As soon as the words came out of her mouth, Kristine knew she had said the wrong thing. Although I don’t know what Linton wants to do by asking this, how can he follow Linton’s rhythm in this situation?

But as soon as she figured out what the answer was, she subconsciously shouted it out. This...

"Watch?" Linton was stunned for a moment, and then suddenly understood what kind of watch Christine was referring to.

Although I haven’t watched Doctor Strange 2 myself, Linton has watched Doctor Strange 1. The watch we are talking about now is obviously the love token-like watch that Christine gave to Strange in Doctor Strange 1.

After looking at the groove on the handle here, it seems that it is indeed the shape of a watch, so it should be right.

"Hmm, so it's a watch? I'll just say it's a thing. Fortunately, I play a lot of Resident Evil games here, so I know what I need at a glance." Linton nodded and said, "Then bring it, the watch. You definitely have that thing with you, Strange."

As for the watch, Strange naturally always carries it with him. Even though Christine is going to marry someone else in the world over there, Strange still never leaves the things she gave him.

Strange looked at the current situation, and then suddenly said: "I swear to Agamotto, the all-seeing god, if you let America go, I will give you the watch you want, otherwise, Even if you kill me, you still won't be able to find the watch you want."

Yes Strange is gambling. Linton wanted to get the watch, obviously for the Book of Emperor Weishan. He didn't know why Linton wanted the Book of Emperor Weishan, and he didn't know how important the Book of Emperor Weishan was in Linton's heart. He just took a gamble and saw what happened. After all... he really couldn't beat him. America is in the opponent's hands again.

From his perspective, Linton's catching up speed was obviously a bit slow. If others don't know, how can he not know? Can these Illuminati people delay Linton for so long? Even when he was chasing him, it felt like Linton was a little bit reckless.

Strange wonders whether Linton is actually using himself to find the Book of Emperor Weishan. Because he now seems to be very interested in the Book of Emperor Weishan. If he thinks so, Linton's behavior seems more reasonable.

Since Linton had put so much thought into it, it meant that the other party really needed the Book of Emperor Weishan. This may be his only advantage now. After all, the mechanism next to the place where the Book of Weishan Emperor is stored was designed by him in this world. No one can open it except himself. Forcibly opening it will only destroy the relay point. Linton, as a mage who studied at Kama Taj, should also know this.

Strange's original purpose of finding the Book of Emperor Weishan was to fight against Linton and save America. So for Linton, if the Book of Emperor Weishan is more important than America's ability, then it is naturally the best thing.

It was with this in mind that Strange proposed such a transaction condition.

However, what he didn't expect was that Linton didn't struggle for too long. Hearing Strange's words, Linton just looked at him in surprise, then directly threw America in his hand towards Strange's position: "Okay, I'll give it to you."

"Huh?" Strange was stunned, but looking at America being thrown over, he took advantage of the situation and caught it. Linton obviously didn't use much force and caught the opponent easily.

America was obviously fine, and she didn't appear to be injured. She just fainted. Strange is a doctor himself, and his judgment is also very quick.

After taking a look, Strange pointed directly at America's forehead, and she sat up from the ground with an "ah" sound. It seemed that nothing was wrong.

"I'm..." Apparently America here didn't know when she fell asleep, and she was confused when she woke up. But she immediately saw Linton standing not far away, and started to panic again.

She is now frightened by Linton, and is almost a shadow of her childhood.

Linton ignored her, but looked at Strange here.

Strange obviously knew what Linton meant by looking at him. After thinking about it, he took out the broken watch from his body. This person swore an oath to the all-seeing god Agamotto, and the purpose was to make Linton believe it, and he really couldn't break this oath. After all, both he and Linton had been taught spells by Gu Yi, and they knew what was right. What does the oath of the all-seeing god Agamotto mean.

Linton sucked the watch directly into his hand. I looked at the door lock next to it and found that it almost matched.

After simply comparing the position, Linton directly inserted the watch into the groove of the handle. Sure enough, the orange magic flowed in the next second, and the handle here began to rotate automatically, and then with the sound of "click" unlocking, the door gradually opened.

