I really can't control myself

Chapter 2439 Arrangement

Saitama has always been a calm person, and in most situations he will look calm enough to make you anxious.

But facing Linton, Saitama was a little unable to hold back. The current situation is indeed a bit surprising to the point that it even feels weird.

Although Saitama usually has hallucinations that one day an evil organization that wants to destroy the earth will come directly to him and have a fierce battle with him, such as underground people. But the problem is that he himself knows that this is on a fantasy level. After all, he is just a B-level hero now. Why do the bad guys who destroy the earth have to find him?

So what exactly is going on here at Linton, and why did he suddenly say something like this? You could say he was just talking casually, but there really was a replica of himself in front of him, and it seemed to be just like the real thing. But let’s be honest, this too random “invasion scene” is really hard to get into.

At least apart from Saitama, Fubuki next to him didn't immediately believe Linton's words. Obviously she still doesn't understand the situation at all. She just comes to invite people to join her club. Why would she encounter something like destroying the world? She has no plan in mind.

"Hey, you are talking nonsense again." Fubuki here couldn't help but said.

"The word 'again' is used very strangely. I don't remember the last time I talked nonsense." Linton looked at Fubuki and said, "Whether you believe it or not is your problem. I've always said this." It’s all telling the truth.”

Fubuki was stunned for a moment, it seemed that this was indeed the case. Although what Linton said does sound like nonsense, what happened before seems to be true. So... is this guy really here to destroy the world?

Do you want to believe it? But it actually feels a bit too... nonsense.

"Really?" Saitama in this world quickly became serious, and his expression became a little serious, "Why did you say you wanted to destroy the world?"

"Think about it, a person who talks about destroying the world, will his mind be normal?" Linton spread his hands and said, "You don't need to ask any more questions at this time, just hit him with one punch. What do you think, hero?" "

"Uh..." Saitama suddenly felt that what Linton said actually made sense, because he really felt that Linton was a little abnormal, but I was so crazy that I even sprayed myself.

"It's useless to talk anymore, come on, clone!" Linton patted Saitama on the shoulder and said.

"Me?" Saitama, who had followed Linton, obviously hadn't understood the situation yet. His thoughts here were much more complicated than those of Saitama opposite him. After all, he had just learned that he was actually a "replica".

"Go up and beat him up." Linton pointed at Saitama in front of him and said.

"Ah... that... I still don't understand the situation..." Saitama here said.

"Tch, this first generation of clones is indeed of no use?" Linton said "disappointedly", "Forget it, they are just experimental subjects anyway. If they don't obey, just destroy them."

Linton said, waving to Vegeta and Sun Wukong behind him: "Take care of them both together."

"Hey, hey, hey? What is going on?" Monkey King here was naturally still confused.

"Whatever, there was a fight anyway." Vegeta understood a little bit of Linton's meaning, "Right here?"

Linton pointed at Vegeta and Sun Wukong here and said: "These two are my subordinates. Only if you defeat them can you be qualified to challenge me, understand?"

"Uh..." The two Saitama here touched their heads at the same time, which was... all kinds of confusing.

However, before the two of them could react, Linton suddenly disappeared on the spot. Suddenly, Saitama's reaction was a little slower. Before he could make any move, Linton flew up and kicked Saitama in the abdomen.

The impact was unexpected, a force Saitama had never experienced before. The next moment, Saitama here flew directly back, and then a white portal suddenly appeared behind him, and Saitama flew directly into the portal without any doubt.

"..." Everyone at the scene was stunned again. Both the words and the other party's actions were so sudden, giving no time to react.

"That's not it..." Saitama, who followed Linton, still didn't understand what was going on. Just when he was about to ask, Linton directly pulled him up and threw him towards the portal, throwing him directly into it.

"Go ahead and fight as you like inside." Linton also said to Vegeta and Sun Wukong.

"Let's go, Kakarot." Sun Wukong did not react, but Vegeta immediately rushed in the direction of the portal. Sun Wukong hesitated for a moment and then followed directly.

Yes, although there were many problems, Sun Wukong still decided to believe Linton. After all, Linton's identity is infinitely good on Sun Wukong's side.

