Before the little niece Chui Xue finished speaking, there was really movement over there where the mountain monkey was knocked away before.

I saw a strong body pushing away the wall panel and slowly stood up.

At this time, the mountain ape had many wounds on his body and his head was bleeding. However, he obviously didn't care about the injuries on his body. He directly pulled off the damaged clothes on his body, revealing his strong body, and then suddenly roared like a beast at the sky.

"Wild switch!"

Suddenly, the other party's expression began to become crazy, with veins popping out on both his face and body, and it looked like he had entered some kind of crazy mode.

"No, does this little soldier also have special skills?" Linton couldn't help but said.

"Ouch, ouch, ouch..." At this time, the mountain ape here had obviously started to go crazy. After letting out a wild beast-like roar again, it actually rushed directly in the direction of Linton. I don't know if it was what Linton just said. attracted his attention.

"Uh..." Linton looked at the mountain ape charging up and didn't care. After all, the opponent was too weak. But before he could take action, his little niece Fubuki next to him quickly came to him with a sliding step.

Raising his hands, Fubuki grabbed the mountain monkey that rushed up and pinned him down directly. Although the mountain monkey with this skill seems to be much stronger, the result is no different from before, and he still can't shake Fubuki.

Not only that, the mountain ape looked a little dazed at this time. Facing Fubuki who stopped him, not only did he not continue to increase his strength, he even looked hesitant.

My niece Fubuki probably knows what's going on. After all, she is very familiar with the skills of the mountain monkey. The ability of this wild switch is as seen, mainly to liberate the wild and enter the berserker mode similar to self-hypnosis. This ability can indeed improve combat effectiveness in a short period of time, but it also has certain flaws.

This flaw is naturally that it will go crazy when attacking, so sometimes it becomes indistinguishable between friend and foe. However, Shan Yuan has been trying to control this ability. The method he adopts is to remember his own people as much as possible so that he can distinguish clearly when he falls into madness.

As the eldest sister, Fubuki was naturally one of our own, and she was the first one Shanzaru remembered. Therefore, after the mountain monkey fell into madness, the first person he attacked was not Fubuki, but the unknown Linton. But after Fubuki stopped him, he found out that the person he was attacking was Fubuki, and he was now a little confused.

There was nothing Fubuki could do. Asking him to attack Linton was not seeking death. Of course, it would be safer to stop him by myself, at least I won't kill him, and Linton... he wouldn't be polite if he thought about it.

"Aren't you going to attack?" Fubuki, the niece who stopped Yamazaru, was not in a hurry to continue, but looked at the eyelashes on the other side. At this time, the eyelashes had already taken out two eyelash curlers, which were his attack weapons, but although he took an attacking posture, he never took any action.

Eyelashes looked at her little niece Fubuki, her eyes a little hesitant. Although he knew that both sides were enemies now, this was the eldest sister after all. Attacking the eldest sister was something he had never thought of before. Even now... I can't do it at all.

"Go on." Fubuki, the little niece here, could see the tangle of eyelashes. She grabbed the confused mountain monkey with both hands and flicked it in the direction of the eyelashes. The mountain monkey's strong body was estimated to weigh more than 200 kilograms, but it was easily thrown away by Fubuki and flew directly towards the eyelashes.

With a "bang", Shan Yuan and Yan Yan collided directly. The eyelashes were able to avoid it, but they still chose to catch the mountain monkey. However, they did not expect that the force of the opponent's swing would be so strong. The two of them hugged each other and were directly thrown away.

The fight lasted only one round, and before Fubuki in this world could react, Yamazaru and Masaki had already fallen to the side, especially Yamazaru's injury was quite serious.

Obviously this made her a little panicked. Naturally, she was very clear about the strength of Yamazaru and Eyelashes. Looking at the other person in front of her, Fubuki gritted her teeth.

"Regardless of whether you are mine or not, you are still trying to hinder me, right?" As she spoke, she raised her hand. At this time, the surrounding wind direction suddenly changed, and it seemed that the wind force suddenly became much stronger.

"It's really a familiar trick." The little niece Fubuki immediately understood what she wanted to do. After all, it was her own trick.

"Hell..." Fubuki in this world was about to take action, but in the next second, his little niece suddenly accelerated and appeared in front of him in an instant. Before the opponent could take action, he struck Fubuki directly with a knee in the abdomen.

