I really can't control myself

Chapter 2494 New World

"Is this a plane war? It's not as difficult as you said." In the preparation hall, Vegeta complained a little.

"I don't know what kind of world I will encounter. I thought the world the guild leader chose to defend the city would be difficult." Linton spread his hands and said, "But the main reason is probably because the investigators are not here at all."

If you think about it carefully, the main reason is that there were no enemy investigators to cause trouble. Otherwise, things would obviously not have gone so smoothly. Of course, the world the opponent chooses to defend the city is indeed not that difficult.

"Maybe I haven't encountered any difficulties. What if the next world is a fairy tale or something like that?" Linton said, spreading his hands.

"I just need an opponent who can fight me now." Vegeta here said.

"Okay, okay, it should pop up eventually." Linton waved his hand and said, "Let's go to the new world first. Although it took two days to get one, it only took 30 days in total. I don't know what it will be like. Are there any worlds that are more troublesome to control? It’s better to hold on tight... What about the dog?"

As Linton was talking, he suddenly realized that Pochi was not here: "Didn't you follow him out?"

"Probably still there." Asuna said here.

"...Okay, don't worry about that dog." Linton held up his forehead, "Speaking of which, we have finished the whole world. Where is that guy Sun Wukong?"

I have to say that leading the team is really troublesome. When I entered the God of War world, two people had disappeared inexplicably. However, Aizen may have misunderstood him, but Sun Wukong really has not seen anyone until now. At the beginning I don’t know where I went, and I probably didn’t even enter the same world as them.

"That guy Kakarot has always been like this." Vegeta here said.

"I think he never entered the same world as us from the beginning. The evidence is that the control point of this world here has increased by 1%." Asuna pointed to the other world sphere next to her.

Linton went over and took a look. When he got closer, it would indeed show how controlled the world was. Just now, the world of God of War has shown 100% control, and the world sphere next to it now shows 1%.

At the beginning, it was obviously 0% on their side. Now the control level of this world has changed, and it is obvious that their people have entered. Now the situation is obvious. The only person who goes in is Sun Wukong. It is obvious that Sun Wukong ran into the wrong world from the beginning and entered a world different from theirs.

"This is really reliable..." Linton raised his forehead and said, "You are wrong when you say you made a mistake. We have already solved a whole world here, but this guy only made 1% of it?"

"It is very possible that improving the control level of this world is more troublesome." Asuna said here. "It may be that the enemy is very strong and difficult to defeat, or it may be that the conditions for improving the control level are difficult. For example, the world is too big. There are too many important forces or people..."

"Although your analysis is very reasonable, the problem is that I just feel that this guy is not doing his job well at all." Linton spread his hands and said.

"I agree." Vegeta next to him said, "That guy Kakarot probably just ate for a day or something, and that guy will most likely only do this. I guess we don't even know what we are here to do. Well, he didn’t understand it at all.”

"You really know him," Linton said. After all, he thought so too. Now that even his gay friend Vegeta is saying this, then it is estimated that Sun Wukong is really just going to eat, drink and have fun.

"So you choose this world?" Asuna asked.

"Okay, let's just take this one. They all have to be dealt with anyway. It doesn't matter which one you choose." Linton said, "Let's get that Sun Wukong guy back first. It's really... an inexplicable headache."

"Or... act together?" Aizen next to him asked.

Before, Aizen said that he could divide into several teams and he could go to other worlds first. Linton didn't agree at the time, and then suddenly there was no one around Aizen. Linton thought he was starting to act on his own initiative, but he didn't expect that he was quite reliable.

If there are other people to compare with, Aizen can be said to be the most reliable ones in the entire team.

"Let's act together!" Linton thought for a moment and said immediately, "Our J13 broken team, what qualifications do we have to be a separate team? Don't you understand how many reliable guys there are in the whole team? Besides, let's act together. The efficiency isn't bad, right? We've already solved a world here in two days, so we might as well just push it as a team."

"Hmm..." Aizen nodded, but he didn't mean to refute. It seemed that he agreed with Linton's view. He probably... did feel that these team members were unreliable enough.

"Come in, come in, right here." Linton pointed to the world in front of him and said.

"Shall we go in directly?" Asuna said, "Based on the situation in the previous world, don't we need to discuss the countermeasures for a while?"

Asuna's meaning was obvious. The moment they entered the last world, they were already attacked by the enemy before they could stand still. Obviously, they knew the news of the war, and the enemy also knew it, and they were probably ready and waiting for them.

When Linton said go in, he would probably go in and start fighting directly. If you want to discuss countermeasures, it will definitely be too late after entering. What Asuna means is that we should discuss the strategy before going in.

"If you're afraid of something, wouldn't it be a good thing if you can go in and start fighting directly?" Linton said, "It's like the last world, where you'll encounter enemies as soon as you go in. That saves us a lot of trouble, as we can work in a hurry."

"Anyway, if you get attacked when you go in, you can just fight back, so let's go in." This is indeed what Linton thinks. It's not a bad thing if the enemy comes directly to the door. There is no need for any special strategy. If you can fight directly, just fight first. Say it again.

Although the plan sounded really reckless, almost as if there was no plan, no one in the team objected at all. Yes, this team is so unreliable. Linton clearly realizes that for this team, if you really arrange a plan and let them execute it, it will probably be chaotic to death. Just go up and be reckless. Everyone understands. .

Several white lights flashed, and soon everyone present followed Linton into the world ahead.

There was no big problem when entering the world this time. When Linton opened his eyes, he found that several people in the team were there, but not as few as last time.

Looking around, the mountains and rivers are peaceful and peaceful, and the scenery is very good. However, the problem is... there are no people surrounding them at all, so they are extremely quiet.

"You see, this is the most troublesome situation." Linton waited for a while and found that no one really came to attack them, and said with some disappointment.

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