I really can't control myself

Chapter 2475 Conditions

"Why are these guys fighting among themselves? They are in the same group." Vegeta found Linton who was watching the show. At this time, the game on the opposite side can be said to be in a state of chaos, and the Nordic gods and Greek gods here are really on fire.

Originally, Linton also said that getting one head would be enough. But when you really enter the battlefield, you can't escape after just one kill. Even if you want to retreat, will the person on the opposite side give you the opportunity to retreat?

The Norse gods and the Greek gods all have one thing in common, that is, most of these people are related to each other.

Although many of them often engage in operations such as sons killing their fathers and brothers killing their brothers, there are also many who love each other and respect each other. Then if you kill someone's family on the battlefield, can they just let you go? So after the fight actually started, the situation on the battlefield was obviously uncontrollable.

If things were normal at this time, the commanders on both sides of the battlefield could still control the situation. For example, if you see that you can't fight, you can direct everyone to retreat. For example, if the fight is indistinguishable, both sides will be injured if the fight continues. Of course, no one wants all of his men to die, right? Then the battlefield commanders on both sides can discuss it and reach a consensus where both sides take a step back. kind, to avoid the situation of fish and fish dying and net breaking.

But on the current battlefield, the commanders on both sides were all dead, and even the people fighting on the field didn't know what the battle was for. The current situation is that there is no one to stop the fight, and both sides are fighting desperately. To be precise, this is not a battlefield at all, everyone is on the road to self-destruction.

How it got to this situation, even Vegeta here couldn't understand. He had just casually eliminated a few minions here, and saw that reinforcements from the other side seemed to have arrived, and then for some reason both sides suddenly started fighting. What the hell was going on.

"Have you finished solving all the problems there?" Linton asked.

"There is no opponent worth watching at all." Vegeta here said unhappily, "The one named Zeus just now must be their leader. I thought he had some strength, but it is still not worth watching at all."

"Indeed, the so-called gods in this world are just average. If they were really powerful, they wouldn't be directly challenged by Mr. Kui alone." Linton nodded.

"Who is Mr. Kui you talking about?" Vegeta here asked with a little interest when Linton heard that a man named Mr. Kui singled them all out.

"Oh, the protagonist of this world, Kratos, should be considered the best fighter here." Linton said simply. After all, although it was a bit hard to fight in the original work, he could destroy the Greek gods by himself. He also defeated the Nordic gods. These were real achievements, and he was worthy of being called the God of War.

"Where is he?" Upon hearing that there was such a master, Vegeta immediately became excited.

"Who knows, I want to meet him too," Linton said. Of course, he didn't want to fight with him, he just wanted to meet him. After all, he was Mr. Kui.

Having said this, Linton looked at Athena who had been lying on the ground staring blankly at the battlefield next to him, pointed at her and said: "This woman may know."

Upon hearing this, Vegeta also walked directly to Athena, reached out with one hand to pull the other person's hair, lifted it up and asked: "Do you know where Kratos is?"

"Well..." Athena here groaned, but unexpectedly there was no resistance. Looking at Vegeta here and Linton next to him, he suddenly said with some surprise: "If Kratos is handed over to you, can this war be stopped?"

Obviously, Athena understood clearly that the only person who could stop this meaningless killing was Linton in front of her. And this is not the first time Linton has asked about Kratos. From Athena's perspective, Linton seems to want to find Kratos very much, so he puts forward such a condition.

"How much control do you have now?" Linton asked Asuna next to him.

"99%" Asuna said, "And it's been stuck for a while. There seems to be something wrong with it."

"Some questions?" Linton asked a little strangely.

"The previous increase in control degree is generally in line with the law of time. But this time, the 99% progress is beyond the previous growth time range. I have some doubts that we have not reached a similar condition. , so that the control of this world can reach 100%." ​​Asuna said, obviously she has started to consider this issue since she just discovered this situation.

"Conditions?" Linton touched his chin, "For example, controlling the protagonist of this world?"

"This speculation seems very reasonable." Asuna nodded.

