I really can't control myself

Chapter 2546 Cooperation

Linton's words were extremely cold. Even though he was quoting what Skirmisher had said, the two people had completely different feelings when they said it.

When Skirmisher said this before, it only made people angry, but when Linton said it, he felt cold in his bones. The coldness on both sides is not on the same level at all.

Everyone present understood one thing at this time. No matter how evil the villain is, he is much better than Linton. Only through this comparison can we know who is more dangerous.

"That's why I said I'm a little disappointed. I think you can understand it. After all, in your opinion, these people are just idiots, right, this young man. You shouldn't be saying this casually, right? You should really think so, right?" Linton said to the skirmishers here.

"..." Skirmisher couldn't answer. Although he felt that he had experienced a lot in his life, this was really the first time he had seen such pure evil.

"Why don't you join me? Don't you still have supplies from the Winter Kingdom here? Although there are still a few days until the Winter Kingdom is about to explode, you can still get a lot of supplies out of them in the past few days. Yes, or you can cheat a little, and I can give you a share later." Linton said, pointing to Kujo Sora, "After all, this guy doesn't know if he can pay a ransom."

"You want me to betray Winter Kingdom?" the skirmisher asked again in surprise.

"What, are you very loyal to Winter Kingdom?" Linton asked, "Looking at your heartless look before, I thought you weren't loyal here."

"Indeed not." Asuna said next to him, "He betrayed the Solstice Kingdom very quickly."

"Really? I just said that I am very accurate in judging people." Linton nodded, "You also heard that you will betray the Winter Kingdom soon. In this case, I don't require you to join me. We have to leave anyway, so it’s okay to steal some supplies.”

"Who are you? Why do you know this?" The skirmisher did have some ideas of his own, but he didn't expect to be directly exposed by Asuna. He wanted to ask before why this woman who looked like General Thunder knew so many things. It could be said that she had investigated him before, but this time it was different. He was definitely the only one who knew what he was thinking, and Ya Sina said it as if he would definitely do it, as if... she had predicted the future.

"She has read the script, and what she said must be true." Linton said directly, "You should also have discovered that what I am best at is telling the truth, so what I guarantee you here must be true. So is there a deal between us?”

"Script?" Apparently the skirmishers are still thinking about what the script in Linton's words means. It's not that they don't understand the literal meaning, but they don't know what it means. Can this woman really predict the future and see what happens in the future?

But after thinking about it, he nodded. Since the other party had completely seen through it, he stopped acting. After all, Linton's request is just to get more supplies, and this is a very simple thing for him to do. After all, his previous task was to deliver supplies to the resistance, right?

Just follow the original plan to provide supplies to the rebels, and obviously there will be no doubts there. As for Linton asking for more, that was within the scope of what he could do. Just say that the rebels wanted more, so he didn't have to pay much for it and didn't have to worry too much.

The only troublesome thing is Kujo Sora next to him. The other party now knows the whole situation. If this news spreads, it will be more troublesome for him. The skirmishers are now even considering a plan to silence them.

"Looking at you like this, you don't seem to be thinking of good things." Linton said with a smile, "In any case, you agree, right? When will the material be delivered?"

"As soon as possible, the first batch will be delivered today." The skirmishers were obviously ready. After all, they were really here to deliver supplies.

"Okay, you go make arrangements." Linton said, "How many people have we hired here?"

"Ah?" Although Linton was asking about Coral Palace Xinhai, she looked like she didn't know.

"Who's in charge?" Linton asked.

"Ke Qing and Gan Yu are in charge of recruiting new soldiers." Asuna replied.

"As expected of Liyue Qixing, he is a useful tool man." Linton nodded.

"Liyue... Qixing?" Jiu Jiao Shan Luo was stunned again.

Soon, the stragglers were sent away, and Linton also took Kujo Sora for a short stroll in the camp.

In the new recruit camp next to the main camp, Linton saw a bunch of people. Ke Qing and Gan Yu, who were in charge of recruiting new recruits, were busy without touching the ground. People who wanted to join the resistance lined up directly from the top of the mountain to the foot of the other side, and people kept pouring up the mountain.

"Why are there so many people?" Keqing here couldn't help but said, "What did that guy do?"

Obviously Ke Qing and Gan Yu still don't know what Linton did, but it should have something to do with the strange building Linton built yesterday. Yes, they have always been in the mountains. Of course, they don't know what kind of fiery life people in other places live.

