I really can't control myself

Chapter 2520 Countdown

Linton's words made Zhenjun Liuyun Jiefeng and Zhenjun Lishui Dieshan obviously stunned. The next moment they subconsciously wanted to scold them, with words like "Bold!" and "Discourteous!" . But just as the words were about to come out, the two birds subconsciously stopped the car.

The scene where the other party killed Zhen Yue Zhu Yang Zhenjun like a joke was right in front of them. These immortals were obviously friends. Because of this, they had a deeper understanding of how strong Linton was. .

They could sort of hear it, and Linton's dissatisfaction with them was due to their previous attitude. With Linton's strength, he was able to play with Ningguang and others for such a long time before they came. It was entirely because the other party was not serious. But as soon as they arrived, the other party killed them without hesitation. It was obviously his attitude towards them. dissatisfaction.

Think about it carefully, isn’t it normal for the strong to be respected? Although Linton was indeed an enemy, looking back on his previous attitude, he was actually a bit arrogant. However, these immortals have been masters for thousands of years, and their arrogance is indeed embedded in their bones.

This is really something other people are used to, not to mention the ordinary people in Liyue, who naturally respect these immortals. Even their immediate boss, Morax, actually doesn't treat them like a boss, but more like an old friend. It is because no one suppresses them that these immortals become what they are now.

To put it simply, I have never been out of society, so I don’t know how painful it is to be fucked by a lot of people. Linton is here to give them a hard time.

"Why do you want to be Liyue's enemy? What do you want to get?" Although Zhenjun Lishui Dieshan was very angry at Linton's attitude, he still suppressed his anger and asked Linton .

"Liyue is worthless in my eyes." Linton said with a smile, "Compared to this, trampling the self-righteous pride of you two trash to the ground brings more pleasure to me. This kind of The feeling of stepping on someone's face and rubbing it directly on the ground is really intoxicating."

Everyone understood what Linton said. Although the opponent's target was not Liyue, the situation in front of him was even worse. Obviously, people like Linton who just want to slap someone in the face are more dangerous than other people who have a purpose.

Yes, everyone understands one thing, that is, Linton is really terrible, not only terrible, but also very terrible.

Linton didn't give them a chance to breathe, but waved to the side: "Did you see that dog? Pochi!"

Linton called out, and Pochi, who had just been hit in the eye and was furious, suddenly came out of his angry state. When he heard Linton's voice, he instantly changed back to a licking dog expression. .

When he looked at the posture of Linton's hand, Boqi suddenly became happy. He rushed forward with all four legs and ran towards Linton. Before Linton could get in front of him, Boqi lay down on the ground, and the whole dog fell to the ground. Following the force, he slid directly in front of Linton, and his head happened to be right under Linton's raised hand. On the other side, Linton took advantage of the situation and started to rub the opponent's head.

Because Pochi is relatively tall, he can only touch his head when he is completely curled up to Linton on the ground. Linton rarely plays with dogs, so it is rare for him to take the initiative to touch his head. Pochi here is very happy. , with an extremely happy expression on his face, and people around him can see its pleasure.

Obviously this was what Linton was demonstrating to others. While touching Boqi here, he looked at the two immortals in front again and said with a smile: "It's your turn. I'll count down to three. Give it to me in front of me." Get down."

"You..." Obviously the two immortals understood what Linton meant. Didn't they let them do it? But that dog is just a monster, and they are immortals. How could they do such a thing?

"I'd like to remind you that when I start counting down, things have become very dangerous. Don't... make me unhappy." The moment Linton spoke, his aura suddenly increased. The huge pressure seemed to directly hold down the souls of everyone present. Ordinary humans, even those with divine eyes, were directly pinned to the ground by this pressure, and even felt that their bodies were lost. Control, completely unable to move.

"Is this... his true aura?" Ning Guang here was also directly pressed to the ground by this huge pressure. Although she wanted to get up, it didn't work at all. Just raising her head seemed to be... A very difficult thing to do. As for the ordinary soldiers of the Qianyan Army who were still around, many of them fell to the ground on the spot and became unresponsive.

"Then... let's start, three... two... one..."

It was probably because of the sudden situation that Liuyun Jiefeng Zhenjun and Lishui Dieshan Zhenjun here had obviously not kept up with Linton's pace. Although Linton has now released powerful pressure, he actually did not use all his strength. These two immortals must be able to move.

