A lightning strike penetrated Kakuzu's chest directly. Kakuzu really didn't expect that there was an ambush in the other party. All his attention was on Linton. The injury was a bit serious this time. At least one of his heads had been penetrated.

"Swish, swish, swish", three figures also appeared next to Kakashi. They were the three people from Class 10. Looking at the current situation, Shikamaru frowned obviously. After all, the current situation It was too far away from his plan.

"Copy Ninja Kakashi? He is indeed from Konoha." Kakuzu pretended to be seriously injured and looked at Kakashi weakly.

"Damn it, there are still people!" Hidan also yelled, "You idiot Kakuzu, why were you killed so quickly?"

"Damn it." Kakuzu continued to pretend to be dead. His behavior also made Kakashi relax a little and he pulled out his hand directly. However, at this moment, Kakuzu suddenly got angry and kicked Kakashi directly, knocking Kakashi's whole body. Fly out.

"What?" The three people in Class 10 were all shocked. Kakuzu had obviously been hit in the vital part. He looked like he was about to die just now. How could he burst out with such great power in an instant?

"Wind escape. Pressure!"

Kakuzu didn't have time to show off to them at this time. After all, Linton was still nearby, so he directly used the Wind Release Ninjutsu against a few of them. A hurricane struck, directly converging into a huge shock wave-like wind pressure, rolling up a burst of dust on the ground.

However, Kakuzu had no intention of actually fighting these people. When the dust was flying in front of him, he turned his head and changed the direction and started running away. Of course, the person he panicked was Linton. The battle with Linton reminded him of the battle with the first generation a long time ago, and he felt completely invincible.

However, just when he took two steps and was about to leave, his body suddenly froze in place. Of course, it was not what he thought, but his body was suddenly out of control.

"It's you..." Angle turned his eyes and looked around. At this time, the smoke behind him slowly dispersed. As he thought, it was the Konoha ninja who used shadow ninjutsu. They had already encountered it before. He is a member of the Konoha Nara clan.

Yes, the person who fixed Kakuzu was Shikamaru, and he was able to release the shadow imitation technique under the opponent's ninjutsu. It was also Choji beside him who helped him block the opponent's wind escape. Choji's body suddenly grew bigger, and he just took the opponent's blow and protected Shikamaru behind him, so that he could successfully release the ninjutsu at this time.

"Chouji, are you okay?" Shikamaru asked immediately.

"It's okay... I can handle it." Ding Ci was obviously injured, but it was nothing serious. While he was talking, Kakashi next to him also rushed to Shikamaru's side.

"What's going on... I've obviously hit the vital point, but does this guy also have immortality?" Kakashi said.

"That's it, you can't kill me at all." Kakuzu said immediately, "Your shadow ninjutsu consumes a lot of chakra, right? You can't hold on for long. You can't defeat me at all. Quick solution. If you use ninjutsu, maybe I will let you go."

Shikamaru's ninjutsu really couldn't last long, but he didn't believe what Kakuzu said: "You just wanted to run away, didn't you? Since you are immortal, why would you want to run away? Your ninjutsu is definitely not immortal. Ninjutsu of the body."

""He ran...that's because he was afraid of me. Linton's voice suddenly came over, "Kakuzu, you are pretty good at making up lies. Immortality?" I'm sorry, but I know the secret technique you used. "

"What?" Kakuzu turned his head in surprise, and Kakashi and the others also looked over strangely.

"The secret treasure of Taki Ninja Village, Yu Yu, right? You used secret techniques to capture the hearts of several people who were assassinated by you, and you were able to retain the changes in the chakra properties of these people, so you could release ninjutsu with multiple attributes. I said That's right," Linton said.

"What? How is it possible? How do you know this?" Kakuzu was really shocked. This is the secret of Taki Ninja Village. Not many people in Taki Ninja Village even know about this matter, and they know this. Almost all the people involved were silenced by him. How did Linton know this?

"How do I know? You don't need to care." Linton said, "In short, what you said about immortality is completely nonsense. You have a total of five hearts. In other words, destroy these five hearts. , you will die, right."

There was a "bang", just as Linton finished speaking, a large number of black tentacles burst out from Angle's body, and were directly divided into four people. At this time, Shikamaru's shadow imitation technique suddenly collapsed. It wasn't that he ran out of chakra, but that the Kakuzu here suddenly released a large amount of chakra and directly forcibly released this ninjutsu.

"Thunder Release. Pseudo Darkness!" "Wind Release. Pressure!" "Fire Release. Head Hard!" Three ninjutsu shots were fired directly at Linton. These ninjutsu shots were even more powerful than the ones just now. Look. In this way, Kakuzu was panicking to death after being exposed by Linton, and was ready to fight for his life.

