I really can't control myself

Chapter 2500 Greeting

The person who burst out with brilliant flames at this time was Diluc who was in the store before, and the one he was fighting was naturally Sun Wukong.

Yes, he, Kaia, and Rosalia wanted to ask Linton about their situation before, but Linton was uncooperative and kept asking them to find Sun Wukong, the person in charge.

Diluc thought about it for a moment, and also sensed that Linton and the others didn't take them seriously. In this situation, the best way is to show their strength so that they can continue talking. Otherwise, the other party will not take themselves and others seriously at all.

So the three of them also agreed to the proposal for a discussion, and the target was naturally the person in charge here, Sun Wukong, whom Linton mentioned. Linton also said before that after Sun Wukong was defeated, he came to him. Diluc and the others wanted to defeat Sun Wukong first and show their strength before asking Linton about the situation.

But... the opposite person is Sun Wukong. Obviously, the three of them have not realized what kind of monster they are facing at this time.

What Linton saw at this time was that Diluc was swinging his sword at Sun Wukong. The weapon used by the opponent was a huge two-handed sword. Every time he swung it, it was filled with dazzling flames. It looked quite good. Powerful. However, Kaia and Rosalia were still watching the battle without taking any action. They really regarded Sun Wukong as an enemy of the same level and wanted to observe it, right?

Of course, Sun Wukong here is not serious at all. He is currently avoiding the opponent's attack. It is obvious that after observing the opponent's situation, he has roughly figured out the opponent's strength. Now... I'm probably playing with someone?

"Hmm...fire fighting spirit?" Linton looked at the skills released by Diluc and said, mainly because he didn't understand the world at all and looked at the combat level of this world. From the current point of view...it doesn't work.

The moves Diluc releases are a bit like the feeling when a swordsman here in the main world releases his fighting spirit, except that the flames are more obvious. Unlike the fighting spirit in the main world, it can actually be hidden, so that people without fighting spirit cannot see it at all. kind of.

"No, humans in this world mainly use a tool called the Eye of God. Relying on the Eye of God, they can use the power of elements." Asuna, the tour guide and commentator next to her, said, "Look at his waist. The pendant-like thing that is flashing red light in the middle should be his God's Eye."

Linton looked at it, and sure enough, there was something flashing hanging on the other person's waist. The red color was quite obvious, and some patterns like flame patterns could be seen on it.

Then he looked at Kaia and Rosalia who were still watching the battle. Sure enough, they also found similar things on each other's bodies, but the color of the Eyes of God on their bodies was different from that on Diluc's body. Linton It is estimated that the color of this thing may have something to do with the properties of the elemental power used.

"Elemental power... is really ordinary enough." Linton nodded, "Isn't there any other more exciting ability?"

"The power of elements should be the main fighting force in this world. In addition to the users of the Eye of God, some other gods, even the gods, use the power of elements." Asuna said, "But I heard that there seems to be some in Liyue. Immortals who can use magic..."

"Immortal?" Linton was stunned for a moment, "Are there really immortals in this world? What type? A fortune teller or a sword fairy?"

"That's not very clear," Asuna said.

"Then I really want to go to Liyue to see it. Maybe I can learn the Ten Thousand Sword Jue or something like that." Linton nodded, never forgetting the Ten Thousand Sword Jue.

Linton didn't pay much attention to the battle on Sun Wukong's side. Obviously, judging from the current situation, it was impossible for these people to defeat Sun Wukong. Linton also said to leave it to Sun Wukong. Linton was now a little curious about the specific situation of the immortals in Liyue, so he also said directly: "Which direction is Liyue?"

"Yeah." Asuna looked around, then pointed to the southwest and said, "It should be over there."

"Okay, let's go...wait..." Linton originally wanted to open the door directly, but at this moment he seemed to suddenly see something in the sky, which diverted his attention.

After looking carefully, Linton found that he could see something floating in the sky in the distance at this time. Because it was a bit far away, he couldn't see it very clearly, but judging from the current situation, it looked like something floating in the air. The...island?

"What is that?" Linton asked, pointing to the island in the sky in the distance.

"It should be Sky Island." Asuna looked at the location pointed by Linton and said.

"What nonsense is this? I also saw it was a sky island." Linton said.

"That's indeed the name." Asuna said, "According to the current information, this Sky Island should be where the gods of this world live."

