At Hokkaido Hakodate Airport, the airport ground control tower has learned about the situation on the plane. The police have naturally been contacted, and the prisoner will be arrested after landing. But the biggest problem now is not the prisoner, but whether the plane will land. Obviously, if the plane crashes, everyone will unacceptable.

"The current altitude is 12,000, the speed is about 280 knots, the automatic cruise is normal..." Kaitou Kidd here is reporting the situation to the people in the ground tower. There happens to be a co-pilot at the airport right now, so it is this co-pilot who is now guiding Phantom Thief Kid to operate the plane.

From the current point of view, Kaito Kidd's learning and understanding abilities are obviously very good. In addition, he can also fly a helicopter and has flying experience, so there is no problem for the time being.

"We have cleared the runway here, and we will continue flying according to the current situation..." The tower also continued to send operating instructions, "Now start to slowly lower the flight altitude and prepare to land."

"It seems like you did a good job. This way you don't have to pull that guy up to fly the plane." Linton's voice came from behind the two of them.

"I think it should be fine if we leave it to the two of them." Toru Amuro, who was next to him, was still covering his injured arm, but it seemed to be getting better. It should be that the hemostasis and painkillers had taken effect. , "If we really let that guy come, it might be a bit dangerous."

Of course the danger Tohru Amuro was talking about was that if the agent who was pulled up did not cooperate, the problem would obviously be bigger. After all, the other party is an agent who failed the mission, and what he can do is obviously unpredictable. No matter who they are, the others at least don't want the plane to crash. No one wants to die, but this guy is already dead, and he still has to consider whether he wants to drag a whole plane of people on the road with him.

"Well...the only question left now is one." Linton nodded and said.

"What is it?" Toru Amuro asked, looking at Linton.

"That's... a character issue." Linton said.

"Huh?" Everyone in the cab was stunned.

"Actually, I think I can handle the operation to a certain extent. But the biggest problem now is that this guy is still on the plane." Linton pointed at Conan here and said, "I just said, this This guy is a super unlucky guy, and with him around, anything bad will happen to you."

"Hey, you are being too specific. I admit that there may be more cases around me, but the current situation has nothing to do with the cases." Conan here said, "You can tell me that you can still What happened? Is there a murder happening?"

"Well..." Linton said and looked at the window of the cab in front. At this time, the plane had lowered its altitude again and was preparing to approach the airport for landing, so it was now under the clouds again.

As I saw just now, the weather outside is still not very good, it is raining heavily, and it seems to be heavier than the rain in that area just now.

While Linton was watching, a white light suddenly flashed outside, and a bolt of lightning pierced the sky in the distance, right in front of them, so they could see it very clearly.

"Let me think about it, based on your unlucky level, our plane will at least be struck by lightning." Linton said directly.

"How is that possible! What you said is too exaggerated!" Conan shouted directly.

"Flight 865, you can already be seen here, flight 865. Continue to lower the altitude and prepare to land. Adjust the wings to the 1 position and continue to listen to my instructions." At this time, there was also contact from the tower. The previous co-pilot was still directing Kidd and Conan to operate the aircraft.

"Okay, adjust the wings to 1." Kaitou Kid replied while operating.

"Good... now adjust to 5."

"Operation completed, adjust the wings to 5." Although this is the first time to fly a large passenger plane, not to mention that Kaitou Kidd here can still operate it in a decent manner.

As the wings adjusted, the plane here continued to lower its altitude. Now the airport runway not far away could be seen. The position was quite accurate. Everything seemed to be going smoothly. Because it had reached a critical moment, Conan also turned around and began to concentrate on operating the auxiliary flight, and had no time to continue arguing with Linton.

"Very good, adjust the wings to 10..."

"Operation completed, adjust the wings to 10."

"Now open the landing gear, and then adjust the wings to 20... align it with the runway for the last time." Seeing the current situation, to be honest, the co-pilot in the tower breathed a sigh of relief. When he received the mission, he also thought that this matter might be really troublesome, but he didn't expect that the "civilian" who was flying the plane now was really easy to teach. Based on the situation, he also felt that there should be no big problem.

"Successfully opened the landing gear, now start adjusting the wings to..." Kaito Kidd had just completed the operation of opening the landing gear, and when he was about to finally adjust the angle of the wings, an accident suddenly occurred.

