I really can't control myself

Chapter 2431 Shopping

"How is it? Are you willing to pay for the meal, eldest niece?" Soon Linton and Saitama returned to Tatsumaki's villa through the portal.

"Are you here to rob at all?" Tatsumaki, who had just been persuaded by Fubuki, was furious again.

"No, this is my niece. I eat my niece's food based on my ability..."

"I don't recognize who is your niece!" Tatsumaki here said.

"Huh? Did someone take away the body of my eldest niece? I must take good care of this..." Linton rubbed his hands and said.

"Uh... I said it's getting late. Don't you still have to buy ingredients? If you don't go now, the rest of the food in the supermarket will not be fresh in a while." Fubuki here persuaded.

"I think we can wait. If we wait another 2 hours or so, the ingredients in the supermarket will be discounted." Saitama here said.

"The worst we can do is buy it in a different time zone. You have to eat fresh food." Linton said, "Let's go buy something first."

"Is it really okay? The price of food and other things has increased recently. It's a bit embarrassing for you to treat me to dinner." Saitama here said that Linton had also told him about treating him to dinner before.

"It's okay, it's okay. My niece is rich. Look, she lives in a big neighborhood." Linton pointed to the building behind him and said.

"That's the money I earned!" Tatsumaki roared again.

"Okay, okay, be good." Linton rubbed his head directly.

A vein burst out from Tatsumaki's head, yes she was about to explode again.

Although it felt like it was going to explode at any moment, the tornado didn't do anything in the end. While chatting, the group of four headed to a nearby supermarket.

I have to say that the supermarket next to here is really big, and of course there are a lot of things. This is probably the first time for Saitama to come to such a large supermarket, and everyone is a little confused.

Of course, Linton also quickly learned that Saitama was confused not because of how big the supermarket was, but because the prices in the supermarket were a bit beyond his imagination.

"What? You said such a piece of meat costs 5,400 yuan? You must have marked an extra 0." Saitama showed a rare expression here.

"This customer, this is special grade beef imported from M city. The 18-month-old special grade cow was just slaughtered this morning..." The supermarket staff here explained to Saitama very calmly why this thing is so expensive. .

Yes, the area where Tatsumaki lives is obviously a traditional wealthy area. The supermarkets opened here naturally focus on the word "expensive". Prices are almost 5-10 times higher than the small supermarkets Saitama often patronizes.

Linton doesn't think the things here are much better than the things over there, mainly because they have high added value. For example, a vegetable here can be sold for 2,000 yuan. Why do you dare to mark this price? There is a TV set next to the house, which plays a loop of information about the farm that produces the green vegetables, and slogans such as ecological, organic, pollution-free, and pesticide-free. Each green vegetable is even numbered for you. This is the concept of selling it. .

Then do you think people who can shop in this supermarket will care about the difference in money? Anyway, when you look at the tornado next to you, you don’t care at all. Of course, Linton had nothing to worry about. After all, he barely even had the concept of money, so even if he didn't rob it openly, it would be Linton's favor.

Saitama was really shocked by the prices here. Obviously he didn't have such a concept in his mind. This place was just a black shop.

What surprised him even more was Linton's way of buying things.

"This kind of bamboo salt is a specialty of City C. It comes from the mountains in the north of City C..."

Before the staff here could finish the introduction, Linton waved his hand and said, "Okay, stop talking, let's get 40...50 pounds first."

"What?" Not only Fubuki and Saitama behind Linton, but also the staff here were stunned. After all... I have never seen anyone buy 50 kilograms of salt directly. Brother, you know that you need to eat so much salt. How long?

"Sir, are you sure you want...50 pounds?" The staff confirmed again.

"Why do you want to buy 50 pounds?" Fubuki here also asked, "I won't be able to finish it in the past few years."

"No, no, no, I think it will be gone after a few meals." Linton waved his hand and said, "Buy more seasonings and so on, otherwise it may not be enough for a while."

"Not enough?" Fubuki looked confused. As far as she knew, a pack of 1 kilogram of salt at home can last for 2 months, and 50 kilograms of salt can last for 100 months, more than 4 years. What kind of trouble is this in every sense of the word?

"Believe me, I'll definitely finish it." Linton said, looking at the vegetable area next to him, and then waved his hand, "I want all the edible things over there."

"You... want it all?" The staff here were dumbfounded again. Although it was a supermarket in a wealthy area, I had never seen anyone shopping like this. Can this be all-inclusive?

