I really can't control myself

Chapter 2408 Candidates

"Wanda?" Linton was stunned for a moment when he heard the name. He really didn't expect this guy, mainly because Wanda's presence in this world after his intervention was too low.

If Linton remembered correctly, Wanda was injured and was sent to Karma Taj to learn magic. After that, he didn't hear anything from her for a long time, and Linton didn't pay attention to this little girl at all. Condition.

Later, when the war with Thanos started, Wanda also participated, but Linton was focused on fighting Thanos at that time and did not pay attention to Wanda. Of course, Vision was also killed by Thanos, but in Linton's impression, it seems that Wanda and Vision in this world did not develop any special relationship.

As for what happened later, Linton didn't know anything about it, and he basically never met anyone.

So what do you think of Wanda's abilities? As far as Linton knows, this guy really has the ability to destroy stars. Although it is not as direct as punching the earth, people can directly modify reality. Just saying "no more mutants" can make most of the mutants extinct. I guess she said "no more earth" "It's not impossible for the earth to be wiped out directly."

Various other abilities include telekinesis, mental control, creating things out of thin air, creating clones, interfering with space and time, creating dimensions, interfering with physical laws... and so on.

Thinking about it this way, this guy is really capable of T, milk, and output. It seems really good to find such a versatile teammate.

However, the problem is that these things are all settings on paper. Linton doesn't know how prosperous this world is, but he can indeed join the waiting list.

Linton really can't think of any suitable people at the moment. You said a group of gods, some great gods like the Tribunal of Death and Eternal Life. Linton would like to find them to work, but are they willing to go? Things like OAA are so elusive that no one knows where they are.

Looking at it this way, Wanda here is quite visible and tangible, and maybe she can actually be found to work with, because in Linton's impression, this guy's brain isn't very good either. Just because a missile manufactured by Stark Industries fell on her house, she insisted on tearing Tony alive.

If you want to calculate it this way, why don’t you find people from steel mills? Why don’t you find people who dig iron ore? Why don’t you find people who invented missiles? Just because the name of the steel mill is not written on the missiles. Yeah. Wouldn't it be enough to take revenge on whoever threw the missile? What does Tony have to do with it? What's more, this missile was not sold by Tony, but by Obadiah secretly.

In this regard, the impression Wanda left on Linton was that of a stupid thing, and she should obviously be easy to fool. What Linton wants to know now is...how is this guy doing now?

"You said Strange wants to find Wanda?" Linton asked Tony, "Why should he ask you for help?"

"According to him, Wanda blocked the tracking of Strange's magic. Strange couldn't find her location, so he wanted to search through technology." Tony said, "So I said, what about magic? Sure enough, it’s still unreliable.”

"Oh? She blocked Strange's search?" Linton was a little surprised. After all, Strange's ability is not bad now. The current Strange's ability is estimated to have surpassed that of the Ancient One before, and he has firmly established his position as the Supreme Mage.

The previous Forgetting Curse was a magic that directly interfered and modified reality, which was enough to prove Strange's strength. And now Strange can't find Wanda, which means that Wanda is at least close to Strange's level now, and may even be stronger than Strange.

Speaking of this, Linton frowned. When I met Wanda before, I didn't know how to sense breath. What's more, Wanda seems to be hiding from Strange now? Then maybe they will also block the aura or something like that, so it seems like they can't find the other party.

"Then why is Strange looking for Wanda?" Linton asked.

"I don't know, that guy is so mysterious that he doesn't know what he is doing all day long." Tony said, spreading his hands. The reality is that he doesn't want to care at all. If he had been in the Avengers before, he would definitely have asked about such a thing, but he didn't want to pay attention to it now.

"Then have you found it?" Linton asked.

"We've found it," Tony said. "Through a lot of camera searches, we've got Wanda's approximate location. Strange said that it's enough to know the approximate location. He should have looked for Wanda."

"Oh... Okay, just go to Strange and ask about the situation." Linton nodded, "Anyway, I'm going to demolish his house."

"Are you really ready to join LaWanda?" Tony asked.

"After thinking about it carefully, she is probably quite suitable." Linton said, "And as far as I know, it's quite troublesome for this guy to stay here. It's better for me to just drag him to work."

"Trouble? What trouble?" Tony asked.

"You should know this if you ask Strange. After all, he is looking for you so urgently. Wanda must have caused some trouble. Otherwise, according to his personality, he would not ask you for help, right?" Linton said. .

"Indeed..." Tony nodded. Indeed, he did not expect Strange to come to him at that time. Although they are old colleagues, we have also defended the earth together. But I don't have any special dealings with this guy, and the relationship between the two is not that good.

"Let's go and shovel Kama Taj first." Linton stood up and said directly.

"Huh? What are you going to do? I haven't eaten enough yet." Sun Wukong here said, obviously he didn't listen to what Linton said before.

"It's okay, you two continue to eat. There is no need for so many people to blow up a holy place or something." Linton waved his hand and said, "Such a small scene can be handled by the logistics staff."

"Me?" Aizen here pointed at himself very consciously and said.

"Nephew, check out." Linton waved his hand and said.

"Uh..." Tony looked at his pajamas, but he wasn't too nervous. He shouted to the kitchen next to him: "Boss, do you know me?"

"Oh, of course I know you, Tony Stark." The boss here also poked his head in and said.

"As long as we know each other, no matter how much they eat, just send the bill directly to me." Tony also paid directly with his face.

"Okay, no problem." The boss was also a cheerful person and nodded directly.

"You're really capable. Now that you've seen it, I don't have to call you in the future. You can just change your body with the Transformation Technique." Linton nodded, then casually opened a portal next to him, "Let's go and settle the score."

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