I really can't control myself

Chapter 2517 Immortal

When Linton heard the voice, he raised his head and saw a dark green light flashing past in the sky. The moment Linton raised his head, the light had already arrived in front of Linton.

What appeared in Linton's eyes was the tip of a spear, spinning and already attacking his face.

However, although the attack came suddenly, Linton still directly raised his left hand and grabbed the spear that was thrust into his face. Although this downward attack was fierce, the tip of the spear was caught by Linton and stuck a few centimeters away from the front door, making it impossible to advance even an inch.

Linton also saw clearly the person who attacked him. He was a young man wearing a mask. Linton didn't care so much about the others, but this mask was a bit special. The ghost-like mask looked good in texture.

I can still vaguely feel that this young man's strength should be much stronger than Keqing's. As for why it is vague, the main reason is that although the attack power is stronger than Keqing, it is also relatively limited, and it is still a bit far behind Linton. It is indeed a bit confusing to judge which one of the two "weak" attribute attacks is stronger. Linton was in trouble.

"Do you people in Liyue like palm skills that fall from the sky so much?" Linton looked at the fallen young man with a smile, "So does the one with the knife next to him. Why do they all come down from the sky?"

Before the young man here could answer, Asuna said directly: "First of all, the person here is called Maplehara Manyo, and he is not from Liyue. Secondly, he came down from the sky because of the person over there. Qunyu Pavilion has already moved towards this side."

"You're still good at demolishing it." Linton said and looked at the sky. Indeed, the jade pavilion in the floating city that he saw before was already approaching them. Sure enough, this thing can move. If it really can't be moved, why make it a floating city?

Obviously, this young man should have jumped down from Qunyu Pavilion and attacked directly. Watching the opponent's spear tip flash with dark green light again, it was obvious that he was preparing to use some tricks, but Linton was not in a hurry. He directly held the tip of the spear with a little force and threw the person to the side.

The boy here was thrown away directly, and of course his moves were interrupted. Although Linton just flicked it casually, the power was amazing. Seeing that the boy here was about to be thrown directly into the building on the other side, the boy here quickly adjusted his movements in the air and thrust the spear into the ground. The two of them slid back a certain distance with the gun, and finally It is to stop yourself.

Looking at the other party, Linton frowned slightly, and then asked, "Are you Zhongli?"

Linton's words made everyone present stunned. It was obvious that everyone on the young man's side knew him, and he was not Zhongli. They were just a little curious as to why Linton mistook him for Zhongli.

"He is not Zhongli." Fortunately, Linton had a tour guide. While Asuna simply dealt with Maplehara Manyo, she explained to Linton without any delay, "If I admit it correctly, he should be……"

"The immortal with three eyes and five manifestations - Mandrill, come here to protect you when called upon." Before Asuna could say anything, the young man here, Mandrill, took the initiative. The voice sounded cold, and Linton realized that the other person was not the voice saying "disagree" that he just heard.

"An immortal with three eyes and five manifestations?" Linton looked at the other party, "Oh, I almost forgot about immortals. Are you an immortal?"

Asuna had mentioned the immortal thing before, and Linton also said that he wanted to learn Ten Thousand Swords Techniques, but there were some things that Linton just casually mentioned and forgot about, and he only remembered it now that he encountered it.

After looking at the immortal here who claimed to be Mandrill, he... didn't look like the immortal in Linton's impression. Linton looked a little disappointed again. He was disappointed before because he mistakenly thought that the person who came was Zhongli he was looking for. After all, he thought that the other party should show up and end it at this time, but he did not expect that the other party was so weak.

Linton felt a little better after hearing that the other party was not a patron saint, but he immediately knew that the other party was an immortal. This immortal did not seem to have any skills such as sword control, which was obviously different from what he thought. And...it's also very weak.

"..." The mandrill here did not answer Linton. Perhaps the brief exchange had made him aware of Linton's danger. Now he was holding the spear horizontally, obviously preparing to defend the enemy with all his strength.

Linton naturally didn't care whether the other party answered or not, so he just kept to himself and said, "How on earth do you Liyue remember so many people? You were from the Seven Stars and the Eight Gates before, and now you are from the Seven Stars and the Eight Gates. There are so many people coming here with three eyes and five appearances..."

"Ahem...the Three Eyes and Five Manifestations Immortal doesn't mean there are eight people." Asuna next to her quickly explained, "The Three Eyes refers to the third eye, which is the god's eyes besides the human eyes. Eyes, the five manifestations refer to the manifestation of the saint and the manifestation of the spirit..."

"Stop, stop, stop, it's not that the three immortals called 'eyes' and the five immortals called 'Xian' are collectively called the three-eyed and five-show immortals. Is this just a title? Is he the only one?" Linton asked.

"It's very troublesome to explain, and I guess you don't want to hear it. You can simply understand that the full name of the immortal is the three-eyed five-manifestation immortal." Asuna here said, "Of course there is not just one, look over there..."

The position Asuna was pointing to was where Poch was next to her. Just when Linton looked over there, there was a "boom" sound, and Poch, who was wreaking havoc everywhere next to him, was suddenly hit by something. In the middle, the whole dog flipped around in the air, but it landed smoothly on the ground immediately, and quickly roared and looked at the thing that had just knocked it off.

Obviously, the opponent's support was not just for the mandrill in front of him, but there was also support for Ningguang, who was almost unable to support himself. Listening to Asuna's suggestion, the people who supported him seemed to be of the immortal level. Linton was not surprised. In this situation, he thought the patron saint was about to show up, but he didn't expect that the other party hadn't come yet, but several Immortal support.

Then Linton naturally looked at the position of the immortal who had knocked away Pochi, and he was stunned. Because what appeared on the opposite side was not a person, but... a deer.

Yes, what appeared on the opposite side was a relatively colorful deer. Although this deer looked unusual at first glance, it actually surprised Linton.

"So this deer..."

"I am the Immortal with Three Eyes and Five Manifestations, True Monarch of Cutting the Moon and Building the Yang. Intruder, you will pay the price." Linton was still asking, but the deer here looked directly in Linton's direction and said.

"What the hell? Did you speak?" Linton looked at the deer in shock and said.

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