"The Eighty-one of the Binding Dao, Breaking the Sky."

A transparent barrier suddenly appeared in front of Linton, blocking all ninjutsu in an instant. At the same time, Linton behind the barrier was still forming a seal: "Fire Escape. Dragon Flame Singing Technique."

Four fire dragons erupted from Linton's mouth and rushed directly towards the four cornered clones in front of him. At this time, it was too late for the opponent to run away. Soon, four groups of black tentacle monsters were directly hit by the fire dragon, and their whole bodies burned.

"Oh? One is missing..." Linton suddenly discovered that Kakuzu's body was missing. One of the four burned ones was a black tentacle monster that had been penetrated by Kakashi. After a moment of sensing, he found that the opponent's body had already run away when he released the ninjutsu, and the direction was still Hidan's current position.

"Hidan!" Kakuzu directly released his tentacles. The black tentacles directly penetrated Hidan's body on the ground, and then immediately penetrated Hidan's severed hand. Then the black tentacles quickly shrank, and directly penetrated Hidan's body. The hand took it back forcefully.

"I can finally move!" Hidan vomited blood and pushed himself up from the ground.

"Help!" Kakuzu shouted, and Linton turned around at this time. Seeing this, Hidan subconsciously picked up the scythe on the ground and prepared to attack. However, what he didn't expect was that the guy who saved him didn't even look back and rushed towards the rear.

"What?" Hidan came to his senses. Is this Kakuzu just trying to buy him time for him to escape? No wonder he felt that Kakuzu was suddenly so kind, he was being tricked.

Reasoning was obviously useless now, because Linton was already moving towards him. In the current situation, I really don't want to give Kakuzu a pick-and-roll anymore.

"You are really pitiful." Of course Linton understood what was going on. Kakuzu seemed to be really frightened by him for selling his teammates so smoothly, "I originally wanted to play with you. Yes, but there is no time now, you can go and die."

"I'm not afraid of you. I am immortal. With the protection of the evil god, I am invincible." Hidan roared, raising his scythe again as he spoke, "I will definitely kill you..."

"Amaterasu." Linton didn't bother to listen to his crazy talk, so he turned on the kaleidoscope and shot a black fire at him.

"What? It's Itachi's one..." Hidan felt very familiar with the flames. After all, Uchiha Itachi was also from the same organization. Then he also knows the situation of this flame. Once it burns, it will not be extinguished at all. Hidan also knew that he was afraid of the flames, and he just wanted to run, but his body really refused to obey him.

Yes, if he could move, he would have stood up and run just now. However, the damage to his body was actually very serious. Just now, he could barely stand up with the help of his attached hand. Now it is really impossible to dodge the attack. .

With a "boom", Amaterasu's black fire hit Hidan's body directly, setting him ablaze. But Guan Linton didn't care about Hidan, he just passed by him and chased Kakuzu.

Kakuzu was running pretty fast, and had been using the teleportation technique to move forward. At this time, he didn't care about the consumption of chakra at all, as long as he could escape. He was really frightened. This Linton was too fierce. The four clones were instantly killed. What else could he fight? Besides, he didn't have any chakra to continue releasing ninjutsu now.

Rushing all the way into the nearby woods, Kakuzu felt that he still had a chance to escape. However, he didn't know that Linton was watching his every move with Kagura's heart.

"It's almost time to make him despair." Linton looked at the direction and threw a kunai forward. The kunai flew all the way through the woods and flew directly to the back of Kakuzu's head. Kakuzu's senses were quite sharp, and he turned his head away in an instant to avoid the kunai, but the next moment, Linton appeared directly in front of him.

"How did you..." Kakuzu looked at Linton who suddenly appeared with trembling eyes, completely unaware that he would teleport over so suddenly.

"Despair?" Linton looked at Kakuzu and said, "That's right."

With a "bang", Kakuzu was punched directly into the ground. Half of his face was dented and he became unresponsive.

"Still awake?" Linton looked at the system prompts. It was not over yet, which meant that Jiaodu hadn't fainted yet. If he fainted now, Linton would forget about it. But if the other party didn't faint, then he wouldn't be blamed. .

"Wait, don't kill me, I can sacrifice my life for you." Seeing Linton preparing to hit the target, everyone here quickly stopped pretending to be dead and said.

"I've given you a chance, but why are you so durable?" Linton said.

"What?" Jiaodu was confused. What kind of opportunity? I didn't feel that you gave me a chance at all, okay?

"Broken Path No. 63. Thunder Roar Cannon."

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