I really can't control myself

Chapter 2385 Admit your mistake

The Kingdom of Screton, as a small vassal state of the Holy Empire of Elan, was inexplicably declared by its own suzerain country. For their small country, which relied on the Holy Empire of Elan for their livelihood, this was like a bolt from the blue. ah.

Don't tell me whether the Holy Empire of Elan will come to deal with them. They have to rely on this big empire to survive. Now the suzerain country suddenly disappeared and declared war with them. When the surrounding countries saw it, this cake was not Can it be eaten?

Yes, you don’t even need to take action from the Holy Empire of Elan. It is estimated that the surrounding countries can be destroyed by them, and then maybe you can go to the Holy Empire of Elan to ask for a bounty. Look, we will help you destroy Qinxuan’s country. .

When King Monteste of the Kingdom of Sclairton received the news, everyone was dumbfounded. Didn't they just receive the news that the Holy Empire of Yilan had a new emperor? Didn't they send someone to congratulate them? Why? War was suddenly declared. Can this congratulatory gift cause trouble?

After asking the envoys for a long time, Mendeste didn't understand how they provoked the new emperor. He really couldn't figure it out. In the end, he had no choice but to go to the imperial city. Bian went to apologize to Linton, but of course he didn't know exactly what the crime was.

Someone asked you, can't you gain some momentum? Look, now the empire is facing more than 20 countries at once. Let's unite to beat it.

Is Monteste angry? Indeed, I am still quite angry. Who can be less angry after such an inexplicable announcement? As a king, he has to go all the way to apologize to others. How can he feel better?

But it's useless to be angry. People have to bow their heads under the eaves. He didn't know if these twenty-odd countries could pull up a coalition, but the Kingdom of Screton was right next to the Holy Empire of Elan. Before the coalition could pull up, his entire country would be gone, okay?

Moreover, Monteste also vaguely felt that the people under his rule actually wanted to be directly included in the Holy Empire of Elan. After all, during this period, the Holy Empire of Yilan developed rapidly and its national power became strong. Their country is close to the Holy Empire of Yilan, their culture is very similar, and their exchanges are frequent.

The people here see that the people over there are living a good life, and of course they also yearn for it, but the problem is that their country is poor. Therefore, many people really seemed to have directly become a part of the Holy Empire of Elan.

But the people can change, but he, the king, cannot. This country exists and he is still a king. Although he is dependent on others, he is still a king. But if it merges, who will he be? Monteste obviously didn't want this to happen, so he immediately chose to go to the Holy Empire of Elan to seek forgiveness from the new emperor.

By the time Monteste saw Linton, it was already the sixth day when the capital of the Kangersi Empire was breached. It's not that Monteste arrived slowly. He had arrived yesterday, but he didn't see Linton at all. He was left alone for a whole day before he saw anyone.

After finally meeting Linton, Mendeste didn't know how to speak for a while. He was really anxious when he came, but after seeing Linton in person, he suddenly didn't know how to speak. After all, he still didn't know why they were announced, and he didn't know what Linton's purpose was in announcing them. Are you preparing to beat them or really want to annex them?

Looking at Linton, who was about the same age as his grandchildren, Mendeste didn't know what to say for a moment. Linton, on the other hand, picked up a document from the table next to him and searched on it.

"Screton Kingdom...oh, the name is here...tell me, do you know where you went wrong?" Linton said.

I really don’t know that after they were announced, Mendeste thought very seriously about where they might offend the Holy Empire of Elan. Mendeste even asked all his ministers to help him I was looking for a crime, but the problem was that I couldn’t find it after searching for a long time.

Over the years, as a vassal state, the Kingdom of Screton has been working hard. They have done what they should do seriously, and they have paid tribute in time. They have never meant to betray the Holy Empire of Yilan, and indeed they have always done so. They were all doing it, so why was it announced?

Mendeste felt that they must have made some big mistake in principle when they were announced, right? Otherwise, as the sovereign state of the Holy Empire of Elan, it would be enough to just rebuke them for minor mistakes. They would definitely send someone to admit their mistakes and apologize, and beg for forgiveness. Then correct it immediately. And only if they make a big mistake in principle, the Holy Empire of Elan will declare them directly and touch the bottom line.

But he just couldn't think of any mistakes that could be directly declared.

