On a new day, the sky in Liyue Port is clear and cloudless.

Qun Yu Pavilion above Liyue Port, where the new Liyue high-level meeting is being held. Speaking of which, this is the first time that a high-level meeting in Liyue has been held here. After all, although Qunyu Pavilion is Ningguang's palace, it can only be regarded as a private palace. Generally, meetings of Liyue Seven Stars are held at Yuehai Pavilion.

However, Yuehai Pavilion is an attic built on a cliff. Due to yesterday's destruction, the main building of Yuehai Pavilion has collapsed and is now completely unusable. This led to the temporary change of the high-level meeting to Qunyu Pavilion. held.

The people attending the meeting were basically the same people as yesterday, Liyue Qixing, a few immortals, and Zhongli who had never attended a meeting before. Zhongli unexpectedly attended the meeting today. After all, he had complied with Linton's previous request. Now he couldn't ignore the development of this matter.

When Linton arrived at the conference room, almost everyone else had already arrived. Compared with the energetic Linton, everyone else had fatigue written on their faces. Yes, Linton just went to bed after finishing this, but the others couldn't rest at all.

This battle caused all kinds of natural disaster-like destruction, and the subsequent finishing work was completed by Ningguang and the others. Not to mention anything else, the resettlement work for the disaster-stricken people was enough for them. They had no rest this day, and now they were invited to a meeting the next day. To be honest, these people were in good spirits even if they didn't just lie down to sleep. .

Of course, some people really slept. Yes, when Linton came, he saw a blue-haired girl sleeping on the table. Because no one else was sleeping, just such a girl sleeping on her stomach made Linton a little bit agitated. Surprised, this... really dares to sleep.

"Hey, hey, wake up, how do you manage to sleep at your age?" Linton stepped forward and said directly.

"It's Gan Yu's lunch break now, and she didn't mean to." Ke Qing next to her explained, "And you must have just woken up."

Linton actually slept until noon, and started tormenting people as soon as he got up. He called everyone, whether they were resting or not, to come to the meeting, but Linton never expected that anyone would dare to sleep in front of him.

"This one named Gan Yu is a hybrid of human and fairy beast. Probably because of her bloodline, she sleeps at noon every day, and she sleeps very deeply. Even if she is kidnapped and trafficked, she cannot wake up." Ya next to her. Sina also explained.

"Oh oh oh? You can't wake up after being kidnapped?" Linton looked like he had found something interesting again. Ningguang next to him was frightened, wondering what Linton was going to do. Just as he was about to say something, Linton suddenly clapped his hands.

"Alright everyone, let's start the first high-level meeting of New Liyue. In Xia Linton, your new immediate boss is now the new governor of Liyue." Linton clapped his hands and said.

This statement shocked many people, especially those who didn't know the situation. For example, Ningguang's secretaries, Baixiao, Baishi, and Baiwen. They still don't know exactly what happened yesterday. They only know that the city was severely damaged. Of course, they also knew about the invasion of the city by monsters. They thought it was the destruction caused by monsters. They were busy dealing with resettlement matters yesterday. Well, now I suddenly heard Linton say this, and looked at Ning Guang here with a shocked face.

However, Ningguang didn't mean to directly object, and seemed to acquiesce to Linton's statement, which shocked them even more. Has Lord Ningguang really been seized of power? But the problem is that to seize power is to seize power. Where did Linton come from? I've never heard of this guy before, okay? Is this really from Liyue?

Besides, given their knowledge of Ning Guang's temper, how could he still come to attend the meeting after being seized of power? Was this because he was convinced by Linton? How is this possible? In their opinion, this was even harder to accept than Ning Guang being killed.

They wanted to question Linton, but Ning Guang didn't say anything. They didn't know what to say, and they didn't know the situation. So I was shocked. Now I can only continue to listen to what Linton said, and then I will ask Ningguang what the specific situation is.

"Since Liyue is now under my control, I have to arrange work here." Linton said, "Everyone, I came to Liyue to do three things. It's fair... I'm sorry that I read the lines wrong. I Come to Liyue and do three things: declare war, declare war, or declare war with TND."

"Huh?" Ke Qing next to her was stunned. It was obviously the first time they heard Linton's words. Ning Guang here also frowned, wondering what Linton wanted to do.

"Think about it carefully, everyone. There are seven countries on this continent. Under normal circumstances, they would have been at war with each other long ago." Linton said.

"What is a normal situation?" Keqing next to her couldn't help but said.

"This is a situation I assumed when I was making up the story. I am just making excuses for myself. Just listen." Linton said, "In short, I will not allow the country under my command to have nothing to fight. Now that our country’s treasury is empty and there are many wastes waiting to be revitalized, shouldn’t we fight a war as soon as possible to promote domestic development?”

"This... isn't quite right." Ke Qing said here.

"We in Liyue are so poor now, and other countries are so rich, why don't we attack them?" Linton said.

"This is not caused by you!" Ke Qing shouted directly. Liyue is not poor at all, right? Liyue Port, the most prosperous trading port in the mainland, was originally very rich. Isn't this all the result of Linton's destruction yesterday?

"Yes, so as a responsible person, I must lead everyone to make a fortune." Linton waved his hand.

"It's not... you..." Ke Qing couldn't hold back and wanted to curse, but Ning Guang next to her said at this time: "Then who are you going to declare war on?"

"In this case, let's declare war with the Solstice Kingdom first." Linton said.

"What?" Everyone was stunned. Winter Kingdom? Currently, Zhidong Country is the strongest country on the mainland, okay? Precisely because the other party was strong, Ningguang did not dare to investigate further when their people were causing trouble in Liyue.

Everyone here wanted to object when they heard this, but Linton hadn't finished speaking yet. Before everyone could digest the news, Linton continued: "Of course, you don't need to pay too much attention to the declaration of war here, it is just a formality. What is more important is that we must also declare war with Inazuma at the same time. That is what we should focus on."

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