Just hearing a loud "boom", a huge sound seemed to be heard from the direction above their heads. At the same time, the entire cab was suddenly surrounded by a burst of white light. The intense light made everyone close their eyes. When they opened their eyes again, all the screens on the aircraft console in front of them went dark, and even the lights in the cab were turned off. The abnormality warning light next to them started to flash.

"What's going on?" The sudden situation made Kaitou Kid here panic a little. Although on the surface he has always been very calm, he is just a high school student after all. Now this critical moment appears again. How could he not panic about such a problem.

"Lightning?" Toru Amuro was the first to react and looked at Linton next to him with a surprised look on his face, "We were struck by lightning?"

"Damn it, it's really coming. Look, what did I say!" Linton said excitedly.

"Is it time to be happy now?" Toru Amuro shouted directly.

"Calm down!" At this time, the voice of the co-pilot from the tower came from the earphones here. He should have seen the plane here being struck by lightning. "What's the situation now?"

"All the dashboards are gone." Conan replied quickly.

"Turn the white knob next to the dashboard right now."

Kaitou Kidd here immediately operated. The console should have restarted in the next second, and all the instruments displayed quickly recovered.

"Successful!" Kaitou Kidd was delighted.

"Not yet!" Conan said immediately, "The indicator light for automatic assisted landing is not on!"

"What?" The co-pilot in the tower was stunned. Then when he saw the situation of the plane outside, he immediately shouted: "It's too fast! Don't land, it's too late! Push the engine to the maximum, and then pull up the nose of the plane immediately! "

Kaitou Kid and Conan here immediately started to take action. Kaitou Kid held the operating lever with both hands and began to pull it up. Conan here immediately pushed the engine and accelerated with all his strength.

However, although the movements were completed well, the plane still rushed towards the airport below. The speed was obviously too fast. According to the current situation, it was obviously impossible to stop successfully.

"Get up!" Kaitou Kid shouted while pulling the operating lever hard.

"Hurry up!" Seeing the airport here getting closer and closer, Toru Amuro panicked behind him. If his hand hadn't been injured, he really wanted to go up and help pull the operating lever. However, in the current situation, he could only use his remaining hand to hold on to the door next to him, because the entire plane was tilting downwards and shaking terribly at the same time.

Subconsciously, Toru Amuro also looked at Linton beside him and said directly: "You should do something."

"Oh... I understand." Linton nodded, then picked up the communicator in the cab next to him.

"Dear passengers, I'm sorry to bother you again. There are some unexpected situations at present. If any of you are superhumans who can catch the plane with your bare hands, please inform the nearby flight attendants immediately. Thank you. I repeat..."

"You're making such a fuss! Is now the time to do this? Don't you think the current situation is chaotic enough?" Toru Amuro yelled directly.

"But I really can't fly a plane, so what can I do... In this situation, summoning a superman or something might be able to catch the plane... It's not too outrageous," Linton said, spreading his hands.


Toru Amuro wanted to say something else, but the next moment, there was a loud "boom" in front of him, and the entire plane shook violently, knocking Toru Amuro off the ground.

His first reaction was that it was all over. The plane should have hit the ground directly. But when he fell to the ground again, he realized that that didn't seem to be the case.

When I got up, I saw that the plane here had successfully raised its nose and was now rising in altitude. But the problem is that the vibration just now obviously hit something. It should be obvious that the plane did hit the ground, but it pulled up again at the critical moment.

"How's it going?" Conan here also asked Kaitou Kidd next to him.

"Engine No. 2 has completely fallen off." Kaitou Kid replied, "But it doesn't seem to matter for the time being. The altitude is rising."

"Engine? It doesn't matter. If only one engine falls off, it should be able to continue flying." Conan said with a sigh of relief. He really felt that he was going to die just now.

"I think you are happy too early..." However, Linton's voice suddenly came from in front of them. Conan was a little stunned, because the front of them was a control station, how could Linton speak in front of them. When he looked up, he found that Linton was lying on the front glass of the cab. He was probably thrown upward during the impact.

"What are you doing? Come down quickly!" Conan said anxiously.

"I'm afraid not..." Linton said, "There seems to be some sound of glass breaking behind me..."

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