"Dear passengers and guests, we are now announcing an emergency announcement. Because the plane has lost an engine and is leaking all the oil, the plane will now make an emergency landing. All passengers and guests please sit in their seats and buckle up. Seat belts and wait for the plane to stop. I would like to introduce the special guest of this emergency landing, Mao Lilan, a 16-year-old high school student from Class B of Didan High School, who is flying the plane for an emergency landing..."

"Captain Ms. Mao Lilan, with 11 minutes of driving time, is the female high school student who has driven the longest civil aviation aircraft in the world. She will definitely bring you wonderful emergency landing operations. Of course, let us also welcome us with applause. The co-pilot of Edogawa Conan is from the first grade of Tedan Elementary School. At only 8 years old, he already has 33 minutes of experience in piloting a commercial airliner. He is the co-pilot of a civil airliner with the longest flight time in the world. …”

"Can you please stop increasing the anxiety of the passengers at this time?" Miyano Shiho next to him couldn't help shouting.

"What are you talking about? What did I say? I just stated the actual situation..." Linton put down the walkie-talkie and spread his hands and said, "Besides, this doesn't affect anything at all. If the emergency landing is successful, no matter whether the driver Who is she? These passengers all have to thank her, right; if the emergency landing fails and everyone is dead, is there anyone who can settle the score with her?"

"Then did you know that there is something called a black box on the plane that can record all the voice content in the cab?" Miyano Shiho here couldn't help but said.

"Uh...is that what that thing does?" Linton was stunned for a moment. He had heard of black boxes, but he didn't really know what they were used for. He only knew that once the plane crashed, everyone would Looking for this thing.

Of course, the black box recording voice is only one of its functions, but it can indeed record it. From what Miyano Shiho meant, he thought it was true that after the crash, someone dug out the black box and discovered that a female high school student was flying the plane. Linton directly spread his hands and said: "That doesn't matter. Anyway, this female high school student's whole family is on this plane. Even if something happens, it will be for the whole family directly..."

"Shut up! Don't increase Xiaolan's panic!" Miyano Shiho shouted directly.

"It's okay, Mao Lilan is very brave, everyone has to believe in her." Linton said and waved his hand in front of him, "Come on Xiaolan, it doesn't matter, I will take action, don't worry."

"Adjust the wings to 30 degrees and lower the landing gear!" At this time, Mao Lilan and co-pilot Conan, who were in the driver's seat, had no time to pay attention to what Linton was doing over there. They were concentrating on operating the aircraft. Obviously, the emergency landing at this time has reached a critical moment, and the dock is already in sight.

The plane crossed a bridge at low altitude, and many people on the ground also noticed this unusual plane. Obviously, the plane didn't look like it was heading towards the airport, but it seemed to be about to land. This was something going on.

On the pier over there, the JING policemen who had just parked their police car were preparing to search and surround Kaitou Kidd. However, before they could take action, someone was already watching the huge passenger plane swooping down towards them. .

"Officer Nakamori!"

"Get out of here!" Officer Zhongmori was of course frightened by the sudden situation and shouted directly to the surrounding police officers.

There was no time to get in the car and start it again. As Officer Zhongmori shouted, all the surrounding police officers quickly started running to the side. Some were too late and had no choice but to jump into the sea next to them.

There was a "boom", and the next moment, the plane had touched the ground, but first the rear wheels hit a parked police car, and the huge impact directly crushed the police car. However, the plane was not affected. It quickly landed on the ground again, and then began to taxi forward.

"Push forward! Press the nose down!" Conan shouted to Mao Lilan next to him.

Mao Lilan immediately pushed the operating lever forward, the nose of the aircraft was pressed directly down, and the front landing gear also landed successfully. At this point, the plane has completely landed, but it is still gliding forward at a very fast speed.

"Reverse jet!" Conan gave the correct command again. Mao Lilan stretched out a hand to hold the operating lever next to him. Conan also stretched out a hand, and the two of them held it together and pulled hard.

The engine roared again and began spraying in reverse to slow down. But now the entire plane is still sliding forward due to the huge inertia.

"Crane!" Mao Lilan suddenly saw the boom of the dock crane appearing in front of him at this time. As he said before, although the dock was relatively flat, it was not long enough. Before, it was just a simple estimate that it could probably Stop. But the actual situation is obviously a little different from the calculation. They don't know what is on the dock, such as the boom of the crane in front. This is not something that can be seen when looking at the map.

There is now a crane at the end of the runway. This thing was obviously not taken into account when calculating the length. Although the speed of the plane is also decreasing now, it still can't stop directly because it is about to hit this thing.

"Get out of the way! Step on the pedal on the right!" Conan here quickly shouted to Mao Lilan. This is to prepare the aircraft to turn to the right and directly avoid the crane in front.

"Okay...!" Although Mao Lilan was a little panicked, she quickly came to her senses. Just as she was about to step down on the pedal, Linton's voice came from behind.

"Don't turn around, keep going forward." Linton put a hand directly on Mao Lilan's shoulder and said.

"Huh?" The opposite instruction made Mao Lilan stunned. He was already in a hurry, and now he didn't know how to deal with it.

While she was in a daze, she had already missed the time to turn. The plane's fuselage continued forward and hit the crane arm in front of it in a straight line.

There was a loud "bang", but it was not the sound of a plane hitting it. Because at this time, a huge black giant suddenly appeared in front of the plane, and with a wave of his hand, the entire crane at the pier in front was shot away. This giant crane, estimated to weigh tens of thousands of tons, was directly smashed into a ball by one blow, uprooted and flew into the sea next to it, causing a large splash of water.

The next moment, the black giant turned around and stretched out his right hand to directly press the nose of the plane that was still rushing forward. Just before the plane was about to plunge directly into the sea, the plane was stopped.

At this point, the huge passenger plane finally landed smoothly on the ground, making an emergency landing successfully.

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