I really can't control myself

Chapter 2458 Provocation

"Such an attack is simply not worth mentioning." Vegeta looked at his slightly burned hand and said disdainfully at Zeus above who was emitting lightning.

Of course he also knew that the other party was just a tentative attack, but he didn't use much strength at all, just casually. While the other party is testing him, he is also testing the depth of the other party.

The current conclusion made him a little disappointed. The enemy didn't look very good.

"Just say 'that's it'." Linton said from the side, "After comparing it, I realized that Aizen is really useful, so where is this guy..."

"Are there only enemies of this level?" Vegeta here asked.

"I don't know. It's not like I was directly kicked into a group by the other party when I came up. I'm still confused now." Linton spread his hands and said.

"Tch... the old guy over there." Vegeta pointed directly at Zeus above and said, "If this is the only level, don't come out and embarrass yourself. You are no match for us. If you have any more powerful ability, Or if you need a more powerful helper, hurry up and use it, I can wait for you."

"A classic scene of committing suicide, I am worthy of being you, nephew." Linton held his forehead and said. He looked familiar in every sense of the word. In the original work, this guy also said the same thing to Shalu, and then he was beaten to tears. It was really I cried.

However, it is a pity that the guys opposite are not Celluloid, so they cannot merge and transform. But obviously Vegeta's tone of voice angered Zeus. Obviously these gods were used to being arrogant, but they couldn't stand others speaking to them in such a tone.

Zeus waved his hand at Vegeta. At first, Vegeta didn't understand what the other party meant. But the next second, a blue light suddenly fell from the sky.

Although it appeared relatively suddenly, Vegeta's reaction was natural.

Still the same as before, Vegeta didn't take this thing seriously. He waved his right hand suddenly and heard the sound of metal collision. The next moment, the blue light was directly knocked away by Vegeta. After just a slight circle in the air, it seemed to be attracted by something, and flew all the way back to Zeus's hand.

Only then did Vegeta and Linton see clearly what the blue light in each other's hands was. It was a large sword emitting blue light. It looked like the size of a two-handed sword, but it was held by Zeus with one hand. Although Vegeta didn't pay much attention to the weapon the opponent took out, Linton quickly recognized it.

This sword is naturally the weapon of Zeus, the Sword of Olympus. Of course there is this thing in the game, and the results are quite impressive. Zeus used this thing to rule Olympus. This thing also stabbed Gaia to death, and even stabbed to death the game's protagonist Kratos Kratos. Of course, Kratos crawled back from hell afterwards.

Now that Zeus has taken out this thing, he is obviously serious about it. Of course, the current situation obviously forced him to get serious. Although he felt unusually angry at Linton and Vegeta's attitude, Zeus still had a basic judgment that these two people were obviously difficult to deal with.

Zeus is obviously the one who understands the difficulty of this outsider. If it hadn't been for that guy's intervention, Zeus felt that he had already settled this group of Titans and completely ruled Olympus, instead of having to allow these giants to still exist like he did now.

But although he knows the pros and cons, he is the king of the gods, and no one can stand on his head. Even if he temporarily compromised with the other party, Zeus was actually thinking about how to deal with this outsider all the time.

This outsider has not appeared for a long time, but Zeus just had some ideas and received a system notification of invasion. These outsiders ran wild on his own territory one by one, making him unable to hold back his anger. In short, even if that person came back now, Zeus planned to clean him up as well.

Of course, if Linton knew his thoughts, he would probably find it amusing. If people from the Chicken Farm Guild came to participate in the battle, Zeus would probably fight directly with the opponent, which would be very interesting.

It's a pity that the people from the other guild seem to be really missing and can't come back. Linton has already accepted the current situation.

And now although Zeus seems to be ready to fight seriously, Linton has no intention of getting involved in the drama.

"Is this...your full strength?" Vegeta here looked at Zeus holding the sword and felt that the other party should use his full strength. These Greek gods don't seem to have any aura on them. Maybe they are not living beings in the ordinary sense.

Vegeta couldn't judge the opponent's strength through the opponent's aura, but looking at the opponent's appearance, he might feel that he was going to use his full strength.

But just when he was about to fight with the other party, Linton's voice came from the side: "You go up first, I'll get my flashlight."

"Flashlight?" Vegeta looked at Linton here with a confused expression. Of course, there are flashlights in the Dragon Ball world. He didn't know what they were, but...where is the flashlight? Why is Linton on this battlefield? Would you mention this?

"Look, it's flying over." Linton did happen to see the burning carriage over there making a circle in the air and flying over here again. It seemed that Helios' intention was to join up with Zeus and the others, but it seemed that he didn't dare to rush towards Linton anymore.

But he was scared, and Linton was already targeting him. When it comes to getting toys, of course Linton has to get them.

After a casual chat with Vegeta, Linton passed through the portal drawn next to him in the next second. The portal naturally appeared directly above the carriage. This time, before Helios could react, Linton appeared directly above his head and held the other person's head with one hand.

"What?" Helios was indeed a little scared. He had just had a simple fight with Linton and panicked him. He really didn't want to confront Linton directly, he just wanted to meet up with the people on his side first. , and then looked at the opportunity to output again, but he did not expect that Linton, who was still far away before, suddenly appeared above him.

Realizing that his head was being pinched, Helios' body flashed with light again the next moment, and he was ready to use his old tricks again.

"You TN..." Linton was a little annoyed by being sidelined. When he closed his eyes, he subconsciously wanted to poke the opponent's eyes directly. Just when I was about to do it, I suddenly remembered that this thing would be broken if I buckled it. So the next moment, Linton closed his eyes, held the other person's head with one hand, pressed the other person's body with the other hand, and started to pull out hard.

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