But now people ask you where you went wrong. Can you answer that I still don’t know where I went wrong? Monteste thought for a while, then said bravely: "Your Majesty, I think... maybe it's because the tribute tax revenue in recent years has been too small..."

Really unable to find a reason, Monteste could only give one casually. This small tribute tax revenue is what he thinks is most likely.

According to the agreement between the two parties, 30% of the annual national income of the Kingdom of Clayton will be used to support the suzerain country. This sounds like a lot, but it's not like that, because just looking at the number of offerings, it's actually not much money. The Kingdom of Screton is a small country with a limited annual income.

This money is not even as much as the rewards given to vassal countries by the Holy Empire of Yilan at one time. Just like the occasion of universal celebration like the new emperor's enthronement, the Holy Empire of Yilan would also give some rewards to the vassal states to praise their loyalty. Each time, this reward would be worth several years of worship.

This time, Monteste was supposed to be waiting for a reward, but what he didn't expect was a declaration of war. Monteste thought for a while, maybe it was because the country's economic development in recent years was not very good, and the tax revenue for worship was relatively small, which caused the suzerain to be dissatisfied. This was the most likely reason he could think of.

if not? Although they are a vassal country, the only two major things that can be connected to the suzerain country are paying taxes and rebelling. They will definitely not rebel, so they can only pay taxes.

"Tribute?" Linton unexpectedly raised his head and looked at Mendeste here, "Oh, you are that unlucky vassal country, right? I told you that you surrendered before I even attacked you... …”

"???" Mendeste looked at Linton's confused face, and you also think we are unlucky, don't you? Monteste did feel that they were quite unlucky, how could they be punished without doing anything good?

But listening to Linton's tone, it felt like the other party didn't even know which country he was the king of. In fact, he really overestimated Linton. In fact, he didn't even know which country the other party was. The people below reported that the king of the Kingdom of Screton came to him to admit his mistake and surrender. He still remembers it to this day. I don't know the name of this vassal country.

"What did you say you did wrong just now?" Linton asked again.

"I think... it should be a matter of tribute and tax..." Mendeste here answered cautiously. Listening to Linton's tone, could it be that he was wrong? But I really can't think of any other problems.

"That's right!" Linton suddenly slammed the table, "Look, I told you that you were wrong, right? Now you have discovered your mistake, right?"

"Uh...yes, Your Majesty the Emperor, we have realized our mistake..." Mendeste felt that something was wrong, but he still followed Linton's words and continued.

"Okay, very good!" Linton suddenly nodded with satisfaction, "You know? What I hate most is that others don't recognize their own mistakes. You see, it's obviously you who have the problem, right? Don’t you yourselves know why I announced this to you? You must still know, right?”

"Uh... um... yes, yes." Although it still felt weird, Mendeste could only nod.

"I'm very satisfied that you took the initiative to admit your mistakes, so I'll forgive you and I won't hit you this time." Linton nodded and said, "If you know your mistakes and you can correct them, there is no greater virtue. By the way, do you know how to correct them?"

"Well... that... we will increase the tribute and tax more in the future..." Mengdest said.

"Double it. Just double it from next year." Of course, Linton also knew the specific tribute tax. Anyway, it was higher.

"What? Double?" Mendeste here was shocked and almost jumped up from his position. If this was doubled, their country would not be able to survive. Originally, they were just scratching their heads financially, and it was already a bit difficult. They simply didn't have that much money to give out.

"Huh? You can't afford such a small amount of money? Then what's the use of you." Linton said, "You said before that you knew you were wrong, but you were unwilling to change it? Otherwise, you would lose all the land in your country." Give it to us, we can just develop it ourselves and save you a headache, what do you think?"

"Oh...this...this..." Meng Deste immediately panicked.

"Subordinate countries that cannot provide support have no need to exist. For using our Holy Empire of Yilan as your backer, you have to pay a corresponding price. Otherwise, without us, your country would have ceased to exist, right?" Lin Dun said, "You want to take advantage of our power but don't want to pay that much money. Do you think I'm stupid?"

"No...that's not the case, but twice as much..." Mendeste began to say in a panic.

"You go back and think it over for yourself. It's best to give me a satisfactory answer before our troops arrive in your territory. Since you are a vassal country, I don't want to embarrass you too much. Do you understand?" Lin Dun said with a wave of his hand.

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