While Linton was flying towards the future with the fleet, the people on Liyue's side were also completing the tasks assigned by Linton before he left. Yes, this mission is to declare war with the Winter Kingdom.

Although Linton left temporarily, Ningguang and the others didn't dare not do anything. Besides, Liyue is a country that abides by the contract, so it has naturally agreed to do it, and Ningguang obviously will not go back on it.

So Ningguang summoned the envoy of the Winter Kingdom in Liyue, the executive officer of the Fools, Dadalia.

Regarding being summoned by Ningguang, Dadalia here didn't feel anything strange. Yes, yesterday's sabotage incident directly affected their Zhidong Kingdom's industries in Liyue. For example, Beiguo Bank was affected. The building collapsed and it would definitely be unable to operate in a short period of time. This loss was a bit big. What's more important is that even their envoys were actually affected and partially collapsed. This was a diplomatic level incident.

Dadalia still doesn't know what the situation is. At present, he only knows that a monster invaded Liyue Port yesterday. This is the news that most people know. But Dadalia keenly felt that the matter was not that simple. As a diplomat from the Winter Winter Kingdom in Liyue, a diplomat on the surface and a spy in reality, he naturally wanted to find out what was going on.

So he felt that Ningguang summoned him here to give him an explanation, and he was going to take the opportunity to put pressure on him and want to ask what the matter was. He is indeed responsible for the current situation. If he doesn't give himself an explanation, he won't let it go easily.

However, the development of things was obviously far beyond his expectation. After seeing Ning Guang here, the other party's first words made him stunned.

"You...say it again?" Dadalia asked again, even in disbelief.

"I, the condensed light of the Seven Stars of Liyue, represent the entire Liyue, and declare war on you, the Winter Kingdom. The two countries are at war, and Bu Zhan is here to envoy, but because the war has already entered, as the envoy, you should leave as soon as possible." Ning Guang said again.

"Huh?" He confirmed that he heard correctly, but Dadalia was still stunned for a long time. Liyue declared war on the Winter Kingdom? Why? This was really too sudden. Dadalia didn't expect to hear such words at all.

This thing was so outrageous that Dadalia was not sure if the other party was joking with him, or if it was a bad person who complained first. Knowing that he couldn't give him an explanation for what happened before, he threatened him to declare war to put pressure on him.

Dadalia didn't believe that the other party really came to declare war. The reason was very simple. That was because it was too obvious, okay? Let’s not talk about the current national strength of the Winter Solstice Kingdom. What is the situation in Liyue yourself? As a result of the huge riot yesterday, at least half of the entire city of Liyue Port has been destroyed or paralyzed. The first step you want to think about now should be how to restore the operation of Liyue Port, and then you don’t want to In order to build the city, they directly declared war on their Winter Kingdom? What are you making a fuss about?

More importantly, he has been conducting espionage work in Liyue, so he naturally knows the actual situation in Liyue. If Liyue really wants to go to war, of course he will gather supplies and increase his troops in advance. If these are really detected, then he will naturally be prepared.

But the problem is that as far as he knows, there is no such preparation work at all. In his opinion, Liyue has no preparations for war at all.

And why was war suddenly declared? What's the reason? There must be a reason for declaring war. What did they do in Winter Kingdom that you announced? is it necessary?

You mentioned what happened before when he used the Absolute Barrier to summon Osel, the demon god of whirlpools. To be honest, he thought it would cause problems in the relationship between the two countries at first. But later he realized that he was the one who was being used. He was used by Moraxli without any knowledge to test whether Liyue could enter the next era, and the people from the Winter Kingdom on his side also The other party reached a contract in exchange for the other party's god's heart, and the only one who was kept in the dark was himself.

So this was originally planned by Morax, does that count as a falling out between the two parties? Obviously not. It is true that the other party did not hold anyone accountable after that, and he was still Liyue's diplomat.

But the question is why are we declaring war now? So what's your reason? Therefore, regardless of motivation, timing, strength, or purpose, Dadalia never thought that the other party would declare war in any aspect, so he said it was too outrageous.

After calming down for a while, Dadalia still judged that the other party was more likely to scare him, and of course he was a little angry. If it is between people, you can suddenly scare them, but the problem is that this is a diplomatic situation, how can you rashly threaten them by declaring war? Do you really think they will be afraid in the winter?

