In fact, there is no need for Kratos to agree, Poseidon is already heading towards Kratos.

The tentacles on the lower body now turned into a lot of water. Poseidon here seemed to be driving a carriage made of water, quickly approaching Kratos.

Kratos had just landed. Facing the huge flood-like current rushing towards him, he didn't want to avoid it. Holding the sword, Kratos here calmly waited for the roaring waves.

Then the next second, Kratos' body here was swallowed up by the huge waves in an instant, and the water horse chariot roared past, as if it was going to destroy everything passing by. The same happened to Kratos who was standing in front of him. At the moment of contact, he disappeared directly into the huge flow of water.

"Father!" Seeing Kratos being swallowed by the flood, Atreus here screamed nervously. Obviously, he still hasn't figured out how his family got involved in such an exaggerated battle.

If you look at the battlefield around you, you will know that there are all kinds of lightning and frost special effects, as well as enemies as big as mountains. Can they participate in such a battlefield? Although he was also very surprised that his father was able to kill the giant just now, that was mainly due to Linton's side.

The extraordinary divine sword was handed to his father by Linton, and his father was also thrown by Linton. From Atreus's point of view, his father only had to follow the force of the throw and insert it, just follow the trend. But now that Linton has stopped helping, is it okay to let his father face the monster-like thing across from him alone?

While Atreus was still worried, changes quickly occurred on the battlefield. At this moment, a figure suddenly flew out of the water, holding the Sword of Olympus in his hand, and rushed directly towards Poseidon's human-shaped upper body. With a sharp thrust, the sword penetrated directly into Poseidon's body.

"Ah..." Poseidon here screamed, but the next second, a tentacle suddenly stretched out, grabbed Kratos who flew out of the water, and held it in his hand.

"Do you think you are qualified to compete with me for this position? Kratos!" Poseidon here roared at Kratos who was caught in his hands, "There is only one ending for you, and that is to die here. !”

To be honest, Kratos didn't even understand what Poseidon meant by location. After all, he didn't think in that direction at all. Wasn't he forced by Linton to attack Poseidon?

Obviously now is not the time to think about this. Kratos here opened his hands at this time, trying to get rid of Poseidon's control. However, at this time, Poseidon had already taken out his own weapon, the trident.

Just as Poseidon was about to pierce Kratos with his trident, a black shadow suddenly jumped out of the water, opened its mouth, and bit Poseidon's right hand holding the trident in one bite.

"Ugh!" Poseidon groaned in pain, lowered his head slightly, and found that the one biting his arm was a very familiar big black dog.

"Uh... is this thing still hanging on him?" Linton was slightly stunned when he saw the black dog. Yes, this black dog is one of his team members, the dragon-level weirdo Pochi.

If Linton remembers correctly, when the battle of gods first started, Linton directly used the flying dog flash to throw this thing out, and the direction of the throw was the direction of Poseidon. After all, Linton hadn't seen Zeus and the others at that time, but Poseidon, the largest, was very conspicuous.

At the same time, Linton seemed to shout something like "bite him".

If you read it correctly, this guy seemed to have jumped out of the water just now, and this pile of water was formed by Poseidon's tentacles just now. If your guess is correct, this guy has been biting Poseidon's tentacles all the time, from the beginning to now?

The battle has been going on for such a long time, Zeus and Odin are already dead, and Linton even went to the Nordic side. Poseidon here also had a fight with Cronus, and this Poseidon has been hanging on each other?

I have to say that this Boqi is really stubborn. Linton asked him not to let go, but he really didn't let go until the tentacle he was biting turned into water. He couldn't bite anymore, so he changed his bite. Honest enough.

"Relax, you bastard!" Poseidon didn't seem to notice that there was a dog hanging on his body before, but he must have noticed it now. At this time, Poseidon was disturbed by Poch. Poseidon here immediately shook his arm, trying to shake off Poch, but Poch was so stubborn that it was obvious that he could not let go of his bite, and he was still hanging on to Poch. On Sedon's arm.

Unable to shake it off, Poseidon here once again condensed his tentacles, obviously wanting to attack Poch. But at this moment, Kratos, who had the other hand here, seized the opportunity, opened Poseidon's arm with both hands, and inserted the divine sword into Poseidon's palm.

Poseidon here could clearly feel the pain. He swung his left hand and hit Poch directly on the body that was biting him. This was a sincere blow, but Boqi here still didn't let go, but the impact directly caused Boqi to tear off a piece of the opponent's arm, and at the same time the whole dog flew out.

Also flying out was Kratos, who had just broken free from the hold of the opponent's arm. As a result, the opponent waved his hand and hit Porchi, and also knocked him away.

Kratos in the air looked down and saw that there was still turbulent water. He didn't want to fall into the sea when facing Poseidon.

Looking left and right, he saw Pochi flying out of the air with him. So he reached out and took out the Blade of Chaos from his back, and threw it directly in the direction of Poch next to him.

The chain circled Boqi's body, and then wrapped around the other party's body. Kratos here pulled the chain in his hand with a strong force, and flew towards Porchi, and in the next second he was directly riding on Porchi's body. The chain happened to be stuck on Pochi's neck, blocking Pochi like a dog collar.

"Oh oh oh, this looks very familiar, the God of War's all-things riding skill." Linton looked at Kratos's series of operations and couldn't help but praise.

Yes, Linton complained when playing the game. Kratos can really ride anything. Things like three-headed dogs, centaurs, and cyclops were all used by Kratos as mounts, and they could also help clear out the minions. This is the current situation. This Bochi was turned into a temporary mount by Kratos, and now both sides are human and dog.

"But... this thing doesn't seem to be able to fly..." As soon as Linton finished speaking, Kratos, who was riding a dog, fell into the sea below with a "plop", including the man and the dog.

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