"It's not... this..." Fubuki here was a little confused as to what to say. Was this specifically torturing her sister Tatsumaki's wallet? It was impossible to eat so much food no matter what.

Saitama next to him was so shocked that he didn't even know how to react.

"Anyway, I need them all. Hurry and arrange a car to take them to me." Linton also said directly.

I thought it would take a long time to shop, but in fact I finished my shopping very quickly. After all, the way Linton buys things is so special, and he wants everything at every turn.

The supermarket naturally started loading trucks for delivery, and Linton and the others soon returned home. Until home, Saitama here has not recovered from the shock.

"The reconciliation receipt from the supermarket has been dragged all the way from the supermarket to our house, and it hasn't been finished yet." Fubuki here was also nagging beside him, "I haven't been able to finish it in the past few years."

"So I've said it before, my team members are really good at eating." Linton said.

"I would like to see what kind of monsters the team members you are looking for are." Fubuki said.

"Is there anyone else?" Saitama here came back to his senses and asked.

Yes, although Linton told him that he had found several team members, when Saitama came over and saw Tatsumaki and Fubuki, he thought that the other people Linton mentioned were the two of them. Already.

He had met Tatsumaki and Fubuki before. Although he was not familiar with them, he knew that they were both heroes, so he naturally thought that they were the ones Linton was looking for. Of course Saitama doesn't really care who the team members are.

"Uh... Of course there are others. None of my team members have arrived yet." Linton said.

"Huh?" Saitama looked at Fubuki and Tatsumaki next to him strangely, "Aren't they?"

"Just this little trash and big trash..."

"Ahem, cough, cough, my niece..." Fubuki here quickly reminded.

"What did you say?" Although Fubuki interrupted as quickly as possible, Linton's words were still heard by Tatsumaki.

Although the tornado here seemed to be about to explode again, Linton still calmly said to Saitama: "I told you before, this is a plane war after all, so the requirements for fighting are still It's very high. With their level, I guess it's a gift. Don't worry, my team members are all pulled by me personally. At least they can't reach the level of one punching the earth."

"Oh? Really?" Saitama here even started to look forward to it a little bit. He felt that Linton would not talk nonsense. After all, he had played against Linton and knew his level.

"Wait a minute!" Tatsumaki shouted directly, "You mean I'm not even qualified to join?"

"Uh... eldest niece, let's not deceive ourselves, okay? At your level, you might be able to win a fight in front of the neighborhood committee. If we really fight..."

"Do you believe that I will kill you?" Tatsumaki roared directly.

"Hey, eldest niece, am I not doing this for you? Look, there is one of my team members here. Saitama, tell me, is my eldest niece strong?" Linton asked Saitama next to him. .

"Uh... just ordinary..." Saitama here thought for a while and said.

"Is this a way to save face?" Linton looked at Saitama in surprise, "How many punches can I take from you?"

"Uh... one punch should be able to solve it." Saitama thought for a while and said honestly.

"If you can't take a single punch and still get an average evaluation, why don't you just say he's trash?" Linton said.

"Well... I was invited to dinner after all." Saitama thought for a while and said.

"You two!" Tatsumaki here roared directly.

"So all your team members are at his level?" Fubuki quickly stepped forward to interrupt when he saw something was wrong. She also knew Saitama's true level. After all, she also watched the fight between Linton and Saitama. In fact, of course Tatsumaki knew about it, but she didn't give in so easily.

"Uh... there are a few logistics teams that are a little behind," Linton said, "but the main ones are all monster-level, so they should be about the same as him."

"Really?" Saitama here was also stunned for a moment, "The kind that allows me to fight with all my strength?"

"There should be no problem." Linton said.

"Then can I try to compete with them?" Saitama was also looking forward to it.

"Oh, that's fine. Anyway, there are still a few days left, so you can do some special training. Then we'll find a place for you to compete," Linton said.

"Now I'm really curious about what kind of monsters your team members are." Fubuki here said.

"Haha, I want to see it too." Tatsumaki here also said, her tone was obviously dissatisfied, she might also want to try with Linton's team members.

"Oh, you can see it soon." Linton raised his head and said to the sky, "Put it over there, don't hit the house."

Several people were wondering who Linton was yelling at when they heard a loud "boom" next to them, and a huge object hit the open space next to the villa.

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