I really can't control myself

Chapter 2535 Building

The next morning, Coral Palace Xinhai woke up very early, mainly because he didn't sleep well at all last night.

There were suddenly a lot more things to consider. Just last night, the spies lurking on Narukami Island had sent the latest information. At present, it seems that Linton and General Leiden fought against each other is obviously true, and although there is no information from Liyue yet, there is a high probability that it is true.

As far as the current situation is concerned, Linton and Asuna are officially wanted by the shogunate. Also wanted is Thomas, whom Linton is looking for, who has been rescued by her.

Yes, just as Asuna guessed, when General Raiden's attention was all attracted to Linton, Ying, who was originally thinking about saving people, naturally left Toma. And General Thunder didn't notice this until all the Linton people left.

General Thunder and Lightning was also very surprised. She didn't expect that she would be attracted attention so easily. The main reason was that Linton's situation really made her unable to care about anything else. When she drew the sword, she had no thoughts. He was obsessed with other things, so he gave Ying a chance to save people.

Now in the sight of General Thunder, Linton and his group here are obviously with the travelers. The sudden appearance of the other party and intrusion into the ceremony she held should be to attract attention and take the opportunity to save people. Otherwise, How could such a coincidence appear at this time?

Of course, what she didn't know was that it was really just a coincidence. It was really a coincidence that Linton came to Daozhu at this time. He also wanted to be with Ying, so he was looking for her.

In short, when they were wanted, Ying and Linton were on the wanted list. The attack on the general's castle tower obviously angered not only General Raiden himself, but also provoked the entire shogunate. There is nothing to say. The shogunate also mobilized a large number of troops and directly began to encircle and suppress these thieves.

Then this debt was slowly settled on the head of their resistance army. After all, the first person who dared to oppose the shogunate in Inazuma was the resistance army.

Furthermore, someone has already recognized that the spaceship in the sky must be the Southern Cross Fleet, which was also famous in the waters near Inazuma. The captain of the Southern Cross Fleet, Beidou, is said to have had contacts with the rebels before. This is of course also true. There was only a lack of careful investigation before, but now something big has happened. Once a comprehensive investigation is started, scattered clues will come to light.

In short, according to the information brought by the spies so far, the shogunate's current encirclement and suppression efforts have reached an unprecedented level, with almost everyone coming out. The shogunate didn't take the rebels seriously before. Although they sent troops, they were only small-scale troops. But this time, they probably stung a hornet's nest.

Faced with this situation, Coral Palace Xinhai obviously had a headache. The current strength of the resistance army is completely unable to confront the shogunate army head-on. The gap between them is very obvious in all aspects of personnel, materials and weapons, let alone combat power.

After the Eye Hunting Order began, the number of Eye of God holders among the Inazuma people decreased sharply, and most of the people who joined their resistance were homeless people who were forced to leave their hometowns. Of course, these people cannot be Even most of the holders of the Eye of God cannot be considered as having combat effectiveness. It is said to be a rebel army, but actually it may be more appropriate to call it a refugee camp. The main force in the current army is even the guards of her Haiji Island.

Therefore, facing the enemy's comprehensive encirclement and suppression, the situation is really very passive. Coral Palace Xinhai is even considering whether to evacuate the current camp at this time. After all, the current camp is close to Nashi Beach. It is said that the main force of the current shogunate army should be near Nashi Beach.

Moreover, the current problem is not only a problem with the army on our side and the shogunate army, but also a problem with Linton. Just hearing what Beidou said, she didn't know how to treat Linton, because according to Beidou, this guy was a personal devil.

Coral Palace Xinhai didn't know what the other party was going to do to their resistance forces, what they were going to do to the shogunate army, or what they were going to do to Ina Wife. If you don't know this, how can you determine what the other person thinks.

Thinking of this, Coral Palace Xinhai decided to talk to the other party head-on and take the initiative to get to know the other party. Whether it is dangerous or not, you still have to try it yourself to know.

But as soon as he walked out of the camp, Coral Palace Xinhai was stunned. Because on the hilltop next to where their camp was, a huge sculpture-like thing suddenly appeared. Because the sky is not completely bright yet, what Xinhai of the Coral Palace sees below is a huge square base with a giant disk on top. Doesn't it look like a round sculpture?

So many things like this appeared here overnight? She had naturally investigated the terrain here when she chose to camp here before. This place is now called Muxiang Hazama, and the mountain next to it is called Fujikaudou Mountain. Obviously, there was no such thing on the top of the mountain before, at least not before last night.

At this time, because it was still early and it was not yet dawn, most people in the village were still resting, except for some soldiers keeping watch. Coral Palace Xinhai inquired about it, and heard from the soldiers on guard that Linton and the others were on the mountain yesterday, and they probably never came down. And last night they heard a huge noise coming from the mountain, but because it was dark, they really didn't know what was going on on the mountain. Coral Palace Xinhai specifically told them not to disturb it yesterday.

When it dawned this morning, they also saw a huge building erected on the top of the mountain, but they didn't know what it was yet.

Coral Palace Xinhai didn't think much about it and went up the mountain to check the situation. When we came to the mountain, we saw a huge strange building.

The square base seen in the lower part of the building is actually made of wood only now that it is closer. Several huge trees supported the entire frame. Of course, Coral Palace Xinhai had no idea where these huge trees came from. There were obviously no such big trees nearby.

And above it is a super huge iron plate, which is the circle we saw before. Coral Palace Xinhai certainly didn't know where this iron plate came from. Obviously there was no such thing in their military camp.

The other party conjured up such a huge building overnight as if by magic, but Coral Palace Xinhai still had no idea what this thing was for. Of course, she would know about it soon, after all... At this moment, her huge head suddenly appeared in the air out of thin air.

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