It's just that they are still staying in place, as if they haven't come back to their senses. Of course, Linton obviously had no intention of talking nonsense to them.

"Zero!" The moment he finished counting, Linton raised his hand. A brilliant light lit up from Linton's hand, and then a huge beam of light rushed out, sweeping across the street next to him in an instant.

Similar to the effect of the punch just now, the light beam this time also cleared all the buildings in sight in an instant. The light swept directly through the entire Liyue City, and this time it was not directed towards the sea, but towards the sea. Against the mountain wall behind the city. As mentioned before, the topography of Liyue Port is surrounded by mountains on three sides and water on one side, with Tianheng Mountain in the back.

Linton's light was directed in the direction of Tianheng Mountain. Of course, he was familiar with the rhythm of blasting the mountain first. The mountain that happened to be visible next to it was Tianheng Mountain.

The next moment, the light passed directly through the city and hit Tianheng Mountain.

There was a "boom" sound like the earth was shattering. The Tianheng Mountain that was hit seemed to be exploded from the inside. The whole thing exploded. Various fragments and boulders flew everywhere, and of course some of them were directed towards Liyue. Flying from the Hong Kong side, it seemed as if it was raining stones from the sky.

Of course, the light that Linton casually sent out went all the way west after penetrating Tianheng Mountain. It can be said that it directly swept through the entire map of the Liyue area, and even directly reached the territory of Nata, the country of fire element.

At this time, the large volcano in the Nata area began to erupt in advance because it was hit by Linton's light, and the entire Nata area was under emergency martial law. Of course, the person in charge of Saitama in the Nata area was still on the carriage at this time. He had just found a carriage willing to take him to the west. It seemed that it would take seven or eight days just to get there.

In fact, according to Saitama's ability, even if he can't fly, it is probably no problem to jump directly with both feet. However, he feels like he is really playing an RPG game now. He is not in a hurry at all and just took a ride. But he didn't know exactly what kind of scene was waiting for him.

Of course, Linton definitely doesn't know what exactly his light hit, nor can he see it. Just clear out everything you can see right now.

The explosion of Tianheng Mountain next to it was enough to explain the situation. Everyone present looked at the direction of the disappeared Tianheng Mountain in amazement. They could not even feel the pressure on their bodies. After all... the scene in front of them was really... It's amazing.

Before they could calm down, Linton's voice sounded again: "I say, you two, come here to see me."

"..." Everyone present looked at Linton again. The two immortals here wanted to say something else, but Linton ignored them and spoke again.

"three two……"

It was obvious that everyone understood what Linton meant in an instant. At this time, when thinking about Linton's words just now, "Liyue is worthless in my eyes," it was obviously very suitable for the occasion.

"Stop!" The first person to react was Mandrill who was standing next to Linton. He had just been pushed away by Linton. His mind was indeed in chaos, but when he saw such a scene, he immediately came back to his senses.

However, Mandrill did not attack Linton directly this time. He probably understood that his attack was of no use. He directly raised his hands and grabbed Linton's collar: "I said stop!"

"One..." However, Linton just looked at him with a smile and continued counting down.

"I'll do it!" Mandrill shouted directly, which obviously meant that he was here to bow down to Linton. He even wanted to lower himself to Linton while talking to others, but Linton directly stretched out his left hand and grabbed Mandrill, which also stopped Mandrill's movement.

"Zero." The moment the count reached zero, another beam of light shot directly from Linton's right hand, this time towards the northwest. It also cleared the buildings in front of it in an instant, penetrated the entire city and then swept towards the northwest. Push it all the way until it disappears on the horizon.


"I said, you two, come and see me." Before Mandrill could say anything, he heard Linton's cold voice again, who had entered the repeating mode.

"Three...two..." Sure enough, the countdown appeared again, and everyone's minds went blank.

But at this moment, a voice suddenly came from the front: "Stop."

The firm and steady voice seemed to suddenly calm down the people around them. For some reason, hearing this voice gave them strength.

Linton also saw the man in black clothes appearing in front of him, a tall man with black hair. Although it was the first time they met, Linton guessed who the other person was immediately.

"I am the Zhongli you are looking for. Let's talk." The man here said.

"One..." However, the answer to him was still Linton's countdown.

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