I really can't control myself

Chapter 2410 Attacker

Although there was a small distance, Linton still recognized the other party. The woman floating in the air with her whole body glowing red must be Wanda.

Although he hadn't seen Wanda for a long time, Linton still had an impression of what she looked like. Of course, Wanda has not seen anyone for so many years. There are indeed some changes on Wanda's side. The most obvious one is that she is getting older. She has developed from a young girl to a mature beauty, but the overall change in her face is not very big. Lin Dun must have recognized it.

It's just that the temperament aspect...has become a bit much. It's not just that the other person is wearing red and black clothes, it makes the whole person feel a lot more evil. The whole aura of the other party felt a bit evil. To be precise, it seemed like it had turned dark.

Of course Linton looked at Wanda, and Wanda also saw Linton standing next to Strange. Obviously Wanda also remembered Linton, and it should be said that she was quite impressed. After all, when Linton beat Thanos, Wanda was there watching.

Obviously Wanda didn't expect to meet Linton here. As for the people next to Linton, she also knew Tony and the little spider Peter. Aizen was hiding his life, so that Wanda didn't notice him.

From what she saw in front of her, Wanda naturally concluded that Strange here had found help. After declaring war with the other party before, Wanda had thought that the other party would ask for help, so she was not surprised and didn't care that Tony and the others appeared here, but this Linton alone made Wanda feel a little troublesome.

As one of the people who knew Linton's strength, Wanda was so confident that she even dared to declare war on the entire Kama Taj alone, but she still felt a little afraid of Linton. Her fear of Linton was not even a matter of strength, but a bit of a psychological shadow.

However, it is naturally impossible for her to just give in. She comforts herself that things are different now and she is no longer the same person she was then. After calming down, Wanda was about to speak, but Linton spoke first.

"Come on, come down first. Flying so high gives me a headache." Linton waved directly to Wanda and said.

"..." Wanda watched Linton being silent for a while, and then directly lowered his height. It seemed that he was really ready to land.

Seeing Wanda's actions, all the magicians at Kama Taj looked nervously and aimed their weapons, bows, arrows, and spells at the descending Wanda. After all, they were preparing to defend in order to stop Wanda. Invading Kama Taj, I didn't expect that the opponent was preparing to fall directly before the fight started. This...

The battle felt imminent, and everyone looked at Supreme Mage Strange from the corner of their eyes, waiting for his order to launch an attack. However, Strange here looked at the current situation and said nothing, as if he acquiesced to the opponent's landing.

In this way, the invading Wanda landed directly in the central square of Kama Taj, standing in front of Linton and Strange, surrounded by a bunch of magicians with weapons, directly surrounding everyone. in the middle. Of course, none of the people in the middle, whether it was Wanda or Linton, was panicked.

Linton was actually in a good mood now, but he didn't expect that finding someone would go so smoothly. I was worried about how to find Wanda before, and wanted to ask Strange about the situation, but he didn't expect one of his own to show up. Linton was quite satisfied with Wanda's "cooperation" and even wanted to forgive Wanda for stealing the show.

"Linton...why do you want to get involved in this matter?" Wanda, who landed on the ground, did not talk to Strange first, but asked Linton first, "This matter has nothing to do with you."

"Huh? I haven't seen you for a few years and your temper has suddenly become fierce?" Linton was just about to "forgive" Wanda, but when he heard the tone of the other party's words, Linton instantly became angry again, "You feel that you have the confidence Are you causing trouble for me?"

"Wait a minute..." Seeing that the two sides wanted to start a fight as soon as they met, Tony next to him quickly came up to start a fight. His feelings about Wanda are still a bit complicated.

In the beginning, this girl was his enemy and came to seek revenge from him. He really felt that he was somewhat responsible and felt quite guilty. After that, the other party joined the Avengers and was considered his junior. Coupled with the previous guilt, he was also prepared to take care of the other party. However, he did not expect that there would be a civil war after that, and Wanda directly sided with the captain.

After that, Tony basically had no special contact or communication with Wanda. Their relationship could only be described as ordinary. He didn't know when Wanda suddenly became like this. The whole thing seemed to be a bit possessed.

He didn't know what kind of strength Wanda had now, and suddenly he felt like he wanted to challenge Linton. But he knew Linton's situation. Linton would never have any sympathy for her just because she was a girl and a junior of the Avengers. If a fight really started, Linton would definitely beat the opponent to death.

In order to avoid this situation, Tony had better come out and mediate quickly. Otherwise, according to Wanda and Linton's current situation, it is estimated that the two of them will start fighting in just two sentences.

"Wanda, what is going on here? Why did you attack here?" The first thing Tony here wanted to ask was naturally what was going on. What exactly did Strange do to make Wanda come directly to the door? Tony is still confused.

"Huh?" Tony's words surprised Wanda. At first, she thought Linton and Tony were helpers invited by Strange. But Tony looked like he didn't know what was going on, so Linton probably I don’t know what’s going on? Things seem to be a little different from what I thought.

"Wanda, this matter..." Strange wanted to say something, but before he could say a few words, Tony interrupted him.

"Shut up first, Master!" Tony said directly, "Wanda, please tell me the situation first."

"Aren't you here to help him?" Wanda looked at Tony, then at Linton here, and asked.

"On the contrary, we also came to settle accounts with him, but our appearance was not as grand as yours." Linton said directly.

"Huh?" Not only Wanda here was stunned for a moment, but Strange behind him was also stunned for a moment.

"Settlement? Why?" Strange asked strangely.

"What do you think? As soon as I came back, I found that my nephew's memory had been modified. I don't know where you got the courage to attack my nephew. I haven't been around for a while, and now no one takes me seriously. Really? I'm angry, so let's blow it up first!" Linton got more and more angry as he spoke, and he clasped his hands, ready to open everyone's eyes.

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