I really can't control myself

Chapter 2343 Construction

After eating the breakfast given by Dr. Ohgi and Dr. Uchigi, Linton and Xiaomo set off together towards the direction of Fukiyose Cave.

Xiaozhi unexpectedly followed him. It seemed that Xiaomao knew about Gopalluon and decided to follow him to see the situation.

Didn't Linton suggest that he should think about it by himself while collecting the slates? Sure enough, Xiaozhi here accepted the plan and was now ready to help Linton collect the slates. It should be quite reliable for Linton to leave this matter to Xiaozhi as the protagonist. If the investigation is not completed, he can still get a few slates from PIAO when he comes back.

So Gopalluon had to bring back a few slates, and Xiaozhi followed them and collected the slates. Linton originally uploaded it and then it was of no use, so naturally he didn't mind.

It was still early, so Linton was not in a hurry to go there. After thinking about it, Linton decided to go to Asuna first, because he was going back today, and it seemed that he hadn't said hello to Asuna yet?

When he found Asuna, she was in a research room. Linton didn't know where this research room came from. Asuna was operating an unknown machine there. There were things in the machine next to him that looked a bit familiar to Linton, like fragments of MEGA ore? Are you doing research on MEGA stones?

"What kind of research are you doing?" Linton asked directly.

"You asked me to carry out research on the purification of MEGA stones yesterday," Asuna said.

"Huh? I...oh, right." Linton was stunned for a moment, and was about to ask himself when he had said that, but as soon as he said the words, he remembered it, and it seemed that he had indeed ordered it.

Didn't he catch the traitor who defected to the CIA? Linton handed the other party's stolen information to Asuna and copied it. Because the MEGA stones uploaded at that time had relatively high points, Linton wondered if they had been purified, so he asked Asuna to study the information.

To be honest, he just said it casually and almost forgot about it. Sure enough, I still need someone like Asuna to remind me.

"Any results?" Linton asked.

"Unexpected technology, I haven't been able to understand this aspect yet." Asuna replied, "I may lack the basic theoretical support."

"What's the theory about MEGA stone?" Linton asked.

"There are many others." Asuna here replied.

Linton thought for a while, and felt that this was not the first time Asuna had hit a wall in this regard. When she was studying the Poké Ball before, Asuna seemed to be in the same situation and didn't know how to get it. Later, something similar to the Poke Ball was made through the anti-universe technology of another world, so Asuna probably still hasn’t understood the principle of the Poke Ball, even though she is now the chairman of a Poke Ball production company. .

This situation can only be said to be that the things in the Pokémon world are too "unscientific" and cannot be understood from a scientific perspective, which makes her progress difficult. Otherwise, Asuna's own scientific research ability is really not that good.

In fact, Linton thinks there are two reasons. Things in the Pokemon world are indeed not very scientific, but Asuna's scientific research ability is honestly not very good.

Even though Asuna has made a lot of things for Linton here, if you think about it carefully, she didn't "invent" anything. The infinite energy core is the technology from Dragon Ball. Anti-universe, that's the technology of the EVA world. Yes, Asuna actually just sorted out and copied things that others had discovered.

To put it more clearly, this guy has no creativity at all. So when she encounters some technology trees that lack basic theory, she can only get stuck there, just like she is stuck here now. To know the situation of Mega Stone, the Pokémon doctors in the Pokémon world are also studying it, so there is no complete theory, which leads to the current situation.

Of course, you really can't blame her, she is a robot after all. Although it has been upgraded to the Super PLUS version, the basis of logical thinking is still the same. To put it simply, this guy is an advanced computer. You can't expect the computer to do research for you. It can only integrate and organize information.

"We're going back here." Linton said directly to Asuna.

"Have you gone back?" Asuna had indeed just heard Linton talk about this. "Is the research here suspended? Or will we continue the research after we go back?"

"Do you want to continue research?" Linton asked. After all, Asuna is now the version of Vision. Linton knows that although Vision is also a robot, he still has a personality. He doesn't know what Asuna's current state is.

"If I want to do more research when I go back, I have to get some samples back." Asuna replied here.

"..." This was really Asuna's answer. Sure enough, it was not that she wanted to study it herself, but she just wanted to make more preparations. "Anyway, just take some back with you."

