I really can't control myself

Chapter 2377 Super Factory

The place Linton brought Tyradh to was the underground of the new city under his own name.

As mentioned before, the new city built here in Linton originally had a relatively secretive underground laboratory. It was originally intended to be used as a real laboratory, but Linton felt that it was not secretive enough, so the real laboratory was built hundreds of meters underground, with no entrance or exit at all and could only be entered and exited through the portal.

But there is no room left to build a laboratory here. It is now used as a super factory, producing a lot of high-tech props that are incompatible with this world.

The main thing being produced now is what Linton brought Tyradh to see.

The entire underground factory is now dark. Although it is not far from the ground, it is designed so that no sunlight can come in, because the employees working inside do not need light to work. .

However, there is still lighting equipment. At this time, Tyrard followed Linton to this pitch-black environment. The complete darkness in front of him made it impossible for him to see what was in front of him, but just by listening to the sound, he knew that there seemed to be a large space in front of him, and there were many more. There is less "dong dong dong" business, and it seems like there are a lot of people.

"What on earth is this..." Tyrard was about to ask, but Linton shouted directly to the surroundings: "Turn on the lights!"

"Climbing", the surroundings suddenly lit up. Although Tyrad was slightly prepared, he was still blinded and temporarily closed his eyes.

When he opened it again, he was suddenly shocked by the situation in front of him.

At this time, the two of them were on the second floor of a huge warehouse-like place. Looking down from here, they could just see the entire warehouse. And what appeared in front of Tyrad at this time were rows of people, standing neatly... people?

Yes, Tyrad could see clearly here, there were indeed people standing neatly on the spot. But speaking of humans, there is obviously a strange aura about these people.

It was so quiet that Tyradh immediately understood where this strange place was. The entire warehouse is very empty. Logically speaking, any sound in this closed space can be heard clearly. Some "dong-dong-dong" sounds can indeed be heard in the surroundings, but they are not coming from inside the warehouse. , more like the business coming from somewhere next door through the wall, and in the warehouse in front of him, not only was there no sound, but nothing actually moved, and there was a feeling of...dead silence.

But the problem is that there are a large number of people standing densely inside the warehouse. Tyrad looked at it for a while. The group of people in front of him must be at least... 10,000 people. In fact, it is easy to see. Linton asked them to line up. It is a 100X100 square array, which is indeed a scale of exactly 10,000 people. Therefore, it is a bit strange to record that in such a space with ten thousand people, there is no sound at all.

What's even more exaggerated is that Tyrad looked at it for a while and found that these "people" didn't seem to move at all, not even a small movement. Yes, he didn't even blink. Tyrard couldn't feel the anger of these people at all. Could it be that... they were all corpses?

Tyrad was a little panicked, and suddenly he seemed to have thought of something. In fact, Linton didn't deliberately hide things like his laboratory. The hidden things were actually done by Yalan for him. Although it has been very hidden, Tyrad, as the prime minister, has more or less found out some... rumors about the Necromancer.

So these "people" in front of me are probably the undead army created by Linton.

Although Tyrad had never experienced the horror of the undead army, he had also heard of it. The dead people were immediately pulled up to fight. In the battle between the undead and the living, usually the army of the undead would fight more and more. Just think about it and you will know the level of combat effectiveness.

But this is an army of the undead. Once it appears on this continent again, it will trigger a crusade across the entire continent.

But just when he thought of this, Tyrad was suddenly stunned. It seems...Linton has declared most of the countries on the continent without saying a word. The current situation seems to be not much different from a continent-wide crusade...

No, there is still a slight difference. It is still on the scale of an ordinary war. Even if the entire continent is declared, it is an ordinary level battle. But the undead army is different. This is going to start a holy war. Because the Holy Association also wants to fight against the Necromancer.

If it escalates to a holy level battle, the situation will obviously become more serious. As Tyradh thought about it, he felt a headache getting worse. Now his mind was so messed up that he didn't know what to do.

"How's it going, little old man." Linton continued to talk to Tyrade cheerfully, "With a warehouse like this, there are several more next to it, and it can easily pull out an army of tens of thousands, and it's still there now. Full production."