Before Cell invaded the earth, who solved it? Linton, of course. As for Buu, it was Linton again. Then Beerus, the God of Destruction, was blocked by Linton again. Just like this, the person who protected the earth three times and four times, if you say he destroyed the world or something, Sun Wukong doesn't believe it anyway.

So Linton must have some reason for saying this, but he is a little stupid and doesn't understand it yet. Sun Wukong thinks that he is not a very smart person, but in fact Sun Wukong's IQ is quite high, especially his wisdom in combat, but he does not regard himself in this regard.

As the white portal closed, four people suddenly disappeared from the scene.

On the other side of the portal, Vegeta and others appeared in the ruins of a city. Surrounded by various collapsed buildings, it looked like it had just experienced the end of the world. What's even more strange is that time in the world here seems to have slowed down. The fragments of various buildings are still colliding and squeezing each other, but the speed is very slow. It feels like the whole world is being damaged bit by bit.

This is actually the remains of two worlds that collided with each other, which is the battle venue chosen by Linton. Naturally, you can fight casually here. After all, the world here is already in a "destroyed" state. It is a fait accompli and there is no need to worry about the future.

Linton thought for a while and didn't bother to explain to them. He had already made up a story. There should be a fight between the two sides. In this way, even if the special training for the combat team has been arranged, as the captain, I am really worried, and it is time to enjoy the delicious food.

Yes, I didn't eat well at all last night. The sight of two guys who were reincarnated as starving ghosts really made me feel like I couldn't eat anything. Fortunately, I have already arranged for cooking.

As he said this, Linton also looked at Fubuki next to him. He hadn't thought of this method when he came here before, and he didn't have to wait for Fubuki over there to learn the multiple shadow clone technique. He couldn't find Fubuki's clone here, but It's just a little troublesome to convince.

"You...that..." Seeing Linton looking over, Fubuki became a little nervous. After all, the four living people in front of her just disappeared in front of her, which of course made her panic a little. , after all, she had no idea where these four people had gone, and she didn't want to disappear mysteriously so suddenly.

"Let's go, find a place to cook." Linton waved.

Fubuki here hasn't fully understood the situation yet, and doesn't know how to react like this. However, at this time, Yamazaru and Masato behind him each took a step forward and stood directly in front of Fubuki. The two of them obviously felt that Linton's arrival was unkind. As Fubuki's protector, they naturally stood in front of Fubuki to prevent dangerous people from approaching.

This has nothing to do with whether they can stop him or not. After all, they have all made up their minds to protect their eldest sister, Fubuki, even at the cost of their lives.

"Uh... I advise you to admit defeat. There's nothing to struggle with." Linton spread his hands and said.

"Sister, you can't trust this person." After Linton finished speaking, the eyelashes on this side said directly, "Although I don't know his purpose, there is no doubt that he is a dangerous person."

Fubuki didn't want to cooperate, which didn't mean she didn't want to cook. Cooking is just a small thing. The problem now is that there is no sense of trust with Linton at all. Who knows what Linton will actually do when he talks about cooking?

"It seems that they really don't want to cooperate. It's really troublesome." Linton said that he had a headache. "This will only make you suffer a little bit. I'll also help you find an opponent, um... that's it."

As Linton spoke, a multiverse portal opened again beside him. Linton poked his head in. On the other side of the door was his little niece Fubuki who was practicing the shadow clone technique. At this time, Youlu was lying on the opponent's body to provide her with chakra. Obviously this method was very effective. At least the bonus training of the shadow clone technique also felt very smooth.

"Little niece, it's time to cook. It's noon." Linton said directly.

"Huh? Do it again..." my little niece Fubuki said with a tired look. Yesterday I started cooking from sunset until early in the morning. Anyone who is a normal person would obviously complain. Besides, she knew that she was a hero, and now she seemed to have really become a professional chef. Fubuki was obviously still reluctant.

"Uh... It's okay if you don't do it. There is someone here who can cook for you, but she refuses. Otherwise, you two have a fight, and how about the loser cooking?" Linton said.

"Really?" Fubuki's eyes lit up when she heard this. She really didn't want to cook now, but there was nothing she could do about it in front of Linton. She probably would have to force her to do it after a while. But it was really helpful to hear someone do this unfortunate thing for me, "I'll do it!"

Fubuki happily ran into the portal, and then stood in front of...himself.

Fubuki: "...".

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