I really can't control myself

Chapter 2294 Deception

"Do you know the location of this guild headquarters?" Copalluon here has been waiting for Linton to observe this letter. Linton seems to know what this letter is about. Gopallu Weng really has no way to find his owner Wang Lanhua, so he can only place his bet on Linton.

However, what he didn't expect was that Linton took out a slate after reading the letter for a while. Gopalu Weng was stunned for a moment and asked directly: "What is this?"

"I probably understand the situation. Your master Wang Lanhua is probably really in danger." Linton said. Yes, he is going to start cheating too, and of course he will continue to cheat with what Wang Lanhua made up. Linton said that this was your master's first move. He even deceived his own pets. What a waste. Linton said, look at yourself. If you want to deceive, just deceive other people. Your own family doesn't need any deception at all. Just call them. .

"Really? What should we do?" Gopalluon here has no doubts at all, because these words were not said by Linton, but by Wang Lanhua. He had no doubt that what his trainer said was false. The possibility of, "Where is she? I have to help her right away. You know where she is, right?"

"It's a pity that your master is no longer in this world." Linton said directly.

"Uh...what?" Gopalluon was slightly stunned when he heard this. Not in this world? It's not that he can't understand the existence of other worlds. In fact, he woke up early when the Rockets invaded here in the past few days, and was also observing the situation of these Rockets people, so from their mouths, he I did know some things outside. It hasn't gone outside to see the situation, but it probably knows something about the fusion of worlds.

"It is a pity that it is quite difficult to go to the world where Wang Lanhua lives." Linton did not give the other party time to think, and continued to urge the other party with the urgency of the situation, so that the other party could really calm down and think.

"Other worlds? Isn't the headquarters of this guild not in this world?" Gopalu Weng asked anxiously.

"Well, not in this world. In fact, your master Wang Lanhua and I are not from this world. She and I are from the same place, but we are just looking for each other now." Linton said, " You should know something about this, and you should be able to judge whether what I say is true."

Gopalu Weng did know something, because Wang Lanhua did mention it to him. Of course, it didn't think much at all and just believed Linton's words: "Then what should we do now?"

"It's really difficult for you to get there, but now that I know the specific spatial coordinates through this letter, I can rush over to help." Linton said, "You know, I'm not originally People in this world, so the barriers of this world are not that strong on me, so if I want to cross the world, I can do it."

The deception was quite decent, not to mention Gopalu Weng. Xiao Mao next to him felt that Linton was not talking nonsense, and that there really was something like a binding force in the world. Linton had also told Xiaomao before that he was a being who could walk between worlds. Didn't he walk between the two worlds before and inform them about the fusion of worlds? Now it makes sense to go to other worlds.

"It's just that my own travels are all planned. Now if I suddenly want to go to the world where Wang Lanhua is to help, I will be a little short of energy." Linton said.

"Energy? What type of energy?" Xiao Mao here asked.

"Some special energy, you may not understand it when I say it, mainly things like positive entropy." Although Linton said this, he actually didn't understand it very well. These are all from Asuna's side. He heard some weird words, which was how Asuna fooled him last time when he was studying the reverse material world. Anyway, he didn't understand it, so he believed it. Now the same routine is used to fool Gopallu Weng and Xiaomao again.

Sure enough, both of them had confused expressions, but Asuna herself was right next to her and already understood what Linton meant. Of course, she would definitely not expose it.

"It's too much for you to understand. To put it simply, it's this thing." Linton also took out the slate as he spoke. Originally, he wanted to take out the Mega Stone and Taijing Ore. Anyway, any of them would be fine. He couldn't believe that Gopalluon could provide some information, but as for the first thing to take out, Gopalluon here was the one. There was an immediate reaction.

"I've seen this thing!" Gopalluon here shouted immediately when he saw the stone slab.

"What?" Linton expressed that he had been shocked for a whole year. This Gopalon is really too reliable. If you really have any troubles, just go to it. How could there be such a reliable Pokémon? , This Wang Lanhua saved the world in her previous life, right? This way I can meet such a reliable guy.

Ever since Wang Lanhua was a child, there was nothing Gopalu Weng couldn't do. I asked him to find the other two Holy Swordsmen before, and I think he was able to do it. The invitation letter must have been completed. Look at the slate now, so this guy is really... reliable.

"I have seen this thing in Terrakion and Biligion." Gopalluon here also said immediately, "When I was looking for them, I paid special attention to this thing, because it does emit There is a special energy that makes me feel...somewhat close."

What Copalion meant is that this stone slab exudes some aura of the creator god Arceus, so these stone slabs are originally from it. The aura of Arceus is probably felt by Pokémon. After all, it is the creator of the world. Since the existence of this world, she is probably regarded as the mother of all people.

Of course, now that we have brought it here, doesn't this just confirm what Linton said that this thing has energy? Gopalluong was obviously more convinced.

"Then...where are these two?" Linton took out two other things, fragments of the MEGA stone and fragments of the Taijing Mine and asked, looking at Gopalu Weng here expectantly.

"I've seen this before." Sure enough, Copalluon here did not disappoint Linton again. He directly pointed to the MEGA ore here with his hoof, and then said, "And it's right here, inside this cave. There is an ore similar to this one, but it’s buried a little deeper, and I know how to get there.”

"No... uh... you are just a little too reliable. Have you ever thought about hanging out with me?" Linton couldn't help but said.

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