Linton's current team members really need to be seriously reorganized, mainly because Linton didn't even think about recruiting teammates before.

If this were normal, Linton's players would obviously not be like this. As I said before, the system tasks encourage PVP. If there is really pressure on PVP, Linton will naturally increase the intensity of the team members.

But the problem is that there are no PVP tasks at all now. Linton is not used to bringing a bunch of people with him when exploring, so he can handle most of the tasks by himself. Without pressure, Linton naturally never sorted out this area.

But this time the situation is different. On the one hand, this is indeed a PVP mission. System Ji also said that other NPC team members will participate. On the other hand, the stakes this time are indeed a bit high, so we have to make a move.

Now Linton's team members, Linton thought for a moment. The only one who can be considered useful is Aizen. There are only 7 places in total for his current captain's level 2 job placement. Excluding Aizen, Yalan and Gasain occupy two, Esdeath and Black Eyes occupy two, and there is one remaining. Dog and Asuna.

Except for Aizen, Linton didn't mean anything to them at all. Linton didn't want them to take risks like Yalan and Garsain. Esdeath and Heitong simply didn't have enough fighting ability. As for the dog... To be honest, Linton didn't want them to take risks for a while. I really don’t know what to do with that dog.

I have said before that if the relationship between the team members is to be terminated, it is not possible for the captain to kick the person out with just a click. This requires the other party's consent before the person can be kicked out. Because of this restriction, you must be very careful when selecting team members.

Linton had tried kicking someone before, so he knew the method. There used to be a person named SABER. Linton dragged her to the main world and asked her to quit the team. Before, it was just to test the situation, but now he is using this experience.

There are several people here, including Yalan, Garsain, Esdeath and Heitong. Linton can directly make them withdraw from the team. Linton intends to let Asuna go for a while. After all, her auxiliary function is a bit strong and her combat effectiveness is not good, but she can be used as a support player.

But this dog... To be honest, Linton had no idea whether the other party would cooperate. Even animals that have reached a certain level of ability generally have very high IQs. For example, there is a dog called Cushion here. His IQ level is no different from that of ordinary humans. But the IQ of this dog in Team Linton is really at the level of a dog... No, I should say it is lower than that of an ordinary dog. Su Mu should have a higher IQ than it.

This dog...Linton could only look at the situation. However, when talking about dogs, Linton remembered that it would be very suitable to find a person in the world of this dog.

Yes, this dog's name is Porky, and he is a dragon-level disaster. The world where he discovered it was called One Punch Man, and when talking about One Punch Man, Linton naturally thought of a bald man with no upper limit like himself.

Linton was still a little confident in convincing Saitama. Although Saitama seems lazy, isn't he eager for an extremely passionate battle? It's a pity that there is really no one in his plane who can fight him, but Linton can find someone here.

And Saitama still owes him a favor, right? After all, he felt comfortable after having a fight with him last time, and he can speak for himself.

So Linton estimated that if he explained the situation directly to him, the other party would agree to have this fight with him.

Moreover, Linton really misses Fubuki's niece's cooking, so it just so happens that he can go there to relive it.

With three things piled up, it seems like I have to go there. But the only trouble is that the world of One Punch Man has not been explored at all, and it is not a low-threat plane.

This means that it will take at least ten cycles for him to go there, and his preparation time is only ten days in total.

So Linton asked System Ji if he accepted the invasion mission and then went to explore, could he directly enter the invasion battle in the unexplored world? Then the affirmative answer was quickly obtained. System Ji said that the priority of the invasion war is relatively high. Once the invasion war starts, all those who signed up will be prompted to join, and the ongoing exploration will be suspended at that time.

After getting this answer, things became a little easier to handle. Linton should finish the things here first, then go directly to the world of One-Punch Man to get Qiyu, and then wait there for the war to begin.

But if this happens, people from other unfinished worlds won’t be able to pull it in. Because the preparation time is limited, Linton can only pull people from a world that has not completed the exploration. Linton can only pull the other people from the low-threat planes that have completed the exploration. After all, these planes, Linton Already able to come and go as you please.

After scanning around, Linton looked around at the several worlds he had already explored. First of all, in this relatively eye-catching Dragon Ball world, Linton must be recruiting a few people.