"Oh... I didn't expect the situation here." Linton looked at the world inside the door in surprise.

To be honest, he didn't expect this to be the case inside the door. Looking at the old door, Linton thought it was a dark warehouse inside, with a book placed in the middle. However, the actual situation was not at all what Linton thought. This doorway felt like a passage to another world.

The world looks a bit chaotic. The main thing you can see in front is a large platform made of stained glass, and this door is floating above the large platform. In the middle of this platform, there is a shelf-like thing made of colored crystals. A book that emits light is placed on this display shelf. Just by looking at the way it emits light, you know that this book should be The Book of Emperor Weishan I'm looking for.

In addition, the surroundings of this large platform are very chaotic.

The surrounding area is like a cosmic space, with all kinds of unknown debris floating weightlessly. Before looking at this situation, it seemed that there were some buildings here, similar to ancient Greek temples, but these buildings are now broken, and various fragments are still drifting around and even colliding with each other.

Linton entered the gate directly and landed on the large platform in the middle. Looking up from this place, there is a scenery like a fantasy starry sky, with all kinds of colorful stars. Looking down, there seems to be dense clouds below, and the whole thing feels like the ruins of a destroyed magic castle in a single space.

"This is the rift node, the gap between the universe and the universe." It was Christine who explained the situation. The other party is now a scientist of the Illuminati and specializes in studying the direction of the multiverse, so she knows this place. The situation is normal.

"The relay point made by Strange can always remain at this anchor point." Kristen said, pointing to the door they entered that had been suspended on the platform. It was true that other things were flying everywhere, but This door does move with this platform, which is what she means by the relay point.

"Uh... why are you following us here?" Linton didn't need to explain so carefully. He looked at the three people who followed him and asked.

"Linton, why do you want to get the Book of Emperor Weishan?" Strange here asked a little strangely. Although Linton can also learn the spells of Karma Taj, and of course he can also learn the spells in the Book of Emperor Weishan, Strange has no doubt about this. But what he felt was strange was that this thing didn't match Linton very well.

The Book of Emperor Weishan is a magic book created by the trinity god Weishan Emperor, and what Emperor Weishan recorded in it is all white magic. To put it simply, they are all defensive magic.

Then do you think Linton is suitable for practicing that thing?

Strange always felt that Linton wanted the Book of Emperor Weishan not because he wanted the spells recorded in it, but because he didn't really want to understand what Linton's purpose was. What’s even stranger is that Linton actually let go of America just for this book in the deal just now. What did he do for that?

You said that they finally let America go, and Strange should take her and run away as much as possible at this time. But now he is really worried that Linton may have other plans and do something even crazier after getting the Book of Emperor Weishan. In addition, if the other party really wanted to chase them, they would probably be able to catch up again, so they chose to follow them.

"Hmm... I'm curious, let's do some research." Linton said and went straight forward and grabbed the Book of Emperor Weishan. Linton also smiled slightly the next second, okay, this thing is quite valuable, I spent a lot of points this time, and bought several expensive things in a row, such as the power of the God of Destruction, multiverse teleportation, etc. I know that skills are not cheap, so this is a bit of a slap in the face.

"Research?" This was not the first time Strange heard this, because he immediately remembered that Linton seemed to have borrowed the Infinity Stones this way before.

Hearing Linton say this, Strange felt a little relieved. If someone made an excuse like doing some research, Strange would never believe such nonsense, but Linton was different.

There is precedent. Linton said to study it, and maybe he really just did it. If you overcomplicate things, you will only give yourself a headache.

It's just that the current situation makes Strange not sure what to do next. After Linton gets the Book of Emperor Weishan, will he continue to capture America? Or maybe Linton used America to lure him to find the Book of Emperor Weishan from the beginning. He really couldn't understand Linton's goal.

While he was still thinking, Linton across from him suddenly said "Oh", as if he was a little surprised to see something behind him.

Strange turned his head, and a figure suddenly fell from the door they came from. Seeing the other party, Strange was shocked again.

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