Linton thought about it and felt that it was somewhat possible. After looking at the control progress, it was indeed stuck at 99%. I looked at the battlefield next to someone and someone fell down, but the progress still didn't move. Although Linton couldn't even name the minions who were fighting together, at least one of them could gain a little points before, but now they haven't moved at all. Maybe some necessary conditions have not been met, and complete control cannot be achieved.

No matter how you think about it, you can only start from the protagonist's side. If he had to say it, Linton would have thought of some explanation such as being a son of a plane, or that the protagonist had the luck of this world.

Although Linton doesn't like this kind of metaphysical explanation, he has encountered some situations similar to the power of the world before, such as the number of fairy beans in Dragon Ball. This can really only be explained as the power of the world. That's how it was arranged, what can you say.

There are actually some invisible settings in the system that are related to this. Otherwise, why would he appear not far from the protagonist or important supporting characters every time he travels through the world, and he can also correct some time to fall at more important time nodes? This kind of metaphysical explanation may actually make some sense.

In short, Linton decided to give it a try. After all, this is the first world, and there are two more worlds to be invaded. He must figure out everything about this invasion war here to avoid accidents in the two worlds later. The situation caught me off guard.

The people in this world are quite cooperative. After all, the other party took the initiative to send him to his door as soon as he arrived. This really saved Linton a lot of time. Here, Linton had to thank Zeus and Odin.

If they didn't deliver it themselves, it would be quite troublesome for Linton to come to the door himself. After all, these people couldn't detect the aura. If they really went to hide, Linton wouldn't know where to find them. Now, in less than a day, Linton has achieved 99% control, and there is still a lot of time to determine the conditions for other aspects of the invasion war.

Thinking of this, Linton also looked at Athena next to him, thought for a moment and said, "If you can convince him to do something for me, I can fulfill your wish."

Linton suddenly proposed such a condition, which was obviously to embarrass Athena.

As for why we should do this?

In addition to being a bad person as always, Linton's main reason for proposing this condition was to buy some time. Although Linton saw that the current progress was stuck at 99%, he was not completely sure about this. After all, it might just be rising a little slowly, right?

After finding Kratos, Athena persuaded him that it would take some time to explain the situation. If he didn't agree to start working, it would take a lot of time. Linton wouldn't know if the progress was really stuck.

It doesn't matter whether Kratos agrees or not. Anyway, Linton also knows that joining his subordinates in the invasion battle counts as a control point and does not necessarily require killing. If the other party really doesn't agree, just agree to it for him. Anyway, Linton is not in a hurry now. Zeus and Odin can save him a lot of time, giving him time to slowly figure out the rules.

"Persuading... Kratos..." Upon hearing this condition, Athena frowned obviously. She obviously also knew how difficult this matter was.

Of course Linton knew what she was in trouble for. Although he didn't know what would happen after the world was changed, he knew that Ares, the God of War, was dead. Since he is dead, it means that at least the plot of God of War 1 has happened. It has also happened that Ares and the gods deceived Kratos.

As a person who was deceived by the gods and became a gunman, how could Mr. Kui still believe what these gods said? It was basically impossible to persuade them.

But Athena is an exception. Although she has her own purpose, she did guide Kratos back then and allowed him to defeat Ares. She was also kind to him and helped him avenge the murder of his wife. The hatred of women.

Athena had obviously thought of this, and she still had a little bit of confidence that she could convince the other party.

Besides, she had no other choice. Looking at the Nordic gods and Greek gods fighting each other in front of her, there was no other way to stop them. Could it be that she really watched these people fight to death and all fall here?

"Okay, I can try." Athena here thought of this and nodded directly.

"Let's go then." Linton also signaled Vegeta here to put down Athena.

"Let him join us?" Vegeta here was not satisfied with Linton's statement. He still wanted to challenge Kratos for a duel. From the beginning to the end, he didn't care about control points or not, and he didn't know that persuading these NPCs to switch sides could increase control points. He just wanted to find someone to fight.

"I'll handle this guy. If you have nothing to do, help Saitama clean up the Titans. He's too slow. What kind of workman is he doing there?" Linton waved his hand and said.

Although Vegeta was very angry, Linton said there was nothing he could do. So Linton also took Athena with him and went directly to Kratos's secluded location.

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