Nephew Vegeta will definitely have to be summoned, and he can shout, but for others... there is no guarantee that they will be able to be summoned.

In addition to Dragon Ball, Marvel can also consider it. Of course, if you want to call me nephew Tony, you will definitely not be able to do it. Unless he can develop an anti-god-level battle armor, Linton should also call him a star-destroying star or above. The OAA kind of extrapolation is better, but there is a high probability that it will not be possible at all. No one can be found.

As for the rest... I'll think about it later when I really can't find anyone. Anyway, there are still a few days left. Let’s leave those who can leave the team first and call in those who can be called in.

After considering these, Linton has returned to the main world. The timer for the invasion war has started, and there are still ten days left to prepare. Linton must also start working.

When Linton came back, a group of ministers in the court were looking at the prince who was less than eight months old and worried. What kind of trouble is this? Why is their emperor so unprofessional and leaving an 8-month-old child sitting on it? Is this country really okay? Even if you have an 8-year-old emperor sitting on it, they will still be able to accept it. What does the 8-month-old want?

And it doesn't matter just for them to see such a situation. After all, many people are used to some incomprehensible things that Linton does. But now the empire has declared more than 20 countries in one breath, and now many of them are a little timid because they have seen the incredible performance of the Cyborg Army before, and now they want to negotiate with them, and then they have to Bring this group of envoys to see the 8-month-old Prince Supervisor...

Whenever the envoys here ask "Where is your emperor?", they don't know how to answer. After all, they really don't know where the emperor has gone.

"Daddy..." At this time, Xiao Linrui noticed Linton appearing next to him, and he opened his hands and shouted to Linton, as if he was begging for a hug. Recently, Linton has been accompanying Xiao Lin Rui a lot, and Xiao Lin Rui has been surprisingly close to Linton.

Of course, little Lin Rui, who is almost 8 months old, must be able to speak. Although it is just some simple overlapping sounds, his speech is still clear and he speaks frequently. When he is awake, he often babbles and repeats something incomprehensible, which may be the legendary baby talk.

"Come back so soon?" Yalan, who was sitting next to her, was stunned when she saw Linton. Didn't he just tell her that he was going on a long trip? Yalan thought it would take more than a month to see anyone this time. , I didn’t expect to come back so quickly.

"No, this mission is quite heavy. Come back and prepare." Linton said simply. Then he looked at the minister below and said, "Are you having a meeting? The queen here will lend me some."

"Wait a minute... Your Majesty, envoys from several countries such as the Kangersi Empire over there are waiting for your summons. They are very anxious..." Tyrad here said quickly.

"No time, busy, let them wait." Linton said.

"Your Majesty, if we wait any longer, the Kanger Thought Empire will disappear immediately. How can we make them wait..." Tyradh said here.

"It won't happen. What I'm giving here is not an order to destroy the country. We can wait until the people over there have finished looting before we can negotiate." Linton waved his hand and said.

"But the news from the front line in the north is that this group of mercenaries has become crazy after a few waves of robbery. They are already tearing down the city walls, preparing to tear down the walls of the imperial city of the Kangersi Empire and destroy those who built the walls. All the stones were sold..." Tyrad said.

"What the hell? Who is this with such business acumen? Can he still be so clean?" Linton said.

"Uh..." Tyrard looked at Linton speechlessly. What's the situation with your "I want to do that too" expression? You really don't want to be a human being.

"Let them do whatever they want. The envoy will hold off for now, and I will handle it when I come back after finishing my work." Linton was too lazy to take care of this matter for the time being. Tyrard probably meant that he had to worry about his international image, and robbing even the other side's city wall sounded a bit excessive, but Linton naturally didn't care about this.

After giving a few casual instructions to deal with state affairs, Linton also quickly told Yalan about quitting the team. Yalan was naturally a little worried about whether Linton was in trouble, but because of her long-standing trust in Linton, she didn't show too much.

Simply asking Yalan to withdraw from the team, Linton quickly came to his nephew Gasein's side. The Seventh Legion did not attack, but had been carrying out operations around the imperial city. In addition to encircling and suppressing the remaining rebel troops of the First Army, they are now also helping people sent from the north to transport various supplies.

"You're such a noob. It's such a shame. Leave the group." That's what Linton said when he saw Garserne.

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