I really can't control myself

Chapter 2372 Announcement

The process of the enthronement ceremony is actually nothing special. A lot of complicated rituals were not much different from what Yalan experienced at that time.

Of course, everyone knows that the focus of this enthronement ceremony is definitely not on this ceremony.

The ceremony of worshiping the heavens and gods soon ended, and then Linton received the ministers as the new emperor. Then everyone swore allegiance to the new emperor.

There were obviously no surprises in this part. After all, the ministers had naturally known about this for a long time. The oath of allegiance here was just a ceremonial effect. As I said before, no one has any objections to Linton becoming emperor.

The commander of the Fourth Army, Bartem, was also kneeling among those who swore allegiance to Linton. He was now rejoicing that he had not been arrested yet. Could it be that the new emperor had not found evidence of his rebellion? But didn’t I hear that the commander of the Second Legion, Losos, was arrested? Didn't the other party confess himself?

Yes, although Losos experienced an assassination, the incident was not announced to the public. After Linton used Earth Reincarnation to pull the opponent up, he pretended that the assassination had never happened. So what the outside world knows now is that Losos, the former commander of the Second Legion, was arrested and has now been sent back to the imperial capital and imprisoned in the sky prison.

Bartem no longer thinks about the rebellion at all. He just hopes that he can leave the imperial capital safely.

In short, there was no trouble in the allegiance ceremony here. Finally it was the next step, which was for the new emperor Linton to receive the envoys from various countries as the emperor.

First of all, the envoys from various countries who came here to participate in the ceremony have actually recognized Linton's status as the new emperor. Because if you didn't admit it, they wouldn't have sent anyone to participate in the first place.

In fact, basically no country in the world has any plans to pay attention to Linton's usurpation of the throne. Saying that Linton usurped the throne or that the throne was illegal has little effect. If you look at the attitude of these domestic ministers, you will know that they will not attract any big reaction.

In fact, most countries are aware of the situation of the Holy Empire of Elan. The original actual ruler of this country was Linton, and everyone agreed that Yalan was a puppet. Linton probably let Yalan occupy the position because he was worried about his saint-level status. As for why he doesn't worry about it now, he doesn't know. Anyway, the matter of finding him is a matter of the Holy Association and has nothing to do with them.

In short, everyone is obviously not making a fuss about the legitimacy of the throne, and it really doesn't make any sense.

Their purpose is to weaken the empire. Even if you make a fuss about the legitimacy of the throne, what is the best result? Linton abdicated, and then the emperor became Yalan again. Linton was still the actual controller. The empire was still the same empire. What impact would it have? Isn't that how it was originally? Of course they won't bother to interfere with such stupid things.

Compared with this, it is obvious that taking advantage of the empire's weakness now is their goal.

Before coming here, several countries around the empire had already been in contact and were ready to put pressure on the empire. It just so happens that you guys are seriously injured, right? Through this, they also wanted to test the reality and reaction of the empire.

Maslop, the envoy of the Kanger Thinking Empire, is the person sent by those countries who is ready to "jump out". The script arranged here is that he will be the first to jump out and attack. If the empire expresses a tough attitude, others will Envoys from several countries will also come out to support the Kanger thinking empire.

With the current situation in the empire, they probably don't dare to go to war. The first and second legions that were stationed in the north are now gone, and the northern part of the empire is empty. At this time, if the countries to the north form a joint force, wouldn't it be a long march?

But they actually don't want to fight. Every country has its own problems, and sending troops now is actually not a good thing for them. They just took this opportunity to take a bite of meat.

The best thing is that through this pressure, everyone can see that the human empire is actually empty, but it would be better if everyone had ideas about the empire.

At this time, Maslop was already thinking about how to jump out and cause trouble. Looking at Linton above, he was waiting for the right opportunity.

At this time, although Linton here still had a smile on his face, he was already feeling all kinds of MMP in his heart. What kind of bullshit ceremony is this? Why is it so troublesome? Linton just wanted to kick off and leave, but after all, there will be big news soon, so after thinking about it, he still endured it.

At this time, Linton had completely lost his patience. Now that he had come to this point, he couldn't wait any longer. So he picked up a piece of paper from the side, compared the names on it, and asked directly to the envoys from various countries below: "Are the envoys from the Kangersi Empire here?"

The Kanger Thought Empire is ranked first on this list. This is the list of the envoys from various countries who came to attend the ceremony. It is not specific, it just happens that the Kanger Thought Empire is ranked first.

"Huh?" Maslop, who was looking for an opportunity, suddenly heard Linton calling his name and was slightly stunned. Of course he didn't know why Linton was looking for him, but wasn't this an excellent opportunity? So he hurriedly took a few steps forward: "I am Maslop, the head of the mission of the Kangersi Empire. I wonder what the Emperor is looking for?"

Although there was nothing wrong with what Maslop said, his tone of voice was inexplicably arrogant. This is clearly not respectful.

Everyone present was an outstanding person in the field of diplomacy. As soon as they heard Maslop's tone, they knew that something was going on here. In fact, most people here have similar ideas, but no one wants to be the one who takes the lead. Now it seems that someone is going to take the lead.

"Yeah, yeah." However, Linton didn't seem to hear the problem with the other party's tone. Instead, he nodded casually, then looked at Maslop and said, "I, 'King Qi Xuan' Linton, am now As the emperor of the Holy Empire of Yilan, I declare war on your Kangersi Empire. Ambassador Maslop, please go back and tell your emperor that he will wash his neck and wait."

The scene suddenly became quiet, and everyone looked at Linton in confusion. Of course Maslop here was also stupid. He had been thinking for a long time about how to stir up trouble, but he didn't expect Linton to come up and directly declare war on them? What's going on? Everyone else was confused.

"Your Majesty Emperor Linton, what did you just say?" Maslop asked again blankly.

"If you have a problem with your ears, why don't you just stop being an envoy? I'm declaring war on your empire! By the way, how many people are there in your envoy? Will anyone come back to report you after you die?" Linton asked.

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