Athena didn't really explain the current situation to Kratos just now, she just told her that Zeus was dead.

The main thing is that the movement here is really... too eye-catching. How can they not pay attention to the situation here?

Although he still doesn't know the specific situation in Olympus, Kratos here can guess a little bit. After all, he knows that Zeus is dead. And from Linton's previous behavior, he probably guessed something.

This guy is an absolute demon, which is what Kratos knows about Linton now. He is no longer the vigorous and vigorous man he was back then. After he was no longer easily taken advantage of, Kratos calmed down and gradually began to understand a lot of things and know how to think more.

As far as Linton's situation is concerned, it seems like he let Badr go, but in reality? The other party's attitude is that he is not afraid of death. You turn him into a real immortal body and then let him go. Are you being kind? The curse on Baldur originally came from his mother Freya. Looking at Baldur just now, he hated his mother to death. Why did Linton ask someone to take him back?

Simply put, it was worse than killing him.

Obviously meeting such a person, Kratos felt that not only Zeus, but also the Greek gods might be in trouble. Linton must have done something crazy in Olympus. And judging from the look of Athena next to her, she must have been forced over by Linton.

Obviously Athena is not someone who can be easily forced. The current situation there is obviously very bad. Kratos can only guess up to this point, and he probably already knows what's going on.

So what should I do now? Kratos felt that it didn't matter on his side, but the problem was that there was still someone important to him behind him, how should he deal with it.

Kratos really can't think of a way now. Of course, it's useless for him to think about it. After all, he is not the one in control of the situation now.

Just as he was thinking about it, Linton took a few steps forward and approached the direction of the wooden house. Seeing this situation, Kratos also took a few steps forward and stopped in front of Linton.

"Won't you invite me in to sit down?" Linton asked, looking at Kratos. The other person was tall and tall, a head taller than Linton. When Linton got closer, he really had to look up at him. Of course, this is just in terms of height and momentum, he is the one looking down.

"You...what do you want?" Kratos here whispered.

"I told you, I'm tired of standing and want to go in and sit down," Linton said.

"No." Kratos said immediately.

"Oh..." Linton nodded, then pointed to a snow-capped mountain next to him, "Have you seen that snow-capped mountain?"

Kratos looked at Linton without turning his head, and continued to ask in a deep voice: "What do you mean?"

With a "ding" sound, a beam of light came out of Linton's palm and flew towards the snow-capped mountain he was pointing at. The next moment, the beam of light here directly hit the snow-capped mountain, and there was a loud "boom", and the whole mountain exploded in the next moment.

Although the snow-capped mountains are still a little far away from here, the huge impact quickly spread to this side. The simple fact is that the three people present are not mortals, so there is nothing wrong with them.

Just look at the snow-capped mountains over there. There are no snow-capped mountains here. The whole mountain has been flattened directly, and what is left is a huge hollow in the middle of the mountain. Huge smoke and dust are rising in the hollow.

"I'm just not easy to talk to. Do you think you should stop thinking about inviting me in?" Linton looked at Kratos and asked again.

"..." Kratos didn't answer, looking at Linton as if he was holding something back. Linton knew that Kratos here was really considering taking action. For his obvious provocation, if it were Mr. Kui when he was young, he would probably have punched him directly, and then hit him. But the problem is that Mr. Kui is no longer young, and there is a relative of his in the house. Does he dare to bet?

Seeing no response from the other party, Linton suddenly pointed in the direction of the house: "Have you seen this wooden house?"

Linton clearly saw Kui Ye's fist tightening and he was about to take action, but the other party held back in the end. He looked down at Linton, thought for a while, and said, "Come in."

I still compromised. Linton was a little disappointed. Sure enough, he was no longer the Kui Ye he was then.

Kratos here also opened the wooden door at the back directly as he spoke, and walked in first. Entering the room, Master Kui subconsciously looked in the direction of the floor, but there was nothing moving there.

At this time his son Atreus was hiding in the cellar under the floor. Obviously the other party also heard the sound of opening the door, but did not come out from under the ground. This was of course what Kratos taught him. He should always be vigilant before safety is guaranteed. The person who opened the door may not be his father Kratos, he could also be an enemy.

Linton looked around and saw that this was indeed a very simple house. There was almost no furniture in the room, the most obvious being two animal skin beds and a large table in the middle.

"Is there anyone else living here?" Linton asked.

Kratos felt nervous and looked towards Linton, realizing that he probably knew about this after seeing the two beds in the room. This matter really couldn't be argued with, so Kratos also directly raised the topic: "What do you want?"

Linton looked at his mission progress bar again. The control points displayed here were still stuck at 99%. So now I have been playing for a long time and I am still stuck here. The conclusion is obvious, that is, something has not been achieved. Linton's guess is naturally the protagonist of the world in front of him.

It seems that there is nothing we can do. We really have to take action against Mr. Kui. To be honest, Linton still likes Mr. Kui. His character of doing whatever he refuses is really to Linton's liking. It's just that you can't ignore the invasion mission on your side, right? Now I can only hope that Mr. Kui here can cooperate a little bit.

While thinking about it, Linton took a few steps forward again and happened to reach the vicinity of the cellar in the house. Although the cellar was covered with a simple animal skin carpet, it could not completely cover it.

Kratos was a little worried about what Linton had discovered, and hurriedly took a few steps forward, but his movements were not too big. After all, he overreacted, which would make it easier for Linton to detect abnormalities.

"Where is your son?" However, what he didn't expect was that Linton's words directly made Kratos tense up again.

"..." Kratos still didn't answer, but his hands began to reach behind his back, and his weapon was on his back.

However, before he could take action, the cellar door in front of Linton suddenly opened, and a figure suddenly flew out, holding a dagger, and pounced directly on Linton in front of him.

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