Yes, the "people" in front of Linton and Tyrard are actually Terminator robots. It is based on the T-800 model. After some slight modifications, the current number seems to be T-820, which is the same generation anyway.

These robots were naturally built by Asuna. Asuna has been working on the T-800 robot production line a long time ago, and she has already succeeded.

Asuna originally built these T-800 robots for the construction of the underground laboratory. After all, the underground laboratory itself is a hidden space. During the construction of the new city, there was only room left outside, but no workers came in to work.

The construction work here was all completed by Asuna. Of course, it would be impossible for her to do it alone. The T-800 she produced was responsible for the construction.

To be honest, Linton doesn't even know how big this underground laboratory is, but Linton knows how many robots of this type there are now.

The construction of this robot was very slow at the beginning, but the growth pattern is exponential. For example, at the beginning, when Asuna built the first production line, it was quite troublesome. It took a long time to gather the materials. Asuna also followed Linton to many other worlds to make things.

But after the first production line comes out, the subsequent work will be relatively simple. Asuna directly let the robots that were produced continue to build the production line, and then continued to repeat the process. Now it is the scale in front of Linton.

Yes, the current production capacity is slightly overcapacity. The batch of robots in front of Linton are actually spare machines. The production teams outside are not counted at all. They are still continuing to work.

Of course, these production teams are responsible for more than just producing robots. Now the entire underground laboratory has become a real super factory, and it is a super factory with almost the entire industry chain related to machinery. In other words, this entire underground laboratory is now a small Dyson sphere.

Linton doesn't have to worry about the intermediate production process. He just clicks on what he wants on the terminal, and the finished product will appear soon. Today's underground factories are so awesome.

Of course, Linton only recently learned that the construction here was so impressive. After all, he had never cared about this factory before.

It's not that Asuna didn't say this, it was mainly because Linton didn't take it seriously. He often goes to the laboratory, but he rarely comes here. By the time he notices it, it is already at this scale.

Now this huge super factory is completely under the control of Asuna. All the robots are controlled by Asuna. To put it clearly, Asuna now is more like a Skynet system.

It seems a little wrong to say this. A more clear statement is that this virtual Skynet system is now just a subsystem under Asuna, mainly responsible for managing the production part. After all, Asuna has other things to manage here, such as research and development work, accompanying Linton to explore the world, etc. It has to be said that Asuna is really busy.

Isn't Linton afraid of something happening? After all, now that Skynet has been created, aren't you worried that Asuna will repeat the Terminator plot here?

Of course Linton is not afraid. You have seen a Super Saiyan who can use the ultimate freedom skill, but how many robots are you afraid of? The scale of this underground factory is so large that it has taken almost 2 years from the beginning to the present. How long will it take for Linton to dismantle it? The answer is 1 second, just wave your hand and the thing disappears.

In this comparison, Linton said that it was really hard for him to be scared. So his attitude in this regard has always been to do whatever you want, and Asuna is indeed doing quite a lot.

In short, Linton only recently learned that this factory has grown to such a large scale. As for why he knew it, it was mainly because Asuna took the initiative to mention it to Linton.

Asuna brought this up to Linton mainly because although there were no problems with the production line, raw materials were starting to become tight.

The production of robots naturally requires metal. The previous minerals were all mine resources provided by Linton. Many of them were snatched from other countries. For example, the orcs who were beaten before and the people in the south of their empire The mine was occupied and all the mines were brought here.

As the trading center of the southern part of the empire, Xincheng also has many ore transactions. Many of the minerals here were actually obtained by Asuna, and it was also done with Linton's support.

But now that the scale has grown exponentially, the problem of minerals has returned again. Now it's not that productivity is insufficient, but that raw materials are insufficient. Asuna asked Linton what to do.

So Linton didn't really want to declare the entire continent purely on a whim. In terms of purpose, he still had a purpose. Of course, this purpose was just incidental. If he hadn't suddenly thought of this and found it interesting, he wouldn't have taken the initiative to help Asuna.

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