The strong wind gathering around seemed to be gathering into a tornado a second ago, but this time it was directly interrupted and dissipated instantly.

"This is the second warning to me in the past." My niece Fubuki sighed and said, "The tricks I practiced before took too long to accumulate power. In fact... my talent in super powers is indeed limited. Maybe I chose the wrong direction of practice from the beginning. Maybe I chose this just to chase my sister’s back..."

"You..." Fubuki in this world had just received a heavy blow, and before he could take a breath, he heard such a sentence, almost breaking his guard.

Holding his stomach, Fubuki from this world pushed him away and pointed forward. A large amount of gravel suddenly flew up from the ground, flying towards his little niece Fubuki like bullets.

The speed of this move was quite fast, but the little niece here reacted instantly, swayed her body left and right, and easily dodged the stone attack. Obviously the difference in physical fitness is a bit too big, and Fubuki is too familiar with his own moves.

Seeing that the opponent was not ready to surrender, the niece prepared to continue attacking, but the moment she raised her hand, two figures suddenly appeared from behind and entered her field of vision.

Fubuki in this world didn't notice the figure behind her, but at this moment she found that her niece Fubuki was distracted. I don’t know why, but the opportunity is rare. At this time, the two of them were close at hand. Fubuki here took out his weapon, a utility knife, and slashed towards the little niece in front of him.

Unexpectedly, the little niece here didn't seem to notice her attack. When she took out the knife, the little niece suddenly grabbed her and pulled her directly behind her.

Before Fubuki in this world could react, a violent explosion sounded, and a strong wind almost blew her away, but she could still feel a hand holding her body. .

Soon the smoke and dust dissipated, and Fuxue in this world could see the current situation clearly. The person in front of her at this time was her other self who had just pulled her. Not only that, the other person actually used her body to help her block most of the explosion damage. To put it simply...she protected herself.

Of course, the little niece didn't suffer too much damage. After all, the target of the attack was not the little niece and the others, they were just affected by the explosion.

Soon the instigator also appeared in the field of vision of the two of them. A blond boy with a steel body, it was obvious that both of them knew each other.

"You mean the S-class... Devil Cyborg Genos?" Fubuki in this world looked at the familiar boy and asked in surprise, "Why are you here?"

"Genos?" The little niece frowned because she knew this was a troublesome guy.

"Are you... B-level 1st Hell Fubuki... Also a little dazed.

"What the hell is X2?" the little niece yelled directly.

"Analysis of pupil patterns... fingerprints... determined to be the same person..." Genos here quickly scanned, and then said, "How did you do it? Cloning technology?"

"No... it's time travel... No, I even fooled myself. This is multiverse travel technology." Linton said from the side while waving his hand to dust the smoke.

"Who are you?" Genos looked at Linton and asked, "I don't have any relevant information about you here."

"Saitama's apprentice has always been so unlovable," Linton said.

"Do you know the teacher?" Genos asked.

"Are you Saitama's apprentice?" Fubuki from this world said in surprise, "Aren't you an S-level hero? Isn't Saitama a B-level hero? You're not mistaken."

"A teacher is a teacher." Genos here also directly admitted, "Where is the teacher?"

Before anyone could answer, Genos looked around and asked, "Why aren't you at home? Where is the teacher?"

Sonic had just attacked. In order not to hinder Saitama, Genos went to challenge Sonic alone. Now Saitama suddenly disappeared again, and several suspicious people appeared at the door of the apartment. Genos looked at a few people, and then locked his eyes on Fubuki: "If I remember correctly, you seem to have been working on a newcomer destruction plan. The newcomers who have reached B level will not join you. If you form a group, you will be attacked, right?”

"..." There is nothing wrong with what she said. Fubuki in this world also knows that the other party is beginning to doubt herself, but the problem is that she doesn't know where Saitama is now. Thinking that she was also looking in Linton's direction, Linton probably knew where Saitama was now.

"Does it have anything to do with you?" Genos responded quickly and immediately looked at Linton.

"Your teacher will lend it to me for a while, and I will bring it back to you after a while." Linton did not deny it and said directly.

"I advise you to send the teacher back now." Genos said directly in an attacking posture, "Otherwise, I will not be polite to you."

"Oh? This is quite new." Linton nodded, then waved his hand to the side, "Little niece, I leave it to you, come on."

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