The non-stop noise has continued from morning to now. People who can't stand it start to think of any way to avoid the sound.

But any method seems to have no obvious effect, not only plugging the ears, burying the head in the pillow, hiding underground, etc., it can't stop the maddening noise at all.

This is really maddening. Some people can't help but want to deafen their ears. This is simply mental torture, okay?

However, someone soon discovered how to avoid this noise, that is... go west. The first people to notice something was wrong were naturally the nearby villagers. They were curious about the noise that people in other places were talking about. Why was it not happening here? But after trying it themselves, they soon discovered that there was really noise over there.

They didn't hide the things they didn't have on their side. After this exchange, many people discovered that there was no noise issue near Tengdou Mountain.

But the problem is that the news has spread and they are willing to go to Tengdou Mountain, but... what to do next? How can I survive there if I drag my family with me there? The place like Tengdou Mountain is not a city. You can only hunt and eat game there?

Then they immediately knew one thing, that is, the resistance camp was in Tengdou Mountain, and they were still recruiting new soldiers there.

Then of course this is the solution to all problems. Don’t say anything and just eat military rations. Isn’t this all solved? As for what you said about beheading for rebellion, the people said that listening to those noises would make life worse than death, so you might as well kill me.

So there was the spectacular scene that Linton saw now. The number of people who signed up was simply exploding, and it was a sea of ​​people. Of course, it's still early days, and a large number of troops are still on the way.

"How many people are there?" Linton asked, looking at Gan Yu beside him.

"There are currently 886 people registered." Gan Yu looked at the records here and said, "How many people do we need to recruit here?"

"Anyway, there are people who provide supplies. If you have nothing to do, you can recruit more people. It only takes a few days to overthrow the shogunate. There is no need to consider long-term operational requirements. Just enough to feed these people for a few days will be enough." Linton said.

"How could it be..." Kujo Sora next to him was also very shocked when he saw this situation. Linton really didn't avoid her, just letting her see the recruitment situation.

"Who is this..." Gan Yu asked here, because he had never seen Kujo Sora before, so he was very surprised by how he was dressed. Looking at the armor on her body, it looks like the armor of the shogunate army.

"This is the general of the shogunate army, Kujo Sora, who came to inspect our resistance camp." Linton introduced.

"Huh?" Gan Yu was stunned. The general of the shogunate army was inspecting here. What the hell is going on? Although she has never done anything rebellious, she should not be able to show such things to the shogunate.

"This is one of the Seven Stars of Liyue, Ke Qing. This is the secretary of the other Seven Stars, Gan Yu." Linton also introduced Kujo Sanluo.

"You Liyue Seven Stars are also here to interfere in our Daozhu's internal affairs?" Jiu Jiao Shanluo here didn't believe what Linton said before, but now that she sees Ke Qing, she believes it. Although she had never met Gan Yu, she knew Ke Qing. As one of the Seven Stars of Liyue, Ke Qing was still very recognizable.

"Oh, not counting internal affairs, now Liyue is on my side, and Dao Wife will be on my side in the future. We are all one family." Linton said, "There is only one enemy, and that is the decadent shogunate! Do you think so? ?”

"Overthrow the tyranny of the shogunate!" The recruits who were signing up next to them shouted together. Yes, these people don't know anything and have never seen what the battlefield is like, but they can still shout slogans and the other party will give them food. Eat, just follow the shout.

"My career is booming, look at the empire I have built." Linton nodded with satisfaction.

"I always feel... something is wrong..." Coral Gong Xinhai, the leader of the real resistance army next to him, couldn't help but say. She felt that her troops had been led astray by Linton, and she didn't react for a while. When I came here... I felt like it was no longer beyond my control, but beyond my understanding.

Just when Linton expressed satisfaction with all the work, a huge thunder suddenly sounded in the sky. The crowd, which had been lively before, suddenly became quiet.

Yes, in Daozhu, everyone naturally knows what the thunder represents. Although shouting slogans is very active, there are actually not many people here who are determined to fight against the shogunate. Everyone is here to eat military rations.

"Sir General?" Kujo Sora here looked directly at the thunder clouds in the sky and said.

"I came directly?" Linton was stunned for a moment. Did this directly invite General Thunder and Lightning himself?

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