The strength of the Winter Kingdom gave Dadalia enough confidence, and he would naturally not back down in any way. Now he is the diplomatic envoy of the Solstice Kingdom. Any retreat here will bring disgrace to the Solstice Kingdom and the face of the Ice Goddess.

"We in Winter Kingdom never accept any threats. Although I don't know the reason, if you dare to do that, I will let Liyue know what the price is." Dadalia said neither humble nor overbearing.

"It's not about whether you dare or not. We have already made a decision. We are just informing you." Ningguang said directly, "Now the declaration of war has been officially declared. You can hand this declaration of war to your Ice Goddess when you go back. .”

Ningguang said and handed a volume of documents directly to Dadalia here. Of course, this made Dadalia stunned again. He opened the document and looked at it. It was really a declaration of war, and it was also stamped on it. This thing is obviously effective. After all, Liyue is a country of contracts, and all contracts made count. Since this thing can be regarded as a contract, it is naturally a formal declaration of war.

This once again made Dadalia a little bit at a loss, mainly because it was really unexpected. At first, I thought the other party was just a threat, but now that the official declaration of war is in front of me, this should be true. But... why? Why dare?

"Whose decision is this? You seven stars, or... that one?" Dadalia here asked.

"None of them..." Ningguang thought for a while, but did not hide his intention from the other party, and decided to show off his cards directly, "In fact, just yesterday, we Liyue lost to an ambitious demon. The current Liyue Yue has been taken over by the other party and forced to obey the other party's orders, and this is one of the other party's orders."

"Ambitious devil?" Dadalia really didn't know about this. Although he wanted to check the situation yesterday, he was injured and his skills were weakened and he couldn't catch up. So when Ningguang suddenly said this, he also Face confused.

Liyue was occupied? Fallen in just one day? Who could do such a thing? Why does it always sound like Ning Guang is deceiving me?

"Who are you talking about? Can you let me see you?" Dadalia said here.

"He is not here now. He has gone to Daozuma. He should be still on the ship now." Ningguang said truthfully, "His name is Linton. He should be a descendant from the outside world. He is very powerful. We are not his The opponent was forced to choose to obey."

"He just occupied Liyue yesterday, and then immediately went to Daozhu today?" Dadalia was even more unbelievable. You just occupied a country, and you left again within a day? It takes a few days to sort it out no matter what. Are you really not afraid of what will happen if you leave?

"What he means is that he wants to occupy all the seven countries in the Teyvat continent, first Liyue, and then Dao Wife. That's why I say he is an ambitious man." Ningguang still told the truth, "By the way, The Land of Winter is also on his list.”

"So he ordered you to declare war on us?" Although Dadalia didn't believe it, she continued according to Ningguang's statement, at least to hear what she wanted to say specifically.

"No, his men seem to have already set off towards your Winter Kingdom. According to him, our declaration of war is just a formality. Since I have agreed to his request, I can only abide by the contract and declare war on you." Ningguang He said, "According to what he said, a big disaster will happen in the next few days until winter. He used the word "blow up". I also advise you to be careful and evacuate the dangerous area as soon as possible if possible."

"Blow it up?" Dadalia said with an "Are you kidding me?" look on his face.

"Although I think you may not believe it, I still want to persuade him. I think what he said may be true. After all...if we didn't have that kind of strength, we wouldn't choose to surrender, right." Ningguang said, "If you really don't believe it, you can evacuate the people first. After all, they can't fight against the enemy."

"So, does this person really exist?" Dadalia doubted again.

"I don't need to lie to you. After all, I didn't make any demands, right? It was just a declaration of war." Ningguang said.

Indeed, if the other party threatened them to hand over something, Dadalia would be even more suspicious, but the other party did not ask for anything, it was just a notification to declare war. Is this... is it true?

But the problem is that it is really hard for people to believe it, not to mention that Dadalia has never seen Linton at all.

"Anyway, we have informed you of this matter. I hope you will inform your goddess as soon as possible and let her make a decision. Or you can pay attention to the situation on Inazuma's side. I believe there will be news there soon. , and...according to that general's character, it probably won't be good news." Ningguang also knew that the other party was suspicious and said directly.

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