The moment Linton finished speaking, the thunder movie on the opposite side swung his sword directly forward, and a purple electric arc slash flew towards Linton.

Of course, Linton could see clearly that the opponent's slash was just to attract attention. After releasing the slash, the opponent's person had disappeared as if teleporting. The feint attack on the right covered the real attack on the left. This Thor should have quite a lot of combat experience.

However, Linton is a numerical monster and is very sorry for the opponent's superb sword skills. Even if the other party is as invincible at the same level as the protagonist of a novel, or even has the ability to transcend levels and defeat monsters, the difference cannot be too far. The current gap between Linton and his opponent can be determined by looking at the numerical value without looking at anything like swordsmanship.

At this time, Linton clenched his fists with both hands, and a huge aura spurted out from his body. The air wave he raised actually blew away the sword aura of the previous feint attack.

The oncoming Lei Movie looked at Linton in surprise as he was able to blow away his attack with just his momentum. However, the attack on his hand was not slow. A purple movie flashed across, and the next moment Lei Movie was directly hit. Appeared behind Linton.

Huge electric light erupted from Linton's body, and Lei Movie's attack hit Linton very smoothly. But Lei Qingyue, who appeared behind Linton, still frowned, because he really didn't feel like he had hit something.

Turning his head and looking in Linton's direction, Lei Qianqian could feel a powerful aura.

Sure enough, very quickly, the thunder and lightning here gradually dispersed, and Linton's figure appeared in front of Lei Movie again, and there were some changes in the other person's body.

At this time, Linton's hair had turned golden and stood up, and his eyes and expression had become even colder. Although he didn't know the situation, Lei Movie here could clearly feel that the other party seemed to have become stronger...a lot.

"Roar!" At this moment, Linton here suddenly raised his head and shouted toward the sky, as if he was about to pour out the powerful power contained in his body. Along with this roar, the sound wave seemed to be transformed into a substantial attack. Lei Jingqing, who was next to Linton, looked like he was suddenly hit by an invisible thing, and his whole body was directly thrown away from the place.

However, Lei Qianqian's reaction was relatively quick. He inserted a knife directly into the ground and stabilized his entire body. At the same time, she lowered her body even more directly to resist the opponent's sonic impact.

But she was also a little strange, why did Linton suddenly adopt such an attack method? With such power, wouldn't it be better to hit him directly?

Of course, she understood quickly, because at this time, cracks suddenly appeared on the ground around here, and the circular stage on the ground was shaken by the sound wave as if it was going to be smashed directly.

Also suffering was the torii gate next to it. The red stone pillars were clearly beginning to crack. Could just a roar cause such damage?

Apparently Lei Qianqian still underestimated Linton, because the next second, she was surprised to find that a crack appeared out of thin air in the sky here. Lei Qianqian was stunned for a moment, and then immediately realized that this huge impact even began to erode her space.

"Actually... can it reach this point?" I have to say that this situation is a bit eye-opening for even Lei Qian. Is the other party trying to destroy her pure land in this way? Can this be done?

While thinking about it, Lei Movie quickly closed his eyes, trying to stabilize his mind. Yes, this space is her own space after all. As long as she keeps her mind, she can obviously increase the stability of this space.

However, at this time, even Lei Qianqian himself didn't realize how messy his heart was now. Although she wanted to stabilize her mind, more and more cracks appeared in the sky, and gradually began to spread across the top of the entire space. The entire space also began to become obviously unstable, and began to vibrate.

"Break it!" Linton shouted the second sentence. The moment he said the words, the cracked space finally couldn't withstand it anymore, and the sky began to shatter with a "ding" sound, along with the sky. Together with the red moon, it directly cracked, shattered, and died.

After a while, the entire space returned to darkness, and then gradually began to disappear from bottom to top. Linton, Asuna and Lei Jingqing appeared on the top of Tengdou Mountain again and appeared in the sight of several people.

"It's here again!" Ke Qing's voice came quickly from the side. It was obvious that they suddenly couldn't see Linton and the others just now. After all, they were dragged into another space by the other party. Several people were also paying attention to the battle situation. , fortunately, he showed up again right away.

"Did he win?" Although I don't know what happened before, after reappearing, Linton was still standing, while the thunder movie in front was half-kneeling over there, standing with a knife. It looked like What injuries were sustained.

There were no physical injuries on Lei Qianqian's side, but the problem was that her pure land was directly and violently destroyed by Linton. This was the space she created herself. This was equivalent to the feeling of being under a huge mental attack. For a moment Even she couldn't catch her breath.

It can only be said that Linton's demolition is somewhat unreasonable. Lei Qianqian still doesn't understand how the other party can destroy his own space just by shouting. What's even worse is that he can't even stand up now. Is he really going to lose here?

However, the actual situation was more serious than she thought, because Linton had no intention of chasing her down. Instead, he looked around, and then suddenly said: "It's really weak... This area The patron saint of the land, how can such a weak god protect this land..."

Before anyone could understand what Linton meant, Linton was already wearing a white god-controlling robe. At the same time, he clasped his hands together and said, "Heavenly Impediment Zhenxing!"

Once the summons was completed, Linton did not stop and clapped his hands again: "Tianzhi Zhenxing X10."

"Uh... why did you suddenly start clapping while you were typing?" Ke Qing here looked at Linton who suddenly started clapping crazily and asked a little strangely.

"I always feel that something bad is going to happen." Beidou next to him suddenly seemed to remember something, and the next second he looked up at the sky.

Yes, she suddenly remembered that she had seen this trick before. She had been on the spaceship before. Didn't Linton perform it before? However, Ke Qing was probably too seasick and vomited to notice it, but she did remember it.

Sure enough, the moment she raised her head, red meteors pierced the black thunderclouds in the sky and began to appear one by one.

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