"Oh, I understand, it's similar to Olympus, right?" Linton nodded, "That means the patron saints of the Seven Kingdoms live on Sky Island, right?"

"No, the patron saints of the seven countries basically stay in their countries. The people living on Sky Island should be another group of gods." Asuna said.

"Uh... similar to the situation of the Celestial Dragons?" Linton asked.

"There is currently a lack of information. The only thing we know is that there is a god named Tenri's Sustainer who lives on Sky Island. The other residents' information is not clear, and it is probably a part that has not been made yet." Asuna said.

"The maintainer of heavenly principles? It doesn't sound like a good person. Generally, people with this name are most likely the final boss, right?" Linton said.

"Indeed, there was a battle with the protagonist at the beginning of the game." Asuna said, "Since then, his whereabouts have been unknown."

"Whereabouts unknown?" Linton asked.

"According to the current information, several of the Seven Gods have stated that they are temporarily unable to contact this keeper of heavenly principles. The other party has been out of contact for at least 500 years," Asuna said.

"No one has been seen for 500 years?" Linton was a little surprised, "Isn't that why everyone is gone?"

"So it's possible that the lack of supervisors from this protoss has led to the current frequent crises in the entire world, so there are opportunities for the protagonist to play." Asuna said.

"Hmm...why does this plot sound a bit familiar?" Linton said, rubbing his head.

"Do you have any impression?" Asuna asked.

"No, no, no, it always feels very similar to another story I know. This God couldn't find anyone for a long time, and then there was a mess down there... Wait, isn't this the plot of Elden's Ring? ?" Linton suddenly said, "The goddess Malika has been missing for a long time. This is too... no, no, no, it seems to be the other way around. The original god came out first, right..."

"What should we do with this Sky Island?" Asuna pointed at the Sky Island and said.

"Well... Anyway, let's say hello and check the situation first," Linton said suddenly.

"Hello?" Asuna looked towards Linton, who had already raised a hand, facing the direction of Sky Island.

With a "ding", a golden light flashed, and a beam of light shot directly from Linton's hand and rushed directly into the sky. Everyone present was attracted by the sudden light. Diluc, who was sparring with Sun Wukong over there, suddenly stopped and looked towards Linton.

Under the surprised eyes of Diluc, Kaia and others, the light emitted from Linton shot straight into the sky, and then... went straight towards the Sky Island in the distance.

"You!" Diluc here was shocked. They naturally knew the sacred significance of Sky Island. They didn't expect Linton to suddenly launch an attack on Sky Island without any warning. Of course, even if you wanted to stop him at this time, it was too late. You could only turn your head and look in the direction of Sky Island.

Under the gaze of everyone, the light directly penetrated the island in the sky, and then... there was no more, the light went straight upward and disappeared into the sky. However, the Sky Island that was penetrated by the light did not react. There was no explosion or any special movement. It was still floating quietly in the air, as if nothing happened.

"No reaction?" Linton was also a little surprised. He could clearly see that his light penetrated Sky Island directly, but his current reaction did not feel like he had hit something, but more like he had hit something directly. It went through like this.

"It did hit and penetrate the target." Asuna next to her also confirmed that the optical telescope system installed in her eyes should be able to see more clearly, "But judging from the lack of reaction, there are two possibilities. One is that the sky island we see so far is not an entity, it is just an illusion. The other is that maybe the location where this island exists is not the physical location we see. It may be another spatial location. This is just A mapping.”

"Hmm... In this case, it won't work even if you log in directly, right?" Linton nodded.

"According to the records in the data, although this Sky Island can be seen from most areas, no one has landed on it by going up directly. Only a few selected people can reach Sky Island, the residence of God." Yasi Na said.

"Special, chosen person?" Linton asked.

"It is the person who has obtained the Eye of God as mentioned before. Obtaining the Eye of God means that this person has obtained the qualification to be called a god, which is the origin of the name Genshin." Asuna said, "It is said that among them Those who will be selected by the gods will be qualified to land on Sky Island."

"Choose the King of Elden, right? No, no, it's a bit confusing. No, no, these people are going to be burned, right? Why does this familiar feeling get heavier the more I talk about it." Linton held his forehead. road.

"What the hell!" Just as he was talking, Kaia's voice suddenly came from beside him.

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