I really can't control myself

Chapter 2470 Instigating rebellion

Linton obviously won't let Odin go. After all, this thing should be worth a lot of points.

Yes, after Zeus died, Linton paid special attention to the control points here. Including Hera who died at the same time, the control points directly increased by 14%. I'm afraid Zeus alone accounts for more than 10%.

Linton felt that in addition to Zeus, who should be a relatively important figure in this world, he himself was a member of the world's main explorer, which should also allow them to gain extra points.

This is what Linton thinks. According to the PVP battlefield settings of general online games, these control points are usually obtained by killing the opponent's participating personnel. Although the introduction of the rules is a little unclear, Linton felt that the rules of the invasion battle at the beginning should be that the two sides attacked each other, and the combatants of the other side were killed to gain control points and pull each other.

It's just that there is no PVP part now, and the other party's people are not there at all. But fortunately, this setting may allow you to gain some control points by killing important NPCs in this world. This is a rule that is more beneficial to the attacker. It also gives the defender some goals and allows them to gain help from the NPC's combat power. , we must also protect the NPC province from being taken away points. If you think about it carefully, it is a relatively balanced rule.

If this is what Linton guessed, Zeus is an important NPC in the world and a participant in the war. Of course, it is normal to obtain so many control points.

And there is another person here who is an important NPC and a member of the world's main explorer. He is completely consistent with Zeus's setting. Of course, he is Odin in front of him.

From what he just said, Linton judged that the other party should be someone who knew the rules of the invasion war, and was most likely a member of the World Lord. Then he is 10% walking now. Can Linton let him go? If others run away, you can't run away either, right?

This old guy had a good idea. He wanted to trick these Greeks into coming up, and he wanted to take advantage of the chaos to escape. Of course, Linton would not give him a chance.

"I will not leave. At this moment, we, Asgard, are fighting with Olympus." Odin here said immediately, of course immediately denying Linton's words.

"You just have to fight with me, right?" Linton smiled, "Well, you Greeks, didn't you just say you surrender? Okay, I'll give you a chance to surrender. Now Zeus has been killed by me. Die, I am the new Lord of Olympus. Now, I order you to fight for me and kill these Nordic barbarians for me. I promise you, as long as you can bring back a head, you will Will receive a seat under my crown.”

"What?" After hearing Linton's words, everyone was stunned. Whether it was the Greek gods here or the people on Odin's side, they couldn't help but froze for a moment. Is it possible to instigate rebellion in advance? I just beat your king to death in front of his face, and now he demands your immediate allegiance?

"Are you... telling the truth?" However, what I didn't expect was that someone among the Greek gods here actually asked, as if they were really considering it.

"Of course." Linton nodded, "But I also said, at least bring back one head. I don't want waste here. I don't need anyone who can't bring back a head."

Linton's conditional persuasion to surrender only increased the credibility of his words. Although no one responded to Linton's words, many gods on the Greek side had already begun to observe the situation of the Nordic people on the opposite side, as if they were selecting their prey.

Yes, they were moved. They had already been afraid of Linton before. Facing Linton or facing these Nordic people, it is actually a good choice.

Besides, are they, the Greek gods, so loyal to Zeus? This is obviously not the case. Most of the gods are just afraid of the power of Zeus and have no choice but to obey his orders. Now that everyone is dead and there is just a new king, it is not so difficult for them to accept it.

As for the invasion war, it was said from the beginning that they had no idea at all. They didn't know why they wanted to participate in this war from the beginning. According to Linton, this was the war started by the gods of Olympus who took the initiative to attack them. Well, at least that's how it seems to the other gods.

"I have given you time to think about it. I believe you all have made your own judgments." Linton looked at the reactions of the gods around him and continued, "Those who choose to continue to be loyal to this dead king will stand where they are. .Others, follow my orders and attack!"

Following Linton's order, at least half of the Greek gods who had been surrounding Linton suddenly rushed out, naturally towards the Nordics. This made the people who were still in the same place stunned for a moment.

Before waiting for a few seconds, several more people rushed out. These people rushed out faster than the previous ones. They were worried that their hesitation in just a few seconds would really cost them their lives.

The few who are still in the same place are Athena and a few other gods. These people looked at the gods leaving them with shocked faces, as if they were still shocked that the scene had changed like this in just this minute.

"Haha, that's right..." Linton also planned to take action, and his target was naturally Odin. He decided to take the walking 10% into his mouth first. Just as he was about to go up and deal with Odin, Asuna next to him suddenly spoke.

"The control point increased by 26%." Asuna said.

"What?" Linton, who was about to go up, suddenly braked, "What's going on? How did it go up?"

"According to my judgment, it should have been caused by your act of persuading you to surrender just now." Asuna said, "The score increased by 26% at that moment."

"Uh... can this happen?" Linton really didn't expect it. This matter was really unintentional. When he incited the Greek gods to rebel, he just said a few words casually. After all, Odin had said before that the Greeks and the Nordic people should love each other and fight together against powerful enemies. Linton wanted to slap each other in the face on the spot. In just two sentences, these Greeks were instigated to rebel. It was up to Odin to see whether he was dumbfounded or not.

However, I didn’t expect that this incitement to rebellion can also directly add control points? In other words, you can directly let important NPCs in this world join your command, and you can also gain control points. It is true that these points are not kill points but control points. Important NPCs help you work, which indeed counts as increased control.

In the past, points were gained through killing or stunning, but this is indeed the first time I have seen this happen. In this way, it suddenly became easier.

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