With a loud "boom", Linton's blow directly drove Hercules' head into the ground. His body was still outside at this time. This shape looked a bit funny.

Just next to her, Athena was already lying on the ground, and Hades was also lying not far away.

At this time, the Sun God's carriage had fallen to the ground. The three people who had been ignored before quickly started fighting Linton, but none of them could hold on for long. Angry as hell, it was only when they really started fighting against Linton that the three of them could clearly feel the gap in strength.

But at this moment, Linton suddenly turned his head and looked at the sky, when a figure flew towards him. It wasn't Zeus's group, the other gods seemed to be fighting with Vegeta, and Linton didn't pay attention to the situation there.

The person coming over at this time was someone from Linton's side, Asuna to be precise.

"Wait a minute, when did you learn to fly?" Linton looked at Asuna landing and couldn't help but said, "Who did you learn from?"

"After transplanting the Mind Stone, you gained the ability to fly." Asuna here said, "However, I am still researching the principle of this ability to fly, and I cannot explain it scientifically for the time being."

"Nonsense, that's magic, okay? As a robot, you use magic to fly, don't you feel ashamed? If I were you..."

"What's that in your hand?" Seeing Linton getting angry, Asuna here slowly began to change the subject.

"Oh, you said this, look at it." Linton happily showed off the luminous head flashlight. It is really easy to use. It lights up when you pinch it and turns off when you release it. "How about it?" , isn’t this thing very exciting?”

"I see, the head of the Sun God Helios? It's also a very useful prop in the game." Asuna nodded.

"Oh oh oh, has your master told you about the God of War? Sure enough, you know better. You see, these three have no idea how interesting this thing is." Linton pointed to Athena and others next to him. said.

"Are these three Athena, Hades, and Heracles?" Asuna didn't know how to determine the identities of the three gods who fell next to Linton, but she still asked Linton for confirmation. road.

"Well, it's them, what's wrong?" Linton asked.

"When you obtained the head of Helios just now, was there any prompt such as valuables?" Asuna asked.

"Uh... It seems not." Linton shook his head, and indeed did not receive the prompt, "But the invasion war is different from the usual detection. It is not certain whether there are valuables. Even if there are, they may have been uploaded by the previous investigators. Aren’t we looking for control points here?”

"Yes, that's why I came over to check on the situation, because just now, our control points suddenly increased. I guess it has something to do with your defeat of Helios just now, so I came over to verify the situation." Asuna said.

"Uh... Then you are really reliable. I almost forgot about this." As Linton said, he also opened the system page to look at the current control point situation, and then he was surprised to find that at present, this They already have 17% of the world's control points.

Don't say that Linton really didn't pay attention to when this control point increased. He just went to play. Fortunately, Asuna is here, and she is still paying attention to this point. As for the other people... Aizen is not here, and the other people probably don't care about the invasion at all, they are just thinking about fighting.

"Just when I fucked Helios to death, my penis got a little bigger?" Linton asked.

"Well, it's probably increased by 4%." Asuna said, "The other points have slowly increased before, maybe it has something to do with the giants we are fighting. I'm not sure about the increase now. Is your score caused by killing Helios, or did it increase after you obtained valuables such as Helios' head? It is possible that valuables during the invasion war cannot be uploaded for points, but they can be exchanged for control points. .”

"It's not important. Anyway, if this thing is really valuable, you probably know what the valuables in this world are. Just take it directly from these gods. There is no big difference from killing them." Linton said .

"It's too late to test now. According to my information about this game, if the protagonist's props are considered valuable, then the gloves in Hercules' hand and the hook sickle in Hades's hand are both valuable. Product." Asuna pointed at the two people next to her and said.

"Yeah, yeah, sure enough, my Asuna knows her stuff. I was thinking just now that just a certain part of these gods seems to be useful. I was wondering if I should concentrate on their useful parts and create a 'useful god' Come out, like the head of Apollo, the hands of Heracross, the feet of Hermes, etc., and finally a fusion of six gods..." Linton said.

"As expected of you, you are as unworthy as ever." Asuna nodded calmly.

"Hey, hey, that's it? Is your complaint threshold set too low?" Linton said, "I'd say you're a bad student. After you learn how to fly, you won't even be able to use the complaint program anymore."

"What do you plan to do with Aphrodite? According to you, which part of her is the useful part you said..." Asuna said.

"..." Linton looked at Asuna and was stunned for a moment, "Uh... I drove it too high this time. It's my fault. I misunderstood you. Do I, Linton Uchiha, want to call you the strongest?" "

"In the current situation, should we conduct tests first?" Asuna was still more concerned about tests similar to scientific experiments, mainly because of this, she came to Linton. The main reason is that Asuna, the other teammates, can see that they are basically random goods. She is the only one who is really doing logistics work, which is of course what Linton ordered before.

"Okay, okay, let's test." Just as Linton nodded, there was a "dong" sound next to him, and a huge body broke out of the ground and rushed towards Linton again.

The one who rushed over was naturally Hercules, who had just been beaten into the ground by Linton. At this time, the opponent had his hands forward, obviously preparing to use a wrestling-like grapple.

However, Linton directly grabbed the opponent's hands that were reaching out to hug his body with both hands, and at the same time kicked him hard in the chest. With a "tear", Heracross's body flew out directly, but his hands remained directly in Linton's hands.

"Okay, he's not dead yet, and he's got the gloves. Have his control points increased?" Linton directly took the opponent's hands and asked Asuna.

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