"Are you the Super Saiyan God?" Beerus looked at Linton and asked.

"Super Saiyan God, if you have to say it." Linton was too lazy to explain carefully. After all, this Super Saiyan God is just a form and does not refer to a specific person, but it is really troublesome to explain. Linton also nodded directly.

"Look, let me just say that there is this Super Saiyan God." Beerus here happily said to Whis behind him, "You still said that my prophecy dream was inaccurate? I found the person right away. Bar."

"Hey..." Weiss here nodded casually.

"This guy!" Beerus said unhappily, and then pointed directly at Linton, "Then it's you. My name is Beerus, and I am the God of Destruction in this world. I came here specifically to fight you this time. If you lose, I will call this...Earth, right, and the planet Earth will be destroyed."

"What?" Vegeta next to him was stunned. Just now, the Border King said not to conflict with the opponent and not to take action, but the opponent came up and wanted to fight Linton and destroy the earth. How could this be fun?

Linton nodded calmly: "Oh, what if you lose?"

"Huh?" Beerus was stunned. Obviously, he never thought that he would lose. Hearing Linton's calm tone, he was still a little angry, but he still said: "If I lose, I will not destroy the earth. I will leave immediately."

"This is really a shame." Linton spread his hands and said, "But forget it, it's just a matter of fighting anyway. As a fighting race like us Saiyans, of course the things that can be resolved by fighting must be resolved by fighting."

"Very good!" Beerus was very satisfied with Linton's answer. Originally, the purpose of waking up early was to fight with the prophesied opponent, but now he has determined that Linton is the predicted opponent. . The other party also had no intention of avoiding the fight, and Beerus was naturally very happy.

"Then..." Beerus said, preparing to set up a formation and start fighting, but just when the two sides were about to start fighting, a voice suddenly came from the side.

"Husband? Uncle? Haven't you finished talking yet? Huh? Are you..." Yes, the person walking next to her was Bulma. She was a little drunk at this time. Isn't there still a birthday party over there? Now it was time to cut the cake, but before Vegeta came over, she came to ask about the situation.

"Uh..." Seeing Bulma coming over, Vegeta's expression changed. At this moment, he thought that he was still on his family's cruise ship. If there was a direct fight just now, everyone around him would probably be affected. .

At this time, Vegeta's personality has changed a lot. Recently, he has been really caring about his family. Thinking that his wife and children are around, he suddenly becomes worried.

"Is this...your alien friend? Also here to attend my birthday party?" Bulma looked at Beerus and Whis here and asked. It's not that strange to see a few aliens appear. After all, his husband is an alien himself, and Bulma has seen a lot.

"Hello, I'm Beerus." Vegeta was still worried that Bulma would be in danger, but to his surprise, Beerus here took the initiative to say hello.

"I'm Weiss." Weiss here not only said hello, but also saluted.

"Oh oh oh, I didn't expect any of your acquaintances to be so polite." Bulma nodded, "I am Bulma, Vegeta's beautiful wife. Thank you very much for coming to my birthday party."

"Hello Miss Bulma," Beerus and Whis said at the same time.

"Would you like to come to the banquet together? There are a lot of delicious food prepared there, and the cake is about to be cut." Bulma said.

"Oh oh oh, speaking of which, I just smelled a nice smell coming from over there. Is it the hospitality from Earth?" Beerus here seems to be a foodie, and he can't hold it in anymore. said.

"Oh, yes, hospitality. After all, it's probably not easy for you to come here." Bulma really treated these two people as aliens.

"Indeed, the Earth is really far away." Beerus nodded, "It's almost as remote as Planet Vegeta."

"It's really leisurely." Linton said, spreading his hands.

"Yeah, yeah, there's no rush in fighting or anything like that. Since we're ready to entertain, let's try the hospitality here on Earth first," Beerus said.

"Okay, I'll let you eat and save while you lose and then make excuses." Linton said casually.

"Huh?" These words made Beerus unhappy, as he said it as if he would lose. Beerus's temper was obviously not that good, and he was about to explode when Krillin next to him ran over with a large plate of octopus balls.

"Come on, come and try the freshly baked octopus balls...huh?" Klin ran over and noticed Beerus and Whis here, and was slightly stunned when he saw them.

"You..." Beerus was about to say something when his attention was immediately attracted by the smell of the thing in front of him. This thing was so fragrant that it tasted delicious just looking at it. "What do you think this is? Octopus." ball?"

"Uh...yes, octopus balls." Although Klin didn't know who the other party was, he still nodded.

"Eat it directly?" Beerus said, already pinching one. Without waiting for Klin's reply, he directly stuffed it into his mouth.

"So... delicious!" Suddenly, Beerus roared loudly, startling everyone around him. This reaction was probably a bit too exaggerated.

"This... this is so delicious." Beerus said excitedly, "What kind of treats were the treats I had before? This is real food, okay? It feels a little bit like this. If you were angry, if you had known it, you would have destroyed those planets directly, you are simply fooling me."

"Really?" Linton also picked up one and stuffed it into his mouth, chewing it a little, "Well...it's just...average, not as delicious as the one made by my niece..."

"Ordinary level?" Beerus asked in surprise, "Have you ever tasted better? Who is that little niece?"

"A niece is just a niece," Linton said, "I have a niece named Chui Xue, who is simply the god of cooking in the world..."

"When did you have a niece?" Vegeta asked next to him.

"Well, then...then if I win you, you want to treat me to something better, how about it?" Beerus here heard that there was a good one, so he naturally chose the better one, and he was very anxious.

"If you lose, you owe me a treat." Linton pointed at Beerus and said.

"Okay, no problem." Beerus agreed casually, not thinking that he would lose, and then said anxiously, "Let's fight now."

"Change a place." Linton looked at Vegeta and Bulma next to him, then opened a door next to him and said.

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