I really can't control myself

Chapter 2553 Searching

"Ah...it's much quieter here." The speaker was a mysterious creature flying in the air. It looked like a doll, but it was indeed alive. At this moment, she was flying next to a person talking about the noise just now, and this person was the protagonist Linton had been waiting for, Ying.

"So what kind of noise was that just now? It disappeared here. Is it something made by the resistance? It seems to have disturbed a lot of people." Paimon said unhappily again. Of course, she was also affected by the noise. It was too noisy to disturb one of the people.

"Strange noises, as well as the thunder and meteorites just now, what happened in this country?" Ying here said with some worry. I don't know why after arriving at Inazuma, I haven't been able to calm down, especially recently. The feeling became more intense.

"That must be because those guys from the Tianling Sect have done too many bad things. You see, there has never been such a situation in Liyue and Mondstadt." Paimeng said here.

"So have you forgotten the previous disaster of the dragon?" Ying said.

"Uh... um... hehe." Paimon here tried to be cute, but saw that Ying didn't dwell on this topic, so he continued to talk about other things, "Speaking of which, what's going on with the Resistance Army? They should be good people, definitely better than those fierce shogunate soldiers, right, Ying."

"I don't know." Ying here said as he hurried on, "But Mr. Thomas asked us to come here, he will definitely not lie to me."

"Yes, yes, yes, Mr. Thomas is a good man." Paimon nodded, "But is the resistance camp really here? We seem to have been gone for a long time... Why is there still nothing..."

"Someone is coming." While Paimon here was still mumbling, Ying immediately became alert and immediately pulled out his weapon and looked forward.

After all, they are still wanted by the shogunate army, and the footsteps coming from the front are very close to them. If the opponent is the shogunate army, they obviously have no time to hide and can only fight.

Sure enough, very quickly, a small group of soldiers appeared in front of the two of them. Both sides were stunned for a moment when they met. The soldiers here obviously didn't expect to meet someone suddenly, but the soldiers here discovered that the other party was wearing The armor doesn't look like the armor of the shogunate army.

"Are you...resistance?" Ying here asked.

"Are you... Ying?" The leading soldier here asked directly to Ying.

"Do you know me?" Ying here was a little surprised that the other party could call her name, but she immediately realized it and became alert again. At first, I just judged that the opponent might not be the shogunate army, but it was also possible that the armor of the shogunate army in other places was different from that in Inazuma Castle. If the other party could recognize me, it was more likely to be the shogunate army. After all, she was wanted by the shogunate, and the rebels didn't know about her.

"Don't worry, don't worry, we are from the Resistance Army." Seeing the other party's alert reaction, the leader of the team immediately said, "I am Teppei, who has just been promoted to the captain of the Herring Squadron of the Resistance Army. We are all the Resistance Army." soldiers."

"Do you know me?" The girl here saw that the other party was quite sincere, but she didn't doubt it. She didn't like to doubt others, and the soldiers of the shogunate army probably didn't have any need to spend time lying to her. Just come up and arrest people.

"It was the... creature next to you that made me recognize you." Zheping here pointed at Paimeng and said.

"Do you know me? Sure enough, I am more famous." Paimon snorted and said with his head held high.

"Paimon is really a convenient prop." Ying said here.

"Of course... no, Paimon is not a pass-like prop." Paimon here waved his small fist and said.

"Is Mr. Zheping on a mission?" The man here ignored Paimon and turned to Zheping and asked directly.

"We came here specifically to find you." Zheping here said, "To be honest, it's really great to meet you. I have to notify the camp side quickly, because everyone has gone out to look for you."

"Looking for me?" The girl here was stunned for a moment. Are all the rebels looking for her? Why? The other party not only recognizes me, but is also looking for me?

"Do you know Mr. Linton?" Zheping here suddenly asked.

"Mr. Linton? Who is that?" Ying was stunned for a moment, as if he had heard of it somewhere.

"Pamon thinks he's heard it somewhere before." Paimon next to him seemed to have heard of this name as well. He touched his head as if he was reminiscing, looking like he was thinking hard.

"No... do you know him?" Zheping was a little surprised that he didn't know him? Linton sent almost everyone here to look for him, thinking that the two parties knew each other.

"Ah, wanted order!" Paimon here suddenly said at this time, and at the same time, Ying here also thought of the same thing.

Yes, aren't they wanted here? There were several people who were wanted together with them before, but their names were not announced before. However, in the previous town they passed by, they saw the latest wanted order. Linton's name was also announced directly, and the wanted order was It was posted next to their wanted poster.

The people who posted the wanted notice were naturally the people from Tian Ling. They were in charge of this aspect, and Linton's name was naturally told to them by Kujo Sanra.

After knowing that the other party is also a wanted person, the hostility here will naturally be gone. Now it seems that this man named Linton is also a member of the resistance army? It is normal for the rebels to be wanted.

"Is this Mr. Linton from your resistance army?" Of course, Ying also asked for confirmation.

"Uh... yes." Zheping here nodded. Linton always felt a little weird about being the second leader of the resistance army.

"So this guy named Linton knows that we are also wanted by the shogunate and wants to join us in resisting the shogunate? He really found the right person. I am here..."

"Well... why don't we go to the camp first? It's not far ahead." Zheping here quickly interrupted Paimon who seemed to be talking too much. Linton didn't say that he wanted to find Paimon at all, he just said She was just looking for a date. When she said that, she felt a little embarrassed and didn't know how to answer.

"Oh, are we almost here? That's great. Paimon hasn't had enough to eat for several days. You guys must have prepared a feast for us." Paimon here said.

"Uh... that's right... let's go first." Zheping nodded reluctantly, hoping that you could still eat after seeing the chaotic scene over there. He no longer knew how to explain what the situation was over there. .

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