"I understand." Asuna nodded, "What about this company?"

Linton thought for a moment, then opened a portal directly from the side. He took it out casually and pulled out a woman with a scream.

The woman Linton pulled out looked exactly like the current Asuna, so she was naturally Xu Liyun. The other party was obviously confused by this sudden situation, but just after screaming twice, he suddenly saw Asuna standing there, and he was stunned.

"Okay, just leave the rest of the matter to her." Linton pointed at Xu Liyun, who was still confused.

"Oh, here are various documents related to the company." Asuna also directly took out a box and handed it to Xu Liyun who was in a daze. "Other less important contracts and the like are all in the safe in the office. The password Use this machine to generate it randomly and authenticate it within 15 seconds.”

"Huh? Um, um, who are you?" Xu Liyun here asked quickly. She still doesn't understand what's going on. She has repeatedly confirmed that she does not have any twin sisters, but who is this person who looks exactly like her in front of her? Didn't you suffer from schizophrenia after doing it for a long time? So what exactly have I been cured by my treatment for more than half a month?

"Let me introduce, this is your half-sister." Linton pointed at Asuna and said.

"Half-father and half-mother?" Xu Liyun was stunned for a moment.

"It just has nothing to do with it. I borrowed your identity for a while and now I'm giving it back to you. Congratulations, you are now the richest man in the world. What is the company's current valuation?" Linton asked.

"It seemed to have been valued at 2 trillion before... but it was not listed and no equity was sold." Asuna said.

"Good guy, the bubble here is a little too big. It accounts for 10% of the country's GDP." Linton spread his hands and said, "In short, this money is regarded as compensation, let's go."

"Wait...I...I don't want a company, nor do I want to be the richest man." Xu Liyun here said quickly. Seeing Linton turn his head, she shrank back in fear, but still said, "To be honest, the current situation makes me... a little troubled..."

"It's okay to be troubled. I was just here to trouble you from the beginning." Linton spread his hands and said.

"Huh?" Xu Liyun was stunned again.

"That's it, get used to the life of the richest man." Linton said and drew a circle beside him. The portal opened and Linton walked directly in.

"Hey, wait..." Xu Liyun really didn't know what to do, but it was too late to stop Linton.

After passing through the portal, Linton came to the entrance of Fukiyose Cave. When he first arrived here, Linton was stunned by the situation in front of him, and even wondered whether he had come to the wrong place.

What appeared directly in front of Linton now was a construction site. When I came here before, the entrance to Fukiyose Cave was a small cave that was very difficult to find in the dense forest. But now, a large area has been cleared around. The woods and the like have completely disappeared. The entire surrounding area looks like a construction site for a large stadium. You can see construction vehicles, excavators and the like at work everywhere. thing.

"What's going on? Is this here?" Linton was stunned for a moment.

"It's here." Xiao Mao, who followed behind, said.

"No, I just came here three days ago." Linton said.

"It's true that the change is a bit big. Fortunately, I was here yesterday, otherwise I wouldn't recognize it." Xiao Mao said.

"Did Lu Ping do it?" Linton asked.

Xiao Mao is quite clear about the specific situation. Didn't Linton take care of the Rockets before and then asked them to help with mining here? But it's a bit ridiculous if this is true. How could Xiaomao be able to control such a group of people?

Even if these people are afraid of Linton, they don't dare to touch Xiaomao, so can they still run away? So Xiaomao thought about it and informed Lu Ping directly.

After that, it became what it is now. Lu Ping also immediately reported the discovery of MEGA ore here, and then entered super acceleration mode instantly. In just three days, this place has turned into a mining farm.

The current MEGA ore has almost become a strategic resource. Of course, only China knows what this thing is used for so far, but it does not affect everyone's judgment. Who made everyone know about the previous transactions between China and Magnesia?

Since you want it, naturally this thing is useful. Now that such a mine is discovered, it will naturally be developed immediately. As for what Linton said about asking people from the Rockets to do the digging, that is really inefficient. How long will it take for manpower to do the digging? So Lu Ping took away everyone from Team Rocket and imprisoned them, and then construction began.

Just as they were talking about Lu Ping's affairs, Lu Ping came over to Linton.

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