I really can't control myself

Chapter 2446 Persuasion

"Is that really me in the future?" On the top of the tall building, Fubuki from this world looked at Linton next to him and couldn't help but ask.

Although he seemed to be held hostage, Fubuki had calmed down at this time. I had just experienced Linton's ferocity. If the other party really wanted to kill me, he would probably have torn him alive long ago. Looking at the current situation, the other party obviously doesn't want his life.

What concerned her even more was the battle between the person below who claimed to be her future self and her sister Tatsumaki. She did somewhat believe that the other person might be her future self, but she looked almost the same as herself. Even if it was the future, it shouldn't be too long in the future, probably within three years. But with this little time, will I have that kind of strength?

Although Fubuki can be considered a very confident person, no matter how hard he thought about it, he could not imagine that he could reach such strength. Now the opponent and his sister Tatsumaki are equally matched, and even have an advantage. This is really what he can do Can it be done?

There was so much difference that she began to doubt whether the other person was her future self, which was a certain degree of self-denial.

"I just like how you look like you have never seen the world." Linton's answer was obviously wrong, with a very happy expression on his face.

"Then why do you call the future me little niece?" Fubuki here asked again.

"Because she is my little niece." Linton said.

"Are you my uncle?" Fubuki asked.

"Do you have an uncle?" Linton asked directly.

"Probably... no." Fubuki's answer was a little uncertain, as there was nothing in his memory anyway. But she barely remembers things about her parents' generation, let alone her grandparents' generation. So how could she know when his grandfather had an illegitimate child?

"Then do you recognize my uncle?" Linton asked with a smile.

"Uh..." I can only say that this is a magical question, and Fubuki said how should I answer it.

"If you dare to recognize me, then you dare to be me. Anyway, I am a good uncle." Linton said with a smile, "There will be many people who can cook..."

"..." I always feel that you are asking for a servant, not a relative. Although Fubuki thought so, she said it directly. Right now I really can't figure out Linton's thoughts. This person's character is so weird that it's hard to understand.

"It's so slow... Why don't you let them fight here first, and you go make a meal first?" Linton looked at the battlefield below, and then said.

"Why do you never stop cooking? Why didn't I know I was so good at cooking?" Fubuki couldn't help complaining.

"My little niece, you must believe in yourself in this regard. Your cooking skills must be number one," Linton said.

"So why is my title also changed to niece? Are you really my uncle?" Fubuki held her forehead.

"It's called getting used to it. Look at the little niece below who is beating up your sister. That's the one I've trained. Girl, do you want to become stronger?" Linton said.

"I think about it, but I always feel that you..." What Fubuki wanted to say was that you are completely untrustworthy, but he still didn't say it.

"Just think about it! Why don't you go cook quickly?" Linton suddenly raised his voice, which startled Fubuki.

"Just do it, why are you so loud all of a sudden?" Fubuki was really frightened and quickly surrendered strategically. But maybe he felt that his tone was too timid, so he thought for a while and said, "But you have to agree to one condition."

"What's the matter?" Linton asked.

"My team members..."

As soon as Fubuki finished speaking, Linton opened a portal from the side and pulled out two people covered in blood.

"Mosama! Eyelashes!" Fubuki shouted anxiously when he saw his two injured and unconscious subordinates.

But the next second, another portal appeared on Linton's left. He smoothly swung the two people in the direction of the newly opened portal, and the two disappeared directly in front of Fubuki.

"It has been sent to the hospital." Linton said directly.

"Huh?" The series of operations were so smooth that Fubuki didn't even understand what was going on.

"As you can see, he has been sent to the hospital. If nothing unexpected happens, you will receive a reminder call from the hospital soon." Linton said, "Don't waste time here and go cook first. Now the eldest niece should You still live in your hometown, right? The Weird Association here hasn’t come to blow up the house yet, right?”

"Uh...what?" Fubuki couldn't keep up with Linton's rhythm. "Does the eldest niece mean...sister?"

"Of course." Linton nodded.

"Then the weirdo association you're talking about..." Fubuki had a lot of problems.

"It hasn't happened yet, so you don't have to worry about it." Linton said simply, "Your sister's kitchen is relatively large, and cooking there is more suitable for you to use your abilities."

"Uh..." She always felt that she was being arranged clearly for no reason. Fubuki said that she really couldn't adapt to it, so of course she couldn't resist.

"Oh, it seems to be over soon. Indeed, the little niece is already tired and won't be able to fight for long." Linton noticed the situation below at this time. Since it is almost over, let's wait for the little niece to get together.

At this time, the battle between Fubuki and Tatsumaki was indeed almost over, but neither side had any intention of fighting a protracted war.

Especially for Tatsumaki. After all, her sister is still in the hands of others. Of course, the more she fights, the more anxious she becomes. She doesn't have much time to delay with this weirdo pretending to be her sister.

Fubuki did consume a little too much here. The Turtle Style Qigong wave released previously had consumed a lot of her energy, and the battle at this time was also quite draining on her physical energy. Even with all her attributes enhanced, she still couldn't use up much energy at this time.

The previous battle between the two was not a battle between super powers. Fubuki knew that although his superpowers had improved a lot, he was still not at a level that could compete with Tatsumaki, and the gap was still a bit obvious. Fortunately, I don't rely on this ability now.

What she chose was to rely on her physical strength to take the opponent's superpower damage, and at the same time use Qigong to attack. The effect is obvious, at least the tornado here is obviously a little unbearable.

At this time, Tatsumaki also had a splitting headache. She knew that this was due to excessive consumption of her super power. We can no longer drag it out now and the battle must be resolved with one blow.

At this time, Fubuki, who was almost exhausted, once again assumed the turtle style Qigong wave posture. Yes, she was ready to use this powerful move she had just learned to end this battle.

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