon, the problem is that the execution time is at noon, where is the moon? It's not possible to just rub one with my hands, there is no sun. , the light can’t be transmitted. And illusions and stuff are completely meaningless. This is not a live broadcast. I want them to see whatever I want. All I want is a screen, okay?”

"Hmm... Or, we can try a solution from this world." Asuna here seemed to suddenly think of something. Unexpectedly, she seemed to be able to think of a solution now.

"Does this world also have live broadcast technology?" Linton asked.

"I don't know about the live broadcast, but... VR virtual technology exists." Asuna said.

"Uh... No, it's so high-end? VR virtual technology?" Linton said in surprise.

"Although it sounds like a scientific technology, it is actually a magic-based VR technology made up of magic. So I don't actually know much about this. I'm not sure whether it can be realized." Yasi Na said.

"Why don't you do some research quickly?" Linton said.

"If someone helps, we should be able to succeed." Asuna said, "This technology belongs to Sumeru. Aizen is currently over there. If he has controlled Sumeru, he should be able to obtain this technology."

"Oh, Aizen, then he probably has controlled the entire Sumeru. After all, he has been quite active in doing things so far." Linton nodded, "Then I guess he has started to study this technology. This guy is also a hidden researcher. He used to study both virtual reality and demons. You should go find him now and you two can work together to finish the live broadcast for me within three days."

"Understood, I'll go over now." Asuna nodded, "But don't I need to play General Thunder here? There won't be any problems."

"Well." Linton looked at General Thunderbolt who was sitting next to him. "He seems to be quite obedient. There shouldn't be any problems."

Linton said and immediately wanted to open the door, asking Asuna to go find Aizen first to solve the live broadcast problem. But just as he was about to open the door, a soldier suddenly knelt down at the door of the castle tower.

"Report to the general, the envoy from Winter Kingdom is asking for an audience." the soldier said.

"Winter Country?" Linton was stunned for a moment. Looking to the side, he found that General Thunderbolt was also looking towards him, as if he was asking if he wanted to see him. Linton waved his hand and said, "Let's see what's going on."

"Here." General Leiden also waved his hand and said to the soldiers.

Not long after, the sound of "tapping" of high heels sounded in the castle tower, and a tall woman in unusually gorgeous clothes walked into the castle tower. Although she looked like she was wearing a long skirt, the high slit was cut directly to her waist, giving her a particularly erotic look. The other party covered half of her face with a special mask, but the exposed half revealed that she was a beauty.

The other party did not bow down like other ministers or soldiers. Although she was facing the Thunder God, one of the seven rulers in the world, this lady still looked arrogant and did not even bother to bow her head to General Thunder. , standing directly in the middle of the castle tower and looking directly at her.

If she were a member of Inazuma, this would definitely be extremely rude behavior, but she is an envoy and a foreign minister after all, so she can still tolerate it. It's just that this attitude obviously doesn't feel like much respect.

And after watching for a while, she also began to look at Linton and Asuna next to General Thunder, obviously very curious about their identities. It's just that he was clearly going back and forth to see General Thunder and Lightning, but he was still looking around in front of her. Just from the appearance of the other party coming in, Linton could roughly judge the other party... He must be another guy who doesn't know how high the sky is.

"Envoy from the Solstice Kingdom, pay homage to His Royal Highness the General." The lady here said.

General Thunder looked directly at her without speaking, not even a response. The lady here frowned. Just when she was about to say something, she heard Linton next to him say: "Why are they from the Winter Country again? Why are these people still running around now? My nephew is really eating dry food." Of?"

"Maybe your nephew is actually eating," Asuna said.

Linton's tone of voice was obviously not very polite. The lady here also heard it and said directly: "Who are you? This is a diplomatic situation. Do you have the right to speak out?"

"Oh, this is quite new." Linton said with a smile, "It's a diplomatic situation, right? Now ask her, on this occasion, whether I make the decision or she makes the decision, and I nod, does she dare to say 'no'? ?”

Linton said this directly to General Thunderbolt next to him, which made the lady opposite also look shocked. She said this before because she wanted to use the presence of General Thunder and Lightning to suppress Linton. Although she didn’t know who Linton was, he was always General Thunder and Lightning’s subordinate. She even meant to criticize Huai, just to say you in front of General Thunder and Lightning. Her subordinates were unruly, but she didn't expect Linton to be even more rude than her.

Even though she was quite rude, she only dared to come in secret. On the surface, she still wanted to show some respect to the Seven Rulers of the World. But Linton was confronting him, so... weren't he afraid of being directly chopped down by the God of Thunder?

However, General Thunder's performance made her even more confused. He just looked up at Linton, and then said directly: "You come."

The lady was shocked. Did General Thunder really accept Linton's words? She has met General Thunder and Lightning many times, but she has never thought that this guy is an easy person to talk to. So what is Linton’s identity here?

"Did you hear that? I make the decision. Come on, let me hear what ridiculous remarks you have to make, and add some fun to my boring hugging life. I still have to wait three days for new fun, so I'm worried that nothing will happen. Well, you'd better make it interesting for me." Linton said with a smile.

"..." The lady didn't know how to speak for a while. She obviously didn't understand the current situation. The most important thing was Linton's identity. Why could he be so presumptuous in front of General Thunder, and why she didn't know this at all before. people? She has been lurking in Daozhi for a while, but there is something she doesn't know about at all?

"You're just standing there like that? Who is this guy? Looking at this portrait, he shouldn't be a passerby. To put it simply, within twenty." Linton said to Asuna next to him.

"Rosalyn Kruzhika Loefat is a poor person." Asuna said directly.

"Good guy, this name is too long. Can I only say five words for the introduction?" Linton held up his forehead, but Asuna strictly followed Linton's instructions and said a total of seventeen words within the twenty words. Accounted for twelve.

"How do you know this name?" The lady here's expression changed drastically.

"Is there such a big reaction just by telling her name? At first glance, he looks like a low-level guy." Linton said, "Since she refuses to say it, come and announce her purpose."

"The purpose of her coming here is to get General Raiden's Heart of God." Asuna said directly.

"You..." The lady was stunned again.

"However, this thing is not in General Raiden at all." Asuna continued, "In short, she is a fool."

"Why are you...your tone moving closer to me?" Linton looked at Asuna a little strangely and asked.

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